Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-22


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHART5IEWFORT 5IEWFORT KT May 31 Thirtyseventh day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather wet track sloppy Presiding JudgeJ W Rusewurm Starter Thomas Riley Racing starts at 230 p m OKOK FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses AWt St Yt K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25104 NANCY TILL 6 104 2 54 34 22 12 JHothersllR Lehan 85 2 2 45 25104 CORALIS 6 6111 111 1 14 12 12 2 WshingtonR E L Rice 45585 25104 CHEMISETTE 5 111 5 32 2 34 3 L Jackson C J Fob 5772 251663 LILN HOFFUAN3 97 6 7 62 62 4 Cogswell A H Hoffman 10 12 12 5 25107 ROLTAIRE 7 113 4 4250652NORTHUMBRIA 4n 52 41 510 Lindsay Bryan Ellard 5 7 7 24 250652NORTHUMBRIA 4 109 3 2 41 54 6 Troxler F A Pope 4552 25109 PAULINE J 5 111 7 61 7 7 7 BeauchampT A Davies 5 7 7 2i 25165 THE TRAMP 3 96 I Left at the post Biggins A E Forsyth 20 25 25 10 10Time Time 121 24 J 374 50 1031 117 117Winner Winner Ch m by Saracen Thalia ThaliaWent Went to post at 240 At post 18 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Nancy Till was best and going away at the end She likes the soft going Coralis stopped almost to a walk in the last f urlong Chemisette ran her race Northumbria showed a flash of early speed The Tramp ran away in several breakaways and WHS going the wrong way of the track when the eld crossed the wire A collision was narrowly averted Pauline J would not run at all The field tailed off badly in speed in the last quarter of a mile mileScratched Scratched 25130 Caloocan 109 25196 Sautarne 106 25199 Quaver 104 25168 Sauce Boat 102 25165 Old Phil 99 25062 Sister Sudie 97 24959 Robert Morrison 95 Scorpa 92 92Overweights Overweights The Tramp 4 pounds poundsNancy Nancy Till show out Coralis show 4 to 5 Chemisette show 6 to 5 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances 25251 Ind Horses A Wt St M Y X StrFin Jockeys O H 0 P li 15 15 14 BeauchampR J Hiner Co 3 5 44 85 24992ELGIVA 104 3 3 45 2i 210 L Jackson C 8 Crow 35 35 35 out out24S21ROSE 24S21ROSE OF RED 104 2 22 2 31 3i D Hall J Dearman 34465 34465251692LYNDEN 251692LYNDEN TREE 104 4 42 31 42 43 May T 8 Crabb 4 7 7 24 2425132HAND 25132HAND HAIL 107 1 5555 Troxler Graves Innes 5883 5883Time Time 124 24 361 491 1034 1034Winner Winner Br f by Wagner Mamie Cole ColeWent Went to post at 320 At post 3 minutes Start good The first two were in a hard drive Wedding March showed that she is game as well as speedy Elgiva had her usual hard luck In turning for home she went very wide Rose of Red showed some early speed speedWedding Wedding March show 4 to 5 Rose of Red show 1 to 2 t T n K O THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St Yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 251313EOUS 4 105 3 11 12 12 12 IK BeanchampJ Smith Co 75 95 85 35 25166 ALLS WELL 3 884 6 51 4n 32 31 210 L Jackson C 8 Crow 3 34 3 65 25131 DB BLACK 6107 2 35 32 22 21 3 W NarvaezJ M Thornton Jr 3 34 3 65 25128 TANGIBLE 3 89 4 65 63 51 51 410 MWilliamsC F Schleith 12 20 20 8 25201 BIRDIE MAY 7 107 1 41 51 41 42 55 A Moore J P Housley 6 12 12 5 25128 HIJA 3 87 8 7 8 7 7 610 Baptiste M Simon 15 20 20 8 24794 LOT THOMAS 3 96 7 8 7 8 8 710 Cogswell Torreyeon Bros 12 30 30 10 25200 8T1TES 4 105 5 21 26 65 65 8 Troxler W L House Co 3 7 7 2 2Time Time 13 254 381 52 1 054 1 19 1 33 1 46K 46KWinner Winner B g by Eolus Mermaid MermaidWent Went to post at 342 At post 5 minutes Start good Won with the first two in a hard drive Ecus had to be hard ridden all the last furlong to stall off Alls Wells determined rush She closed a gap of at least twenty lengths in the last five furlongs Dr Black pulled up lame The others had a fair chance and no excuse excuseScratched Scratched 251962Brown Vail 107 25129 Bettie B 103 25200Edna Gerry 103 103Overweights Overweights Alls Well 14 pounds Tangible 2 2Eons Eons show out Alls Well show 3 to 5 Dr Black show 3 to 5 O K f K FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 5250 4yearoldB and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M Yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25167 UNSIGHTLY UNSIGHTLY251672J 4 110 1 13 13 13 i BeauchampR J Hiner 7101 1 25 251672J J T 5 105 2 23 210 23 2io W Narvaez Miller Co 6513101310 out 25040 CANROBERT 4 1041 4 51 51 51 3s E Austin W A Rinehart 40 60 60 20 22192 PR OF SHANNON 4 107 5 32 32 31 45 R Head J A Sutherland 25 40 40 12 214263GUN COTTON 4 110 3 42 41 42 510 Benson D Wyncoop 20 30 30 8 24887ZANONE 8 112 6 6666 Aker E Moore 3 3 34 65 65Time Time 12 24 501 174 174Winner Winner Br f by Pnreebearer Hira Villa VillaWent Went to post at 424 At post 4 minutes Start poor Won pulled up second easily Unsightly showed much the most speed and was never extended J JT tired and was all out from chasing Unsightly The first two wore the only real contenders Canrobert finished well Whatever chance Zanone might have had was ruined by the start He did not show much speed and perhaps did not fancy the gDing gDingScratched25170Charley Scratched25170Charley OBrien 112 112Overweights Overweights Canrobert 2 pounds Gun Cotton 3 3Unsightly Unsightly show out Canrobert show 8 to 1 Zanone show out O K O K A FIFTH RACE 1 110 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward O SDtfc Selling Ind Horses AWt St Y Yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25168HINSDALE 3 98 4 7 7 7 51 IK Cogswell C OConnor 24 4 4 75 25168 ATLANTU8 7 106 1 1 U 12 U 2 W Narvaez 8 W Hopkins 8883 25131 EITHOLIN 6 114 7 3 21 21 24 31 WWebster W C Smith 4983 24362 GEORGE B COX 6 114 2 51 4 = 31 32 41 L Jackson L Chanmette 75 2 2 45 24789 WOODTHICE 4114 5 22 31 44 41 5 BeauchampR E L Rice 24 3 3 65 65AAC AAC 5 106 6 4 51 54 62 6 Lindsay J A Smith 8 20 20 8 82516S30UTBGRBT 2516S30UTBGRBT 4107 3 61 61 63 7 7 May ET Graves 5552 5552Time Time 12 26 52 1 194 1 46i 1 53I 53IWinner Winner Ch c by Hanover Dilemma DilemmaWent Went to poat at 500 At post 3 minutes Start good Won in a drive second easily Hins dale closed a big gap from the half mile post to the wire and had to come home on the outside Atlantus was under a stout pull for the first threequarters of a mile but when called on he was all out The going favored Eitholins bad legs George B Cox could never got to the front on account of the abundance of early speed Woodtrice was worn out in chasing Atlantus Isaac showed a good turn of speed speedScratched251682Slashor Scratched251682Slashor 116 206523Fannie Taylor 109 250423Virgie O 108 108Hinsdale Hinsdale show 7 to 10 Atlantns show 3 to 2 Eitholm show 6 to 5 George B Cor show 3 to 5 Woodtrice show 1 to 2 25255 K SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Yt 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 252003BANQUO II 7 124 1 24 12 15 16 IS Lindsay C J Fob 25168 CHARLEY ESTES4 119 4 44 24 24 21 23 Henson J Josephson 34485 251718AUBER 6 124 7 64 54 3 = 34 36 JHothersllW 8 Laird 44485 25064 SUNDOWN II 5124 3 31 64 5 51 4 L Jackson J J McAlester 3552 24915 GUERDON1 4 119 5 5 43 43 42 51 Lynch DonahueWatsonlO 15 15 6 25064 8ANGAMON 7 124 6 7 7 6 6 6 Higgins V Strickland 15 15 15 6 25167 HERMES 8124 2 H 34 Broke downPatton RJHiner 554 85 Time 13 254 52 119 1324 1324Winner Winner Ch h by Pirate of Penzance Thrifty Went to post at 5 25 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second the same Banqno II went to the front on the backstretch and won as he pleased Charley Estes was next best Sauber likes the mud and ran to his mark The others did their best and had no mischances mischancesScratched Scratched 25201 Charley Daniels 121 25199 Nekarnis 121 121Banqno Banqno II show out Charley Estes show 7 to 10 Sanber show 3 to 5 Hermes show 4 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901052201_5_1
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