Worth Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-22


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1VORTH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather wet track sloppy sloppyFirst First Rncfl 12 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind HorsGBcolor sex pedigree Wt Hdcr Gotaka b f by Loantaka Willie Crocket 100 250S6 Arlean B 100 680 25190 The Stewardess 100 675 25190 Horse 100 700 25051 QuoenW 100 670 21097 Evening Star 100 670 25024 Palmetto 100 675 23086 Chanson 100 685 685Second Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Ind Hortos Ago Wi Hdcp Hdcp24802Dyxona 24802Dyxona 110 725 24613 The Auditor 107 700 25152 Merriman 107 715 25122 Littlo Popper 97 695 24774 Big Injun 97 650 650252302Flanenr 252302Flanenr 97 710 710Third Third Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Handicap Handicap25054Magi 25054Magi 102 695 25101 Barouche 102 700 7002522S2Yana 2522S2Yana 99 695 25123 Herodiade 9S 695 695Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles 3 yearolds and upward Soiling 25053 Strangest 5 108 675 25157 Phurles 6 108 640 25156 Espionage 5 107 695 25155 HonChanco 4 107 650 25017 Frangible 4 106 645 25152 Prairie Dog 4 103 625 625250552Leo 250552Leo Newell 3 95 725 725251942Parmonion 251942Parmonion 4 93 660 25231 Birdie D 3 91 680 680251943About 251943About 3 87 640 640Fifth Fifth Race 78 MUe 3 yearolds and upward Allowances 252293 Boney Boy 5 Ill 710 7102515t 2515t Maggie Davis 5 101 720 22129 Albert Lee 4 104 625 625230S92Oporator 230S92Oporator 3 95 750 25021 Denman Thompson 3 92 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles 3yoarolds and upward Selling 25157 Oxnard 6 123 675 675251273Bosi 251273Bosi 6 123 670 24842 Dan Cupid 5 118 700 25191 Martha Fox 5 116 660 660252262Avatar 252262Avatar 4 114 710 25194 Azim 3 106 725 725252303Snnro 252303Snnro 3 106 720 720251223Hanswurst 251223Hanswurst 3 106 720 25226 Give All 3 98 690

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052201/drf1901052201_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1901052201_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800