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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER N T May ISSeventh day Westchester Racing Association AssociationSpring Spring Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Jndgo Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzsrerald Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE Eclipse Course 3yearolds and upward Allowances The May Blossom 550 added Owners O H C P 21879 BRANDY SMASH 3 98 2 13 14 is is slack VV T Ryan 67675 24775 GODFREY 5 111 1 31 2H 2H 26 T Barns J H Steimer 564 710 20962 2524916TIMOTHY MAYOR GILROY 4 110 3 2ii 3H 33 3 Shaw G E Smith 7101 45 25 24916TIMOTHY FOLEY3 96 5 5 5 42 41 Smith P H Sullivan 50 100 80 15 20906 STAR 3 86 4 42 4H 5 5 Thompson C Littlofleld Jr 6 10 6 2 Added starter Time 1 13 Winner 13Winner JnlapWent Ch c by Ben Strome Mint Jnlap Went to post at 230 At post 10 minutes Start good Won cantering second easily Brandy Smash was a wild horse today He was much the bast ran erratic zigzag coming up the hill and the issue appeared somewhat donbtf nl but when squared away for the wire on the level course he increas9d his lead five lengths in that many strides Godfrey was outrun but finished strong Mayor Gilroy ran a very bad race for him and was driving to get third place Timothy Foloy poorly handled finished strong Ha belongs among maidens and is improving Star looked well bodily and has bean doing well in her work and the slow track probably operated against her herScratched Scratched 24880 Bombshell 113 24771 Fonsolae 113 19152 Connie 103 2l9l62Bluff 91 21733 Isidor 114 114Brandy Brandy Smash show 1 to 2 Godfrey show out Mayor Qilroy show out SECOND HACK Last 4 12 Furlongs Eclipse Course 2yoarolde Maidens Allowances Kinder Race No 2 S550 added md Horses A Wt St M V 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24882 872ENR1GHT GRAIL 107 4 2H 1 li li Landry GoughacresStable6 872 ENR1GHT 104 7 IH 21 2H 22 Shaw W Lakeland 65 75 91025 24882 MUSIDORA 105 2 3H 311 31 3 OConnor P Belmont 3 4 31 1 1PENINSULA PENINSULA 107 3 4H 41 51 4 Dangman J E Madden 576 85 85DANDY DANDY WEST 110 1 51 51 44 5 Bnllman P H McCarren 8 15 15 4 4CONCERTINA CONCERTINA 107 5 77 62 65 Henry J R F P Koene 6 15 15 5 24845 SILVER CHIME3 101 6 62 62 7 7 Gannon W Oliver 30 100 100 20 20Added Added starter Time 54 Winner PilgrimageWent B f by Atheling Pilgrimage Went to post at 305 At post 7 minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily Grail was best today She waited oa the pacemaker and pulled to the front at the furlong with ease Mud enabled tho filly to beat horses that could otherwise take her measure Enright big and green acting will probably defeat this kind and better ones in his next essay excepting perhaps Peninsula who looks and ran like a probably high class colt Musidora was finely ridden and finished strongly Dandy West has also been highly tried and hia race was noteworthy Concer ¬ tina finished well wellScratched24882 Scratched24882 Dorset 107 Kaleidoscope 107 24882 Linora 104 24882 Rossignol 104 24772 Sinecnre 104 104Overweights Overweights Grail 3 pounds Mnsidora 1 Dandy West 3 Concertina 3 3Grail Grail show evens Enright show out Musidora show 1 to 2 l OQ THIRD RACK Last 78 Withers Mile 3yearolds and upward f tt O tJ Allowances Apprentice Race J600 added aa Horses A Wt St M H 51 StrFin Jockeys O H C P 218613MALT3T2R 3 10S 4 3i 22 22 H 13 CrosthwaitAFeatherstono 21 3 S 35 24879 GLENNELLIE 3 103 2 H IH H 2 21 23 MnlhollandJohn Daly 35 34 710 710out out 24809 SATIRE 3 101 3 4 4 32 36 310 Rice C Littlefield Jr 10 20 10 2 24771 SNARK 3 105 1 2 31 4 4 4 Gannoa W Oliver 56545 56545Time Time 12 24 50 1 18 130 130Winner LongfordWent Winner Br c by Autocrat Miss Longford Went to post at 340 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Maltster waited on Glonnollie to the stretch and pulled to the front when called upon Has trained into a good threoyearold The heavy track favored him ae against Glennollie as sha showed spaed today and will probably reverse this running on a fast track Satire very inadequately handled closed quarterScratched up well in the last quarter Scratched 24950 Magic Light 118 24880 Hammock 118 219S33Mayor Gilroy 115 248SI Alsike 115 115Maltster Maltster show out Satire show 3 to 5 O A O Q J FOURTH RACE Last 78 Withers Mile i600 added 3yearolds and np Jtirt OO ward Selling lad Horses A Wt St M yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 24848 PETRA II 3 101 1 2 2 2 1 11 J Daly R H Loud Co 3 4 2k 1 24577 BALLOON 3 103 6 71 411 4H 32 23 H ilichaelaSotauket Stable 10 15 12 4 21863 SEMINOLE 3 98 7 8 9 71 5H 32 Smith C H Mackay 20 30 15 6 624808BUFFOON 24808BUFFOON 7 111 5 3 51 62 41 41 Shaw H T Griffin 3 4 31 75 7524S48 24S48 LUCKY STAR 7 111 8 9 81 8 8 52 White M Finlen 30 50 40 12 1224197JNITRATE 24197JNITRATE 3106 3 51 61 5 71 61 T Burns J E Madden 6 9 24670 BILLIONAIRE 3 95 2 Hi 12 HI 2 72 Wonderly J H Carr 6 S 24847 EDNA J 3 95 4 41 31 32 61 83 JOConnorN Bennington 10020010040 10020010040245732MANITOBAN 245732MANITOBAN 4 123 9 10 10 10 10 9 Bullman C Steinmann 5 8 7 21 249163 MASK TWAIN 310610 6 71 9 9 10 Laudry E F Simms 10 12 10 4 4Time Time 13 24 37 50 1 16 1 29 29Winner Winner Blk f by Pontiac Poncho PonchoWent Went to post at 410 At post 35 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Petra II was cloverly handled lucky throughout and was best Balloon was favored by the soft going and ran a good race and finished strongly SeminoJe badly ridden aud slow about getting away from tho post ran all around tho field and finished fast He has worked exceptionally well and will probably improve into a more than useful horss Nitrate is vary ordinary Billionaire dis ¬ played a good burst of speed but failed to stay today Manitoban was overweighted and used up in the long delay at tho post postScrat Scrat had2l8SO The Chamberlain 113 24774Roehampton 108 24577 In Shot 103 21809 Councilman Tom 99 24774 Big Injun 97 r 24SS03The Regent 94 24774 Boau 93 93Overweights Overweights Edna J 1 pound Mark Twain 2 2Petra Petra II show 1 to 2 Balloon show 2 to 1 Sominole show 3 to 1 Buffoon show 3 to 5 Q A O Q T FIFTH RACE Withers Mile 700 addod 4yoarolds and upward ttV0 t Allowances Ind Horaos A Wt Ht J4 Yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24738 WATEK CURE 4 103 4 5 5 4 21 11 Shaw O LUtlotield Jr 2 2 8525 24775 HERBERT 4113 5 4n 4H 3 3H 23 Smith W C Rollins 75856513 24880HAMMOCK 4 106 2 31 2i 2 1 3 OConnor J A McQarry 21 31 31 45 24848 MATT SIMPSON 4 106 1 H 112 H 42 42 Miles W C Daly 50 60 GO 15 11324 BEN VIKING 5 109 3 2 3 5 5 5 Garrigan KilptrictHptnSO 40 40 10 10Time Time 25 50 1 16J 1 42 Winner Ch g by Watercress Lenas First FirstWent Went to post at 510 At poat 1 minute Start poor Won driving second easily Water Cures victory was due to the patient tactics employed by his jockey throughout the race He ran a game race and is very fit Herbert broke very slowly due wholly to his jockeys incapacity and was badly ridden He was much the best and should have won with ease Hammock ran a good race but was outclassed by the first two and the same applies to the others in greater degree degreeScratched19012 Scratched19012 Gulden 106 106No No show betting on first three J A O Q Q SIXTH RACK About 2 13 Allies 4yearolds and upward Allowances TCtOO The Meadowbrook Hunters Steeplechase 1000 added Ind Horses A Wt St 4 8 12 16 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24194 LAST CORD 4157 1 H 32 31 21 22 1 Green T Hitchcock Jr 8585131025 24086 BACCHANAL 4 152 4 41 4 41 3 36 23 Dayton R Neville 3 4 3 1 22540 HIGHBEE 8 177 5 32 16 13 12 n 350 Mr Hayea C W Wadsworth 465 85 240G23HACKEI 6 166 6 6 52 53 420 430 430 Mr Smith Piedmont Stable 8 8 5 85 12857 JIM LISLE 6 163 2 51 6 6 5105105 Mr HendrieColin Campbell 15 20 20 6 9740VIRGA DARE 8 165 3 21 21 2 6 6 6 Brazil Henry W Bull 4 10 10 4 Time 456 456Winner Winner B c bjr Ben Strome Last Ban BanWent Went to post at o30 At post 2 minutes Start good Won in a drive second easily Last Cord ran a good race waa handled with care and patience and demonstratad his greater speed on the flat at the end Bacchanal closed considerable ground in the last quarter and made a strong bid at the end His showing was quite promising Higbee fenced like a bird and seemed to be the winner up to the stretch but from there to tho end he faltered under his big weight He is thoughScratched20933 a good one through the field though Scratched20933 George Keeno 163 200G22Champion 156 14039 All Smiles 132 2419t338lf Protection 136Corrected 165 Touchdown 153 121902Regular 153 Strickalight 136 Corrected weights Last Cord 157 Bacchanal 152 Virginia Dare 165 165Last Last Cord show out Bacchanal show 1 to2 Highbee show 3 to 5