Worth Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-22


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WORTH FORM CHART WORTH IIIi May 31 Seventeenth day Worth Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather wet track muddy Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 215 p m O K 6J 6 ± FIRST HACK 34 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 4J t9 O 3yearoldB and upward Selling Ind Horses AWtSt H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25124 HAMPSHIRE 3 110 7n 44 42 Hi 14 Dominick T Licalzi 2 11511545 25055 AVATAR 4 119 3 3r 62 22 2 Otia K J Murphy 8 10 9 3 24052 DICK FURBER 4 122 I 52 53 4 35 Caywood S S Tracy Co 20 30 30 12 25051 MR SMITH 3 110 5 6 34 33 43 Nntt C H Smith 12 30 30 10 25124 RUSTIC GIRL 3 105 44 22 21 62 52 Cobnrn E R Rodgers Co2 145125910 24734 GIVE ALL 3 107 G 7 714 75 61 Seaton J Curl 15 30 30 12 25052 CORA HAVLL 115 119 2n m INK 5 710 Qouin G B Havill 6 11 11 4 24568 LADY RICE 3 105 8 8 8 8 8 J Mathews G Foster 4 G 54 2 2Time Time 13 25 38 52 1 20 20Winner Winner Br c by Hanover Spinnette SpinnetteWent Went to poat at 220 At post 14 minutes Start good Won handily second and third under full Bail Hampshire was the best is at homo in tho mnddy going and received a good ride Dominick was in no hurry until the stretch was reached then he drew away without effort Avatar considering that he was interfered with on the far turn ran more than a creditable race and is a inud lark pure and simple Dick Fnrber came with a tremendous rush from far back in the stretch This will be a good workout for him in a jumping race and he was probably in for that purpose Mr Smith was out to the last ounce and staggering Rustic Girl broke flying and showed a aharp tnrn of speed but could not carry it far She and Cora Havill 11 retired together on the far turn turnScratched Scratched 25124 Bengal 107 107Hampshire Hampshire show 2 to 5 Avatar show 3 to 2 Dick Fnrber show 5 to 1 Rnstic iirl show 2 to 5 SECOND RACE J4 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 4 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horeea A Wt St V K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 251252BRAW LAD 7124 34 24 28 2 17 J WinkfieldJ O Keene 12 12 920 out 25154 IF YOU DARE 3 107 4 13 14 IKK 23 J Baker Bolich Sweet 6 16 16 4 25125 MYRAMORELLA3 105 l 5233 35 3 Coburn G C Bennett t Co 8 10 10 95 2r051REMARK 3 107 5n 34 42 42 4 = J Mathews Q W Poole 49995 PAY 49995PAY ME 3 107 6 666 5 Nntt J McDonald 10 100 100 30 2515S2LAKE V BELLES 100 24 44 52 54 G Rice M C Moore G 13 13 115 115Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 37 50i 1 01 1 18 18Winner Winner BeautyWent B h by Bolus Brown Beauty Went to post at 300 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second driving out Braw Lad was much the best and from the eighth post homo had an easy time of it Consider ¬ ing the condition of tho track the early pace sot by If Yon Dare was torrific He reveled in the going but waB tired enough to lie down at tho finish On the stretch turn If Yon Dare bore out losing much ground He was beaten however at the timo and this cut no figure in tho result The field was well bunched at the start but was soon strung out and run in Indian file all the way The last three at the finish were pulled to a walk Judging from this race Braw Lad is perhaps tho best mudder at the track trackScratched Scratched 25021 Denrnan Thompson 110 25125 Aaron 107 107If If Yon Dare show 3 to 2 Myra Morella show 7 to 10 THIRD RACE58 Mile Puree 100 75 to second 25 to third 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 24979 MINERVA 103 2 3 3 35 14 See C Lind 5993 25054 YANA 111 25 26 14 22 Dominick J Arthur 65 2 95 7 250S6 HAYDON 108 3 1 1 22 3 J WinkfieldW Hedges Co 4 4 1451 25014JAPRIL 103 44 42 4 51043 Cobnrn G C Bennett Co 2 331 250863ARIGATO 93 5 5 5 43 5i 510 Donnelly H B Durham 10 20 20 6 25014IHKUTSK 96 6 G 6666 6 G 6 Rice M C Mooro 20 40 40 10 Apprentice 10Apprentice allowance Time 12 25 37 51 1 03 Winner 03Winner B fby Midlothian Flora Hurst HurstWent Went to post at 330 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won cleverly at the end after a hard early drive second and third driving hard Minerva was the best and plainly showed it Shn was qntrnn the first part of it but when tho pacemakers wore tiring she had something left and starting through on the inside looked to have everything her own way Haydon however swerved badly under the whip colliding with Minerva almost throwing her over the fence This compelled See to pull up Minerva and run around outside of Haydon and Yana This was a big handicap BO near the end of the race but the filly overcame it gamely and at the ond was going away Yana and Haydon raced each other into weariness tho first three furlongs Both were staggering at the end The race was always between the first three Overweights threeOverweights poundsMinerva Haydon 2 pounds Minerva show evens Yana show 2 to 5 Haydon show 1 to 2 April show 2 to 5 O PC O fJ O FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse S600 75 to second 25 to third t l Jr 4yearolde and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M ft 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25155CAVIAR 4 102 14 20 IH 15 is n Coburn M H Tichenor 1 1 45 14 25126JOHNET 1425126JOHNET 4 101 44 5 32 34 34 24 Domiuick M J Maloney 2 34 34 45 25155 BONEY BOY 5108 2 IH 23 2 22 36 J WinkfieldMrs R Bradley 5 G 54 75 251552LOUI8V1LLE 4 97 3 44 4io 420 412 412 Davisson C E Mahone Co4 8 8 24 251262CHAR MOORE 4 96 5 3 5 5 5 5 Seaton T F Coles 5 6 51 75 Coupled 75Coupled in betting bettingTime Time 25 38 51 1 Mi 1 175 1 31 1 45 Winner Br c by Fordham Annie G GWent Went to post at 4 05 At post 6 minutes Start good Won pulled to a walk second and third driven out Caviar far outclassed his field and ran under double wraps all the way He was in a soft spot and the race proved nothing more than a mile workout for him He is of fair class and can run in any kind of going Ohnet got away all tangled up and was interfered with on the first turn This considered he ran to his mark Boney Boy tried to stay with Caviar the first part of it and this mined whatever chance he had He faltered for an instant in the stretch but came again at the very end The other two were beaten off all the way Overweights wayOverweights Ohnet 2 pounds Bonoy Boy 5 5Caviar Caviar show out Ohnot show 1 to 3 Boney Boy show 24 to 1 Charley Moore show 2 to 1 O PC O QrfTk FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third tj O W 3yearoldB and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St St M H 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25193 KTBANNERET 4 112 1 33 2 2 13 14 8eo A J Ogles 75 4 4 35 35251222FLANEDR 251222FLANEDR 3 93 3 1 13 13 2i 2 Davisson J Maiden 10 30 30 4 4251573SDNRO 251573SDNRO 3 96 2i 23 31 4 31 35 33 R Jackson F T Wood 3 3 11512 11512243053PBECDRSOR 243053PBECDRSOR 4112444444J WinkfleldF W Doss Co 85 85 1 13 Time 12 25 37 51 1 05 1 20 1 34t 1 48J 1 52 Winner Ch c by Knight of Ellerslie Banana BananaWent Went to post at 435 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving hard Knightbanneret was never fully extended Ho has improved a lot since his last race liked the going and looked all over a winner from beginning to end Flaneur broke flying and showed quite a turn of speed but he was stopping at the ond and would have been beaten for second place in a few more strides Snnro is game and etood a drive for the last three furlongs Precursor heavily backed proved a disappointment He could not get out of his own way and was most wofully beaten beatenScratchod250533Merito Scratchod250533Merito 107 24802Dyxona 96 96No No show betting SIXTH BACH 1 Mile and 20 Kurds Puree 400 75 to second 25 to third 3yearolda Selling Ind Horses A Wt St H K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25191 SHUT UP 104 14 124 U4 H4 H 1 Cobnrn V Hughes 7 10 10 3 25152 WOODSTICK 101 24 Z f 41 2 4 2 Dominick MrsRMWestfleld 5 8 54 85 25088IMPROUPTU 103 3 5t 54 51 3 32 Sea F W Miner 2 1653 1 25090BIRDIE D 104 7 7 7 611 62 41 Rice R M Hennessey 2 34 34 65 24944KREWER 95 5 32 31 3 54 54 T Dean Rold Bros 20 30 30 10 25122 JOHN DRAKE 100 44 6J 23 44 24 6 R Jackson D V Grace Co 6 15 15 6 250163MOE COLLINS 93 6 4 62 7 7 7 Davisson A J Wallace 3 4 34 85 Apprentice allowance Time 12f 26 51 1 20 1 47 1 48 48Winner Winner B c by Q W Johneon Silence SilenceWent Went to post at 500 At post 5 minntas Start good Won driving and out to the last ounce second and third the same Shut Up got a flying start showed the most speed and was Btrongly ridden He is a quitter as a general rule but on this occasion Cobnrn made him hang on long enough to win Woodstick took a wide stretch turn losing much ground but closed stoutly at the end Impromptu perhaps should have won He got a miserable ride See was wabbling all over iim at the end Rice went to Bleep on Birdie D and came near getting left John Drake stopped in the last furlong Joe Collins got a bad ride but seems to be of little or no account A heavy fog arose as the horses went to the post and it was impossible to get them going down the backstretch The call here can be relied upon as DAILY RACING FOESI had a man stationed on the far turn turnScratched Scratched 25091 Zack Pholps96 24878 Ed Adack 101 24876 Monos 105 251223 Hanswurst 100 100CorrectedlWeightB CorrectedlWeightB John Drake 100 Birdie D 104 104Overweights Overweights Woodstick 1 pound Shut Up show evons Woodstick show 4 to 5 Impromptu show 3 to 5 Birdie D show 3 to 5 Joe Collins show 4 to 5

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901052201/drf1901052201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901052201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800