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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 18 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 1 1Ind Ind Horses color eoxptdigrat Wt Hdor Hdor248252Mystoo 248252Mystoo 108 715 715249233Jnngfran 249233Jnngfran 108 720 240793 Anna Louise 108 715 71524S512Zoraide 24S512Zoraide 108 725 725Okla Okla b f by Coverton In ¬ dia 108 Wissendine b f by Pirate of Penzance Belle of the theHighlands Highlands 108 24900 Ethylene 103 705 705Nora Nora D 108 HasGift 108 24923 Eva Belle 108 700 24531 Lady Burlington 108 705 24923 Margery Long 103 710 24923 Maria Elena 103 700 24923 Bandrol 103 705 24923 EllaFloronce 103 700 700Second Second Race 5 15 FnrlongB 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Hcraoa Age Wt Hdcp 22918 Good Knight 5 112 675 24753 Asoka 5 112 680 24850 The Wag 4 112 665 23928 Anastasia A 110 660 23928 Actine 5 110 675 675Charles Charles E Billingsley 3 109 20506 First One 4 107 670 670Discrepancy Discrepancy 4 107 21729 Oudenardo 3 100 700 700Blatter Blatter 3 100 24952 Carpathian 3 97 685 24849 Roraima 3 95 670 21717 Ellis Glenn 3 95 690 19514 May Do 3 95 665 665247852Vectas 247852Vectas 3 95 685 685Third Third Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horeos color saxpedigros Wi Hdcp 21954 Lemuel 109 720 720248513Marie 248513Marie Bell 106 710 710247132Ardita 247132Ardita 106 715 71524954Trio 24954Trio 106 725 24851 Jim Bcanlan 106 715 715Quaker Quaker ch c by Faustus Bella Broeck 104 249232Lacrimae 104 710 710Larry Larry Wilt br c by Wads worth Fancy Free 101 24851 Swiftlight 103 700 24851 Winter Bell 101 705 705Chanterelle Chanterelle b f by Char Charaxus axus Ada Belle 98 24825 Rosy Cross 95 695 24851 Baldo 95 705 705CroixdOr CroixdOr 95 24851 Reap 95 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Aga Wt Hdcp Hdcp249243Ampore 249243Ampore 110 725 725249242Blink 249242Blink 105 715 71524924Miss 24924Miss Aubrey 105 710 710249522Maximns 249522Maximns 105 720 24955 Wall 100 710 710Fifth Fifth Knee 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling218292Chappaqna 218292Chappaqna 5 116 710 7102i830Chopin 2i830Chopin 5 110 725 725247863Beana 247863Beana 5 107 715 24957 Louisville Belle 5 103 705 705249583Jake 249583Jake Weber 4 101 710 710249572Aurea 249572Aurea 4 101 720 24957 Zazel 4 99 700 70024899Hurry 24899Hurry 3 93 715 715Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 21788 Meddlesome 5 113 695 24644 Marguerite Hageman 5 108 715 23580 Harry Preston 5 107 695 i 22197 Randazzo 6 107 710 20211 Mound City 5 107 705 23860 Percy R 6 107 700 700Marguoret Marguoret 3 105 24921 Samivel 6 104 715 24852 Tnskarosa 3 104 725 19881 Mandamus 4 103 685 685249532Doralice 249532Doralice 5 102 710 23513 Eugenia S 5 101 690 24902 Winyah 4 ICO 705 24787 Fridolin 3 97 700 700249252Alea 249252Alea 3 94 720