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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO May 13 Eleventh day St Louis Fair Association ripring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Bruen Racing starts at 230 pm K 6 FIRST RACE 78 Mile Parse 300 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Horses A Wt St M H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O IT 0 P 24901 BRULARE 6 104 4 IH 11 12 is 12 Plankett T B Watts Co 88 8 3 24830 LAWTON 3 95 5 31 3 22 22 21 GougU P M Civill 12 15 15 6 24926 HARRY PULLIAM3 95 8 91091573 61 3H D Shaw J P Hirth 15 25 25 10 10249333LA 249333LA DESIROUS 3 95 1 23 22 3 42 4HJT Woods W W Darden 10 12 12 4 423000DEPONAN Kane249573SAM 23000DEPONAN 4 109 3 4 4 52 5 5 C Combs Kelly Kane 21 2 2 9 910 249573SAM LAZARUS 5111 9 52 63 83 71 6 i HarshbgerT A Gay Co 5662 249013LADY CURZON 4 102 2 71 72 6 8 7i D Vititoo J S OBrien 10 10 10 4 248992SATIN COAT a 100 7 Gi ii 41 32 8 Morse Hughes Elliott 3 3i 31 6 5 23847 CLUDE WALTON3 97 6 83 82 91 92 9 Reoder J U Strode 100 100 100 40 24826 LEXELL 4 104 10 10 10 10 1015105 Ballingor J S Bratton CO CO CO 20 21142 CROESUS 7 111 11 11 11 11 11 11 L Rose S C Wagner 30 60 CO 12 12Time Time 13 361 405 1 0tt 1 28 Winner 28Winner Br m by Bradford Hard To Tell TellWont Wont to poet at 231 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Brnlare was much the best She had plenty of speed and was suited by the track and was well ridden Lawton showed speed and ran a good race under a weak ride Harry Pulliam was badly riddon made up a lot of ground and finished strongly La Desirous race was a disappointment She seems to have gono off Bam Lazarus was oil badly Lady Cnrzon and Satin Coat ran bad races Satin Coats last races have been poor She seems to have staled staledScratched24897 Scratched24897 Woodcut 106 24921 Poorlands 106 21902 Winyah 102 24936 Kate Free ¬ man 90 90Brulare Brulare show 3 to 2 Lawton show 3 to 1 Harry Pulliam show 5 to 1 Deponan ehow 1 to 2 Satin Coat show 3 to 5 25003 SECOND HACK 4 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24900 1851751249002MISS WA1NAMOINEN 115 5 4 22 1 C Combs Talbot Bros 3 1851751 249002MISS DORA 10S 2 12 11 2 Bloes R R Rice 44465 24825 WAKITA 103 1 3 4 31 J T Woods Stubbs Bros 15 15 15 5 24954 KING DALY 105 3 22 3u 42 McClusky Mrs S Lucas 8 13 13 4 25246S83BABY 249542H L COLEMAN 106 4 63 61 5i J Miller J F Schorr 65 65 1 25 246S83BABY D1XON 98 7 53 51163 Hshberger PTomlinBonJt Co 15 25 25 6 HOT 96 9 85 75 7 RHendranS C Wagner 20 100 100 30 24900 SAALE 93 6 7 8 80 Larson B Schreiber 80 100 100 30 POTHEEN 30POTHEEN 96 8 9 9 9 A Weber S W Street 60 100 100 30 Time 30Time 61 18 30 41 55i 55iWinner MatildaWent Winner B f by The Commoner Matilda Went to post at 305 At post 13 minutes Start good Won cleverly next three driving A truly run race Wainamoinen a filly of good class won as she pleased on a track that suited her Miss Dora ran her race Wakita was badly handled by Woods H L Coleman a slow be ¬ ginner was a false favorite favoriteScratched Scratched 249003Balance All II 108 24954Trio 103 Lee Nutter 97 24900 Ethylene 93 Overweights 93Overweights poundsWainamoinon King Daly 4 pounds Wainamoinon show 1 to 2 Miss Dora show 3 to 5 Wakita show 3 to 2 H L Coleman show out V ClO4 THIRD HACK0 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt Bt M H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 249582TENNY BELLE 3 97 10 8 71 45 H Bell Hughes Elliott 3 3 1351 249253 HARRY DUKE 9 106 4 2 22 IK 22 Houck C J Cella 3552 21786 ED L 7 106 2 U 12 2 31 Bloas T A Gay 7883 24758 LAUREATEA 4 105 6 51 5 3 4H Stevens R E Watkins 8 10 10 4 24953 24953BATTUS BATTUS 3 107 8 6 6 5 5 Gough P M Civill 6 7 7 21 24850 NECKLACE 7 104 9 11 11 9i 61 Dade D A Honig 15 20 20 8 24687 MORRIS VOLMEH4 106 1 124754ELBE 24754ELBE 4 105 13 23695 COMMAND 8 110 3 71 82 10 92 A Morrison J U Strode 30 30 20 8 21761 JOHN MORTON 4 110 11 10 102 G 105 Overton W Mulkey 12 15 15 6 18292 AUSTEH 4 103 7 41 42 7 112 s Johnson H P Kano 40 50 40 15 19714 SOPHIE S 3 89 5 SH 311 8 12 Winalett J C Gaio GO 10010050 23734 THE ELBA 3 97 12 9 95 13 13 Hshberger C E Patterson 10 15 15 6 Time 7 181 30i 421 1 OSi BelleWent Winner OSiWinner B f by Tenny Ma Belle Went to post at 345 At post 27 minutes Start good Won easily next two driving Tenny Belie ontclasaed the lot She was off badly and ran around them under aatable boy Harry Duke seems sore He had a lot of speed though Ed L was fast and ran a good race Lan reatea and Battus were badly ridden John Morton and Command were short shortScratched Scratched 24639 Queen Anne 105 20578 Handit 95 Tenny 95Tenny Belle show 1 to 2 Harry Duke show ovens Ed L show 7 to 5 PilM FOURTH RACK 1 Mile ami 70 Yard Purse 500 3yearolds ana up jQtJ JJtf ward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X V 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24952BOWEN 3 98 2 3 31 2 33 1 Hshberger Turney Bros 344545310 24S52 34454531024S52 VAN HOORBEKE4 107 3 1 15 12 12 31 A Weber J Huffman 15 20 15 4 247S62PET1T MA1TRE 4 107 G 4 4 33 21 3 T OBrien H J Charles 5 5i 16545 24642 MI88 THERESA 3 93 1 21 21 43 42 41 B Johnson F W Holtgrewo 60 100 100 30 24297 FARMR BENNTT3 98 5 5 52 58 58 5 J Miller J F Schorr 13531 3 710 248523LINDEN 710248523LINDEN ELLA 4 105 4 6 6 6 6 6 Winslett WHWiamsonCo60 80 CO 15 Time 161 29 41 561 1 42i 1 45l HindoogramWent Winner 45lWinner B c by Wawekus Hindoogram Went to post at 4 39 At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly next t vo driving Bowen was badly ridden and was not shown up He won after an early drive in the stretch He is a lazy colt and needs a strong boy Is bettor than he has shown Van Hoorebeke showed improve ¬ ment and hung on well The track suited him better Petit Maitre was hard driven throughout Miss Theresa showed fair speed She was short and will do later Farmer Bennett ran a very bad race raceBowen Bowen show out Van Hoorebeke show evens Petit Maitre show out Farmer Bennett show out 25006 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Ht H Si StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P I 249553iLVEKDALE 3 105 2 33 3 1 12 J Miller J F Hcuorr 13 25 13 out 2485S2MISS out2485S2MISS MAE DAY 4 104 5 15 42 45 21 D Shaw E B Kinder Co 5 5 5 710 249562KINDRED 4 109 1 12 U 21 33 C Combs E L Bohlman 5661 24641 VICIE VANCE 7 106 4 23 21 31 48 Stevens M Rice 40 100 100 20 23097 FIRST PAST 4 109 7 4 5 53 55 A Morrison J U Strode 10020020050 24828 QUEEN D1XON 3 100 3 6 62 61 61 A Weber TomlinsnWdfdlO 100 100 20 24323TOM 2024323TOM COLLINS 6 111 6 7 7 7 7 T OBrien Fizer Co 30 75 75 15 Time 15Time 241 481 114 114Winner Winner Ch c by Faverdalo Golden Rod 11 11Went Went to post at 5 03 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won easily second handily Silver dale just galloped He is a great horse at this distance in such company Miss Mae Day off badly and poorly ridden came fast at the end She should have been closer Kindred found the pace too fast fastScratched Scratched 24787Maude Gonne 100 100No No show betting on first three fcl FZClfF7 B1XTH KACE 1 Mile and 3O Yards Purse 400 4yearolds and npwara Ind Horses A Wt St M Vi 5 StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P 24788 L OF THE WEST 6 100 1 1 51 i 42 31 1 li A Weber J C Ferris Jr 3 31 31 65 248543MISS PATRON 5 104 4 22 12 12 12 21 Bloss Finn Co 2 2 21 1 248303EDA R1LEY 4 104 9 92 41 83 41 32 D Vititoe K D Orr 12 12 10 4 24854 STUTTGART 5 106 3 61 91 7 61 45 C Combs B Schreiber 15 20 20 8 24712 WINDWARD 5 105 2 3ii 2 2U 2 51 McClusky M Burns 10 10 10 4 24788 BAH BEE 6 102 10 10 10 11 9 61 8 Johnson T Bayers 7 12 12 5 23859 BERT DAVIS 5 102 11 11 12 12 11 71 Dade S 8 OBrien 20 30 30 12 12249023BEQUEATH 249023BEQUEATH 6 102 6 51 11 9 10 82 Stevens B E Watkins 8 10 10 4 24957 ICE 4 102 7 7 81 61 81 9 L Rose L Thompson 6662 24957 FORGET NOT 6 102 5 41 3 31 51 10 T OBrien W W Darden 10 12 12 5 21523 CELESTE DOR 5 100 8 81 61 5 7 11 Gough W Mulkey 15 30 30 12 24830 PRINCE REAL 4 101 12 12 72 10 12 12 Hshborger R N Vestal 10 10 10 4 Time 261 511 1 18i 1 42 1 44 44Winner Winner DaphneWent Ch m by Chorister Daphne Went to post at 5 34 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Lady of the West was best and had to be to win She was patiently and cleverly ridden Miss Patron had no excuses She weakened at the end Eda Riley ran a good race from a bad start Bo did Stuttgart Ice was off badly interfered with and poorly ridden riddenScratched2490228wordsman Scratched2490228wordsman 105 24902 Hansom 102 248972Barrica 96 Lady 96Lady of the West show 1 to 2 Miss Patron show 1 to 2 Eda Riley show 21 to 1