Worth Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-14


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WORTH FORM CHART CHARTWORTH WORTH ILL May 13 Tenth day Worth Jockey Clnb Spring Meeting Weather clear tract fast Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m Q T T FIR8T RACE 7 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 2 bCit 6 i 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Vt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24S41 1DA V 3 105 3 42 31 22 12 12 Coburn J E Cashing 75 7511102 3 324S74 24S74 WOODSTICK 3110 6 5 01 51 3 25 J Mathows MrsRMWestorfld 3 31 1651 21645 RUSTIC GIKL 3 105 1 H 12 12 3H Dugan E R Rodgers Co6 10 9 3 24838 BLUMIST 3 107 5 6 51 65 5 43 See T Licalzi 20 30 30 9 24874 DAISY O 4 117 4 3 41 42 4U 55 Beaton J Curl 8 20 20 5 24841 PRBS TATYANA 3 103 2 2i 31 3 65 62 Nutt Mrs F Zuohlke 66685 24910 FNNIE LELAND4 117 7 7 7 7 7 7 Roberteon C H Hayden 10 40 40 12 12Time Time 132536 49fo 103 115 130 130Winner Winner Blk f by Badge Enquiry EnquiryWent Went to post at 220 At post 4 minutes Start good Won in a mild drive second and third were doing their bast Ida V got a perfect ride and proved the best of a bad lot She was in ¬ clined to hang a trifle in the final sixteenth but when Cobnrn struck her with the whip she responded gamely and had something left to finish with The route was hardly far enough for Woodstick to do his best The colt was slow to get in bis stride but finished resolutely Rustic Girl was the quickest breaker of the bunch and ran a fairly good race for about half a mile then she quit badly Daisy O was interfered with on the far turn Princess Tatyana does not seem to bo of much account this year She had no excuses but simply lacked speed Blumiet was running fast at the finish after being pocketed on the backstretch backstretchScratched Scratched 24489 Little Singer 118 24909 Oricins 102 102Ida Ida V show 1 to 6 Woodstick show 2 to 5 Rustic Girl si O 8 O r7 Q SECOND RACE 78 Mile Puree 100 75 to second 25 to third j jtty I O 3yearolds and upward Sellins End Horses A Wt St M Ki H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24945RED APPLE 3 105 5 2 H 13 10 1 Rico E Trotter Co 4 5 5 2 21838 MERRIMAN 3 110 7 71 63 5J 31 23 Coburn G C Bennett Co 2 16516565 249132IRMA S 5 119 5 4i 3 32 2 31 Roberteon M B Jordan 2 3 1351 1351248383AARON 248383AARON 3 107 l 5 41 4 42 4n Nutt 8 S Bender Co 4 9 9 3 24874 JACKAD1E 5 121 3J 62 51 71 55 5 Otis K J Murphy 15 30 20 6 22587 GBILL HIGGINS3 107 8 8 7 6 6J 63 Soaton J Maiden 30 40 40 20 21913 BENGAL 3 107 2 31 21 2 75 72 Dugan J J Markloin Co5 7 7 24 24913 OSMON 7 121 1 1 8 8 8 8 I Lewis Hughes Miller 4993 4993Apprentice Apprentice allowance allowanceTime Time 12 24 36 49 = b 1 02 1 15 1 29 29Winner Winner Ch c by Appomattox Porusia PorusiaWent Went to post at 250 At post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving to the limit Red Apple was the best and spreadeagled his field His price was out of line Merri ¬ man got into a lot of trouble on the first turn and did not get straightened out until the stretch was reached then he finished very strongly Irma S could not handle the weight Sho and Aaron were tired at the finish and toth swerved badly After showing speed for a half Bengal quit suddenly and badly Osmpn dropped from first place to last in a hurry going down the back stretch He beat the barrier but this advantage proved of no use to him himScratched Scratched 24523 Lew Hopper 121 121Red Red Apple show evens Merriman show 3 to 5 Irma S show 1 to 2 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 5400 75 to second S25 to third 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt 8t Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 246282HAYDON 110 6 2s 2 2 2 Coburn W Hedges Co 3 3 3 910 910249113BLUE 249113BLUE RIDGE 100 4 6 55 3 3 J Martin CEMahoneCo7 10 10 3 32491DM1NERVA 2491DM1NERVA 103 2i 52 41 42 45 See C Lind 3441 24730 ALMA GIRL 105 5 4 31 510 55 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 50 60 60 15 15239772ERNE8T 239772ERNE8T PARHAM 104 I 31 6 6 6 Dngan MkleinWmhofflS 30 30 10 Time 12 23 36 4SJ 1 02 02Winner Winner B f by Governor Foraker f atoka atokaWont Wont to post at 320 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily the next throe finished noses apart and were driving to the limit Yana showed considerable quality She was conceding weight to all the other starters and made a show of them Dominick was easing Yana up from the sixteenth post home Haydon broke running had clear sailing was well ridden and did as well as he is capable of doing He was thing badly at the end and only Coburns powerful finish landed him in second place Blue Ridge displayed great gamness She could not keep up the first part of it but under severe punishment closed much ground in the last threo furlongs Minerva was right there and is a consistent performer She was bumped and interfered with by Haydon at the start Ernest Parham shied on his way to the post and unseated Dugan The colt was caught however before he had a chance to run away and in the race showed speed Overweights speedOverweights Ernest Parham 1 pound Minerva 1 1Yana Yana show 1 to 6 Haydon show out Bine Ridge show 7 to 10 Minerva show 9 to 20 O I O QO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse f400 75 to second 25 to third li ± J O J 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 54 yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 249122CAVIAR 4 112 3 1 H 11 1 1 J Mathewa W L Lansing 85 13513512 13513512249I23LOUISVILLE 249I23LOUISVILLE 4 102 2 22 23 21 22 22 J Martin C E Mahono Co 85 85 32 13 24942 BONE Y BOY 5 108 1 3 3 3 3 3 Coburn Mrs R Bradley 2 21 85 25 25Time Time 13 25 38J 51 1 04 10 10Winner Winner B c by Fordham Annie G GWent Went to post at 350 Off at the first break to a good start Won driven out the other two were driving also It was a falsely run race Caviar won simply because he was the luckiest Mat bows loafed in front with him at a snails pace in the first part of it and took particular pains to shut Bouey Boy oil when the latter tried to come through at the head of the stretch It was a clever and legitimate piece of work on Mathews part Coburns riding on Boney Boy was bad He took the gelding back on ths first turn and in BO doing yanked him clear out of his stride After this Cobnrn evidently got rattled and foolishly tried to come through an impossi ¬ ble opening on the stretch bend Louisville was sent to the post wearing spurs but the judges called Martin up and made him remove them Martin made a mistake with Louisville by not taking hor to the front and forcing the pace as she always runs better when ridden this way Once more Boney Boy showed how hard he is to guess but properly ridden he in all probabil ¬ ity would have won FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 3O Yards Purse 400 75 to second S25 to third 3vaarolds Selling A Wt St M X 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 248782PLEAD 89 3 51 3 33 33 In Timms J 8 Rothert 4442 24838 IMPROMPTU 104 2 21 21 21 1 25 See F W Minor 55432 5543299i52PIRATES 99i52PIRATES QUEEN 97 I 12 11 12 21 31 Davisson J Arthur Co 2 2 115910 24914 AL BROWN 105 IKK QI 5 42 42 4 K J Martin G W Poolo Co 55485 9479 AZIM 99 8 8 8 72 6 5i C Booker R M Westorfiold 6 25 25 8 8249092JOHN 249092JOHN DRAKE 99 6 4 4 56 51 62 Beaton D V Grace Co 6993 6993248023HAN8WURST 248023HAN8WURST 105 4 71 7 8 8 72 Dugan T Ticalzi 20 40 40 12 1224665SEOCRYS 24665SEOCRYS 99 5 3s 65 61 7 8 Nutt J Griffin Co 7 13 13 5 5Apprentice Apprentice allowance allowanceTime Time 12 25 37 49 1 02 1 16V 1 42Jg 1 13 13Winner Winner B f by Mars Specialty Went SpecialtyWent to post at 415 At post 2 minutes Start good The first two wero driving hard Plead was the best and had to be to win Sbe was badly messed about on the first turn and taken the longest route throughout Timms did the best he could but that was bad From the head of the stretch home Plead on her own courage closed rapidly and at the end was going away Im all through the stretch pinned back hia ears being inclined to sulk Pirates Queen perhaps is a trifle stale Bhe has had a lot of it lately and aftsr going about three quarters plainly showed she was in distress Al Brown had bad luck throughout Booker left the post pulling Azim up John Drake had no excuses When he stopped in the stretch he stopped badly badlyScratched24944 Scratched24944 Krewer 99 24909 Lecturer 99 99Plead Plead show evens Impromptu show 4 to 5 Pirates Queen show 1 to 2 Al Brown show 4 to 5 fcft i riO 1 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third VjAiVO 4yearolds and upward Soiling fnd Horses A Wt St X H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 5 iqi42FHEE LANCE 7 112 5 3 It 11 13 13 Dugan W H Ketchiman 3 18518565 24805 MD RESERVE 5 109 8 61 4 2 2 22 C Booker G B Havill 15 35 35 10 4 H4 JOHN GRIGSBY 4 108 3 21 21 35 3 31 Coburn JJMF Murray 4 4 4 85 85248403HDS 248403HDS BRIGADE4 105 7 5 52 4 43 41 Davisfion J Arthur Co 2 3 2 1 flSOS AVATAR 4 105 4i 4 7U 73 6 5 Otis K J Murphy 20 30 30 10 9 PATROON 6 112 2H 1 3 53 53 61 J Baker Bolich Sweot 8883 24701 CHANCERY 5 109 1 8 8 8 8 73 J Mathews L H Ezell 5773 24944 SUNLOCKS 4 108 6 74 6 63 71 8 Robertson 8 S Tracy Co 6 15 13 5 Apprentice allowance f Winner Ch h by Cavalier Lady Alice Went to post at 445 Off at the first break to a good start Won easily second third and fourth driving hard Free Lance was the best received a good ride and was never fully ex ¬ tended Maryland Reserve ran an extraordinarily good race for him He got away none too well ran around tho entire field on the first turn and was loosely ridden throughout In the stretch when Booker applied the whip Maryland Reserve swerved badly sharply interfering with John Grigsby The latter was lucky and did his best Hoods Brigade got into a bad mix up on the first turn was bumped and almost knocked down This ruined whatever chance he may have had Patroon showed speed for about a half Chancery was beaten off all the way Avatar will do better in the mud mudScratched Scratched 24805 Phidias 109 248053Tobe Paine 112 24914Dousterswivel 112 24912 De ¬ fender II 109 109Free Free Lance show 1 to 2 Maryland Reserve show 4 to 1 John Grigsby show 4 to 5 Hoods Brigade show 1 to 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901051401/drf1901051401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901051401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800