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OAKLAND FORM CHART OAKLAND CAL May 13 Ninetythird day California Jockey Club Spring Meeting MeetingWeather Weather foggy track fast Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 205 p m Recall flag is need CKf Q FIRST RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 4yearolds and upward J2OUUO Selling ind Horses A Wt St M tf 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 23608 LOU CLIEVEDEN4 110 4 43 31 22 1 Stuart J C Nealon 10 12 8 3 C 4S67SEARCHLIGHT 6 112 1 11 11 12 21 Bassinger J D Beauchamp 21 3 1351 4S32 SAUL OF TARSUS4 112 2 3 42 31 31 Alexander S McNanghton 1151152 45 24933 GOLD FINDER 4 112 6 6 6H 4 42 Materne M Storn 15 30 30 10 24621 HILARY 4112 7 51 SH 7 52 FauntleroyD C McCarty 8 10 10 4 243493 KATIE WALCOTX4 105 8 87 62 62 Russell E Kaufman 10 12 8 3 3719 ONYX 5 107 9 9 8 8 75 Hazard W P Fine 12 12 10 4 24621 KINGS PAL 4 112 3 2u 2 5 8 Ruiz H J Jones 8 12 12 5 4S32 YOUNG MORLLO4 115 5 7 9 9 92 J Brown Liberty Stable 20 30 30 12 23912 BAGDAD 4 112 10 10 10 10 10 Priar H L Hasliell 50 50 40 15 15242702POSITION 15242702POSITION 242702POSITION 4 107 11 11 11 11 11 Marshal J Croeley 18 20 20 8 8Time Time 18241491108 18241491108Winner Winner Ch f by Clieveden Miss Lou LouWent Went to post at 210 At post 9 minutes Start fair Won with the first three driving hard Lou Clieveden was given the best ride and finished fast and strongly Searchlight should have won but Bassingar dropped hie reins and appeared to be bewildered in the last sixteenth Saul of Tarsus did his best but could nf ver get up Gold Finder ran in improved form Onyx was all but left as also were Position and Bagdad BagdadScratched Scratched 24904 Frank Woods 112 112Lou Lou Clieveden show 8 to 5 Searchlight show 2 to 5 Saul of Tarsus show 1 to 2 r f ff SECOND RACE 3 13 Furlongs Purse J300 2yearolds Maidens OJJy Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M ai StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 4187 DANDY 113 1 12 1 1 Ruiz Murphy Griffin 8 10 10 4 94718 REMELE 108 2 2 31 2 Alexander Smith Co 8883 MSeS AUTUMN TIME 105 5 51 51 3 Halley A J Stemler Co 4 4 4 85 4934 FLATTERED 105 6 61 61 45 Hoar F D Weir 10 15 12 5 4694 POST BELL 105 3 32 22 51 Fauntleroy S Merriweather 30 30 15 t5 23850 THE MANIAC 108 4 42 7 63 Newberry Burlingame Farm20 30 30 12 24187 FRANK BAIN 108 10 10 42 73 Bassinger B Schreiber 4 5 41 85 4691 CLEAR SKY 105 9 9CATHELLO 9 10 8i Tullet T For 50 100 100 30 CATHELLO 105 S S23S52 S S 92 J Ranch BurnsWaterhse2 31 3 65 23S52 HARD NIGHT 108 7 71 9 10 Russell C H Ledgett 4 5 18585 1694 WANDERING BOY 108 11 11 11 11 Bozeman La Siesta Ranch 10 12 10 4 4Time Time 121 25 37 43 43Winner Winner Ch c by Inverness Boaucatcher BoaucatcherWent Went to post at 240 At post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Dandy got off flying and was never in trouble but was best at that Romelo was given a pood ride and ran in improved form but Autumn Time would have baen second if off better Post Boll showed quite a turn of speed but quit in the stretch Frank Bain showed a groat rush around the turn but could not sustain it to the end It was a poor field fieldScratched Scratched 24973 Colonel Smith 108 108Overweights Overweights Dandy 5 pounds poundsDandy Dandy show 2 to 1 Romele show 8 to 5 Autumn Time show 4 to 5 Cathello show 3 to 5 Hard Night show 4 to 5 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 330 3yearolds Selling 25OIO Ind Horses A Wt St H Vi S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 249713 KLATTE HER 105 3 21 11 12 12 Hoar F D Weir 6993 69932493SWARDMAN 2493SWARDMAN 110 6 7 51 31 21 Bassinger P C Dornleche 21 41 41 85 85247193DUNFREE 247193DUNFREE 102 4 41 31 2n 32 J Ranch BurnsWathouseS 6 18575 24936 PRCESS T1TANIA 107 5 8 7 61 4 Alexander A J Stemler Co 95 3 3 45 24933 DARLENE 100 7 5 41 51 51 Jackson H E Rowell 50 80 80 25 24971 MARESA 113 1 3 6 41 61 Ruiz J Dolan 21 18518565 24186 SCALLYWAG 97 2 U 21 7 71 Stuart D S Fountain 6883 24831 FOLLO tV ME 97 8 62 8 8 8 Fanntleroy S Merriweather 100 150 150 40 40Time Time 24149 1141 1141Winner Winner B or br c by Emperor Flattery FlatteryWent Went to post at 305 At post 1 minute Start fair Won easily second handily Flatterer is now at his bast and from the way he won this race makes him seem of good class Wardman slow about getting to going and cut off at tiie head of tho homestretch finished very fast Dan free ran his race Princess Titania got off badly and her race should be thrown out Scallywag ran well for the first half halfOverweights Overweights Princess Titania 2 pounds poundsFlatterer Flatterer shor 8 to 5 Wardman show 4 to 5 Dunfree show 1 to 2 Princess Titania show 2 to 5 Maresa show 3 to 5 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances 25011 Ind Horsea A Wt St M Vt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24835HEADVVATEK 5114 3 21 21 11 12 Ruiz H L Jones Co 65 24935 BYRON ROSE 3 99 2 1 11 21 22 J Ranch R Wilaon 25 24123 YELLOW TAIL 4112 1 4 31 32 3 E Mathows J Hackett 66432 66432249373SLY 249373SLY 7 112 4 3 41 42 42 Russell D M Hanlon 2 1853 45 45249372HAGERDON 249372HAGERDON 4 114 5 555 5 Collis HL Frank 4992 4992Time Time 1224 48il13L 48il13LWinner Winner B g by Watercress Hoadflower Went to post at 330 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second tho same Head water is a grand race hors and at his best He waa best and well ridden Byron Rose is a good colt Ranch took things very easy with him in tho first half an eabed him up in the final six teenth It saemed that he could have run Headwater to within a length or less Yellow Tail ran well after his rest Sly and Hagerdon were painfully short of speed today todayHeadwater Headwater show out Byron Rose show 6 to 5 Yellow Tail show 7 to 10 Sly show out O I FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse J300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K Y 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H j P 249383BATUCS 4 113 1 IH 21 1 11 1 Ruiz J J Moran 4 4 21 45 24800 ALICIA 8 110 6 61 65 31 21 2 Russell P Moore 4431 443124S363OSTLER 24S363OSTLER JOE 8 116 7 7 7 7 63 31 Tnllot W D Randall 6993 24933 EINSTEIN 6 113 2 52 SH 41 51 4 Baesinger Earnehaw Bros 8 15 10 4 24625 MORINGA 6 113 5 31 31 52 41 51 Armstrong E Carey 20 40 30 10 10219043LOCONOMO 219043LOCONOMO 6 113 4 21 IH 21 31 610 Gaffney Ward Adams 20 20 15 6 249062 GIBRALTAR 6116 3 41 4 61 7 7 Vititoe BurnsWaterhso 85 1251151 1251151Time Time 251 5011161 l42i l42iWinner Winner Ch c by Bathampton Crisis CrisisWent Went to post at 355 At post 6 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive of three Bathos scored a lucky win and was only successful through the superior ride he received Alicias rider made a very tardy move She would have won if cut loose a second sooner Ostler Joe off last was best by considerable He came through the homestretch like a quarter horse Loconomo ran well under restraint to the homestretch then died away when called on Gibraltar is all kinds of a bad race horse nowadays nowadaysScratched Scratched 24695 Nilgar 113 113Overweights Overweights Bathos 1 pound poundBathos Bathos show 2 to 5 Alicia show 1 to 2 Ostler Joe show 7 to 5 Gibraltar show 1 to 2 25013 ntZf l O SIXTH RACE 1 1 1C Miles Purse 5100 4yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses AWtStM Ki 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24908 HORTON 5114 6 4 53 21 23 11 E Mathews J McGovern 1 656520 6565202190S3QAUNTLET 2190S3QAUNTLET 5 114 4 51 21 12 H 28 Ruiz W D Randall 2 11511535 11511535249072PAT 249072PAT MORRI8SEY7 108 1 2 = 1 32 31 31 J Ranch BnrnEWaterhse4 5585 24907 EXPEDIENT 4 104 2 31 4 41 52 42 Russell P E Smith 15 30 30 6 24836 UEROPS 5 108 3 6 6 6 41 55 Bassinger G Miller 67795 24976 KICKUMBOB 4 99 5 H 3 51 6 6 Tomplin W M Murry 100 150 150 30 30Time Time 121 251 491 1 15 1 411 1 48 48Winner Winner Ch h by El Rayo Fusillades Last LastWent Went to post at 4 20 At post 1 minute Start good Won in a drive second easily Horton ran closer tip than usual for the first six furlongs and then made his usual great stretch run Gauntlet was rushed from the rear to the front too speedily by Ruiz and tired under Hortona strong chal ¬ lenge but hung on stoutly Pat Morrissey does not like over seven furlongs and was beaten at six today IMeropa ran a bad race Kicknmbob showed a dash of early speed speedScratched248713Malay Scratched248713Malay 111 24904Parader 108 245172Montallade 103