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WORTS FORM CHART WORTH ILL May 4 Third day Worth Jockey Club Spring Meeting Veathorclear track fast Presiding Jndge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m f A rj f Q FIRST RACE 1 31G Miles Purse 100 575 to second 25 to third tir I iij 3yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St St M ii i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 245722LAMACHUS 4 108 2 2 21 23 2 1 Hi Domiuick L H Ezell 2 2 2 9 10 245692 AL BROWN 3 95 1 3 11 Hi H 2 2 T Dean G V Poole Co 3 3 31 32 24570 SUNLOCKS 4 10S 3 5 i 4 3 33 41 3 Robertson S S Tracy Co S 44 4i 85 24668 AZIM 3 95 7 7 61 6 52 3 4H Davisson R M Westerfield 4i 7 7 2 24701 REFUGEE 8 109 5 IH 33 45 4 55 55 Coburn B Kaufman G 10 8 3 24668 PAPA HAHRYG 109 6 4 55 5H 612 520 612 Carter H A Cotton 10 12 12 5 24598 EL DERIM 4 105 4n 6i 7 7 7 7 7 Gormley F L Boyd 15 1G 16 7 7Time Time 12 24 37 50 1 02 1 16 1 30 1 42 1 5G 2 OUs Winner OUsWinner B c by Hanover Miss VV inkle inkleWent Went to post at 215 At post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly the next throe finished close together and were driving to the limit Lamachus was finely handled Dominick waited on Al Brown until the stretch was reached and made his move at precisely the right time Al Browns wind is affected and this route was too far for him He was staggering at the end and barely lasted long enoujfh to gat second place Sunlocks was well handled and ran to his best form Azim will do better on a muddy track At that ho ran a good rece and saved ground by skinning the rail on the stretch turn Coburn rode Refugee hard all the way but could never get near the leaders after the first quarter The other two were beaten off all the way Lamachus wayLamachus show 2 to 5 Al Brown show 7 to 10 Sunlocks show 7 to 10 SECOND RACE 12 Mile Purse 5400 75 to second 25 to third 24730 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horaes A Wt St M H a StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24238 ABE FRANK 113 3 1212 12 Cobnrn G C Bennett Co 1 1 1 15 15245431BR1DGE 245431BR1DGE llli 1s 3 35 26 Crowhurst W H McCorkle 9101 1 out 24567 JOHANNA D 107 4 2 2i 32 R Narvaez G B Watkins 10 20 20 3 wx a ALMA GIRL 105 6 6 42 42 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 30 60 GO 15 24350 LITTLE DEVIL 105 2 52 5 55 W Adams W H Ketcbiman 60 200 200 40 40SMITHS SMITHS REEL 107i 5 41 6 G W Wilson H T Carman 30 ICO 100 20 20Time Time 12 24 36 48 Winner Ch c by Hanover Cheesestraw CheesestrawWent Went to post at 245 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second with something left after a sharp early drive Abe Frank is a grandlooking youngster and from all indications the best that has shown up here this year He was not compelled to run fast in the first part of the race and in fact was never asked to do his best but through the stretch he came like a whirlwind and could have run much faster than ho did Bridge was sharply interfered with on the far turn Coburn with Abe Frank deliberately shutting him off Johanna D was outclassed as also were the others The former showed her usual amount of speed then quit Overweights quitOverweights Bridge 1 pounds Smiths Reel 21 Abe Frank show out Johanna D show 1 to 2 O A H Q 1 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Pnrso 400 75 to second 25 to third JtJb i O L 3yearoldE and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H M StrFin Jockeys Owners O 2466329EVOY 6116 31 11 IH 12 124 Robertson J Call 25 25 720 out 24546 CHAR MOORE 4 114 5 4 3 23 2 Coburn T F Coles 58865 5886524488MORONI 24488MORONI 6 101 IH 3 4i 42 35 Gormley J Arthur 4 71 71 1 1245193MARK 245193MARK MILES 5101 4 22 23 31 42 C Booker MrsFVanNessCo20 60 60 15 24493 L VIEW BELLES 85 7 61 1 5 5 5 R Jackson M C Moore 12 20 20 4 24339 ADDIE 3 95 6 5n 61 62 61 Doss C B Campbell 30 60 GO 12 12246643AVATAR 246643AVATAR 4 101 2 7777 Otis K J Murphy 10 40 40 5 Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 SB3 49 1 01 1 14 Winner Ch g by St Saviour Kassie KassieWent Went to post at 315 At post 3 minutes Start good Won eased up second the same third and fourth driving Sevoy was much the best and in a soft soot He breezed under a stout pull all the way and is deserving of attention in with the best at threequarters Charley Moore was well ridden the shortest route He is in great form is a big longstriding horse and prefers a longer route Moroni does not seem to be at his best He had bad luck being interfered with on the far turn Mark Miles showed a lot of speed but was used up trying to catch Sevoy in the first part of the race raceScratched Scratched 24428 Fannie Leland 97 24430 Dr Grace 90 90Overweights Overweights Avatar 2 pounds poundsCharley Charley Moore show 1 to 2 Moroni show 1 to 3 O A H Q FOURTH RACE 1 11O Miles Purse 500 75 to second 25 to thhd jflrfc I O 1 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M V StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24666 OH NET 4 102 4 21 2 23 In 1J Dominick M J Maloney 21 3 3 1120 24G63BONEY BOY 5102 15 12 11 11 2H 25 Coburn Mrs R Bradley 45 4 5 23 out 24666 BRANCH 6 102 2s 33 3 310 310 88 R Jackson M C Moore 3 41 4 1 24668 FREE LANCE 7 105 3n 4 4 4 4 4 J Mathews W H Ketchiman 15 20 15 4 Time 12 24J6 37 49Vg 1 02 1 15 1 27 1 41 1 47 47Winner Winner Ch g by Conrad Lucy P PWent Went to post at 345 Off at the first break to a good start Won in a mild drive second driving hard Ohnet improved suddenly and under an excellent ride ran a high class race Dominick eat perfectly still and never made a move on the gelding until the stretch waa reached Then he went to the front without great effort To make sure of winning tha boy drew his whip about twentjr yarde from the wire but was not compelled to apply it more than twice Boney Boy got a flying start hugged the rail all the way and Coburn rated him with judgment in front He simply was not good enough to beat Ohnet It was a two horse horse horseOhnet Ohnet show out Branch show out Free Lance show 4 to 5 O A 7 Q Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 5400 75 to second 25 to third tt I OO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M V 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24629 LEO NEWELL 3 93 3 5n 3 31 31133 33 1 H Jackson F T Wood Wood24G013ED 35585 24G013ED ADACK 3 87 2N 2Nx IH 2H 22 H 2 Gormley J T Stewa Stewart 2 3 3 65 23961 LAUREATE 9106 It 21 1 1 21 i 32 Cobnrn G C Benne Bennett Co 75 75 75 45 24665 PLEAD 3 105 4n 7 52 45 45 410 J Mathews J S Rothei 7 13 13 5 24572 JACKADIE 5 103 5 3 6 5 58 52 Otis K J Murphy 30 60 60 20 24431 JIM W 5 106 7 61 4 6 6 6 C Booker E L Talley 5 13 13 4 424572OBSIDIAN 24572OBSIDIAN 5 101 6 4 Bled Davisson E F Miller 6 6 6 11 5 5Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 12 23 37J 50 1 16M 1 29 1 42 42Winner Winner Br g by Aerolithe Kate Harper HarperWent Went to post at 415 At post 3 miuntes Start good Won in a hard drive second driving hard also Leo Newell was cleverly handled and came with a great rush through the stretch Jackson saved his mount with judgment and waited for the final quarter to make his run Leo Newell is a hard horse to ride Ed Adack appeared all over a winner at the eighth post but when challenged hung Laureate looked high in flesh but showed a lot of speed He quit badly however in the stretch and was possibly short Still he is an old horse and consequently a bad betting proposition Plead was short on early speed but finished stoutly Jim W was stiff and BOIO when going to the post and pulled up lame Obsidian was running well in hand when he bled and was pulled up upOverweights Overweights Plead 4 pounds poundsScratched Scratched 246682Rhinelander 108 108Leo Leo Newell show 4 to 5 Ed Adack show 1 to 2 Laureate show out O A T Q A 81XTH BACK 1 Mile Purse S400 75 to second 25 to third jfJ r 4 Ott 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Horses A Wt 8t K 5i BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 246023CHAUN FI8HER6 103 1 22 23 2H 2 1 Coburn W Mnlveil 55485 55485246313ABOUT 246313ABOUT 3 86 2 1 1 It It 2 Gormley CE Brossman 3 3 1351 135124700BENGAL 24700BENGAL 3 88 4 5H 4i 32 3 3 R Jackson J J Marklein Co2t 331 33124461PHIDIAS 24461PHIDIAS 5 98 6 43 52 53 53 42 Davisson V Hughes Co 2 4 4 85 24568 C B CAMPBELLS 95 5 32 311 42J 42 51 Doss C B Campbell 20 20 20 6 24548 GIVE ALL 3 88 7 75 7n 7 8 6 W Knapp James Curl 10 25 25 8 24430 HAN8WURST 3 96 8 6 6 6 62 71 C Smith T Licalzi 10 15 15 6 24461 BRIGHT NIGHT 5 106 3 8 8 8 7 8 Otis M Stark 12 40 40 10 Time 12 15 37 50 1 03 1 17 1 30 1 13 Apprentice allowance allowanceWinner Winner B g by Chance Fuchsia FuchsiaWent Went to post at 445 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving and out to the last ounce ounceJ J fcl A A f tl l fi n Vi 4 Irtt A fM T7el 1 l Vn was superbly ridden Coburn fairly lifted the gelding for the last fifty yards About showed the most spaed but Gormley was of little or no help to him when the pinch came Bengal took the longest route With any kind of a decent ride Phidias could not have lost Davissou had him all over the track and messed him about generally C B Campbell showed speed and did well as far as he went Hanswnrst Bright Night and Give All were never contenders contendersCorrected Corrected weights Phidias 98 pounds poundsChanncey Channcey Fisher show 4 to B About show Ito2 Bengal show 1 to 2 Phidias show 4 to 5