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WORTH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Maiden Fillies Allowances Ind Horses color sex Apsdigraa Wt Hdop Belle of Minco ch f by Mor Mordotte dotte La Jota 110 245672Lucy Locket 110 690 April 690April ch f by Andrain Emerald 110 243323Minerva 110 700 700Herso Herso ch f by Sleipner Hoatherbelle 110 245673Arlean B 110 640 24360 Lena Schady 110 625 24567 Irkutsk 110 655 24340 Nimbledown 105 650 24703 Chanson 105 625 24567 Sly Maid 105 685 685Second Second Race 5 13 Fnrlonjfa Fnrlonjfa3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horaoa Age W Hdcp Hdcp24215Konilworth 24215Konilworth 115 720 720242623Miss 242623Miss Bennett 100 750 75024700Mr 24700Mr Smith 95 650 650245l4Ploranthe 245l4Ploranthe 95 600 24731 Lake View Belle 95 660 660247003Little 247003Little Pepper 92 640 640T T F Sellers entry entryThird Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soiling247012Expelled 247012Expelled 4 123 700 24732 Free Lance 7 121 680 24512 Oxnard 6 118 650 650246303Debride 246303Debride 7 118 710 21489 Little Singer 6 116 665 21731 Avatar 4 116 675 24700 Lydia S 4 Ill 670 247013 Morriman 3 109 690 690247013Emma 247013Emma C L 3 106 695 24731 Give All 3 104 650 6502473l3Bengal 2473l3Bengal 3 104 675 6752156S3Lady 2156S3Lady Idris 3 102 685 685247042Red 247042Red Appln 3 102 705 7052470lPiratea 2470lPiratea Queen 3 101 725 725Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds and upwards Allowances 24733 Jim W 5 109 710 24520 Frank Ireland 5 106 650 650247333Laureate 247333Laureate 9 106 740 24666 Merito 4 100 750 24457 Hampshire 3 91 725 72521C63 21C63 Shut Dp 3 91 715 715Fifth Fifth Race58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp24597Tohn 24597Tohn A Clarke 110 665 66524699Ed 24699Ed Austin 110 700 24518 Bert Sargent 110 650 650Harry Harry Brennan b cby Quick ¬ limeFidel 104 216992Miraclo II 101 680 680Sixtli Sixtli Race 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 24367 Strangest 5 109 690 69024668Trebor 24668Trebor 6 107 730 73024629Myth 24629Myth 7 105 750 7502466S3E1 2466S3E1 Canoy 4 104 735 24572 Toba Paine 510t 685 246612 Dousterswivol 6 104 665 66521571Thurles 21571Thurles 6 104 715 715245712Dagmar 245712Dagmar 6 101 705 24668 Kentucky Babe 4 101 710 24731 Phidias 5 101 695 69523S432Excolsis 23S432Excolsis 5 101 105 24729 Papa Harry 6 101 650 24668 Hoods Brigade 4 99 715