untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-22


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MI Racing Form ISSUED EVERY DAY american Tor Congress Record OFFICIAL OEGAX OF THE AMERICAN TURF CONGRESS Western Joclcey Club Bulletin OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB A Daily Reflection of tho American Turf by Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR F H BRDNELL BRDNELLASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE EDITOR CLINTON C RILEY RILEYSECRETARY SECRETARY MRS F H BRDNELL 121126 Filth Avenue Chicago Illinois Sntsrad in the Post Office at Chicago as second claes matter COPYRIGHTED Enisrod according to Act of Congress in the of the Librarian of Congress at Washing ¬ ton D C U 8 A AThe The chart and index numbers and track form of DAILY RACING FORM mast not be nsed They aru copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE TERMS TERMSPer Per Month 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 1400The The above rates are for single copioa as sealed sealedletters letters firstclass mail Dcily Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to tosend send single copies as firstclass mail in all allcases cases Local subscriptions outside the down town towndistrict district fyill be declined at other than first firstclass class mail matter rates To bo considered and answered all queries to DAILY RACING FORM must bo sent over the full name and with the name of tho writer Thoso names and addressed are subject to a local and foreign directory test ST LOUIS MO OFFICE 19 N BROADWAY BROADWAYBasement Basement AgentOn M Murphy Agent On Sale at 830 am amDAILY DAILY RACING FORM can bo delivered to any address in St Louis LouisBack Back numbers can be promptly supplied suppliedOrders Orders for advertisaments can be left at tho St Louis office for telegraphic transmission CHICAGO ILL MAY 21 1901 DETROIT OFFICE 139 Griswold Street StreetFrank Frank E McDonald Agent Onsaloat900am CINCINNATI OFF1CE408410 Vino Street StreetJ J R Hawley Agont On Sale at Noon IT KANSAS CITY MO Hicksecker Cigar and News Co Ninth and Walnut Streets StreetsA5T A5T DENVER COL Hamilton Kendrick 906912 17th Street StreetAT AT BAN FRANCISCO CAL CALFoster Foster Orear Market Street Ferry News Stand StandAT AT MEMPHIS TENN R M Mansford Co E H Clarke Bro BroAT AT MILWAUKEE WIS WISPlankinton Plankinton Hotel News Stand StandAT AT INDIANAPOLIS IND INDDouglas Douglas 17 North Illinois Street

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052201/drf1901052201_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1901052201_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800