Morris Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-05


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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Hac Eclipse Course 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingtnd tnd Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 21813 Redpath 4 116 750 22186 Fonsolee 4 114 715 22032 The Amazon 4 109 735 22557 Chaos 3 109 720 72022537Foderalist 22537Foderalist 4 106 7 7Twig Twig b c by Eeher Branch 3 104 246033Ventoro 5 101 735 24578 Snark 3 101 740 24553 Himyarite 3 96 725 20500 Bluff 3 94 720 24604 Manga 3 89 730 730Second Second Race Last 13 Mile MileEclipse Eclipse Course j j2year 2year olds Maidens Allowances Goldeeeker ch c by Gold ¬ finch La Belle Juivo 107 244033Shandonfield 107 750 750Sinecure Sinecure ch g by Tammany The Task 104 24576 Francois 104 735 735Leonnora Leonnora Loring 104 Villeda b or br f by Esher Vendn 104 Bonner b g by Montana LolaA 104 Tenagra b f by Tenny Magnetism 104 24528 Santa Bonita 104 740 740Hatasoo Hatasoo br f by Albert Hoodoo 104 Third Race Last 6 13 Furlongs FurlongsWithers Withers Milej Milej3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesLnd Lnd Horses Ags Wt Hdcp Hdcp221353Glade 221353Glade Run 116 725 725246692The 246692The Rhymer Ill 735 21458 Lancoman 109 720 720247353Isia 247353Isia 109 750 750220343Katherine 220343Katherine 104 740 740Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses color eexpadigrtt Wt Hdo Hdo246732Wait 246732Wait Not a 114 740 740240353Judge 240353Judge Wardell 6 Ill 715 21773 Armor 4 110 735 735Mark Mark Twain blk c by byAlbert Albert Susie Lasley 3 104 2210G3Roehampton 3 104 750 24670 Denman Thompson 3 103 735 24435 Sen De Lear 3 103 725 24577 In Shot 3 101 730 730Big Big Injun ch g by For ¬ tissimo Papoose 3 101 24197Nitrate 3100 720 24498 Bean 3 93 725 24736 Nionia 3 93 715 715Fifth Fifth Race Withers Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and npward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Agt Wt Hdcp 24143 Decanter 6 109 720 246732 Wait Not 5 109 730 220503 Herbert 4 106 750 225562 Prince Richard 4 106 725 21638 ttorokaota 4 106 720 24404 Magnificent 4 106 725 725244962Royal 244962Royal Sterling 4 106 735 735246352Qodfrey 246352Qodfrey 5 106 740 24738 King Bramble 4 106 735 735Sixth Sixth Race Withers Mile MileThe The Railroad Handicap 700 added added3yearolds 3yearolds and upward 24738 Heliobas 5 128 755 75524738Ogden 24738Ogden 7 122 775 24733 Knightof Rhodes 4 118 765 19042 Gulden 4 115 770 218621 Potente 6 114 700 70024738Onmaiked 24738Onmaiked 4 112 800 80024738iUotley 24738iUotley 4 112 780 78024735fWater 24735fWater Color 3 110 790 79024G03Outlander 24G03Outlander 3 109 775 24143 Decanter 6 108 750 75024738iiKing 24738iiKing Bramble 4 107 775 77518978tLatson 18978tLatson 6 103 740 74021230fSweet 21230fSweet Lavender 3 103 775 24738 All Gold 4 99 780 780246692The 246692The Rhymer 3 98 775 775246723Himself 246723Himself 3 95 770 17740 Choir Master 3 93 730 730247363The 247363The Chambarlain 4 90 765 24552 Alsike 5 89 740 740J J R F P Keene entry entryf f C Littlefield Jr entry entryvv vv Lakeland entry entryIIP IIP H McCarren entry

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Local Identifier: drf1901050501_3_3
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