St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-22


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO May SI Eighteenth day St Louis Fair Association Spring ilesting Weather threatening track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Hr cr Racing starts at 2 0 p m OKiJ FIRST RACi 4 13 furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt M X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O J TALPA 110 2 12 24 IH McCann Talbot Bros 45485 25135 OKLA 105 9 2 14 22 Morse Louis Sells 34485 25135 WIS8ENDINE 105 1 34 35 310 A Weber H M Ziegler 10 20 20 8 24923 ALL MINE 102 4 42 43 44 Hart W H Jackson Jr 7 15 15 6 25026 ETHYLENE 102 12 73 Gi 53 Moon Martin Patton 30 30 30 10 251353HAS 10251353HAS GIFT 105 7 G 74 63 J T Woods J Huffman 6 16 16 6 25101 JUNGFRAU 110 11 94 9 7n Kuhn B Schreibor 4383 25101 LACHIMAE 10010 84 SB 83 Hshbergor A Calm 852 8535 24825 ANNA ELLIOTT 105 5 54 5u 93 F Miles S P Harlan GO 15015050 25026 LADY BURLGTON 102 G 10 102 102 T OBrien P Tomlinson ColO 25 25 8 24507 40PIRATE 1ROSUTA 110 3 llisil 114 McCluskey Moore Bros 20 100 100 40 PIRATE MAID 110 8 12 12 12 A Morrison M E Frost 30 150 150 60 AEG1N 60AEG1N 110 13 40Time 13 13 13 Bell G G Moshior CoSO 100 100 40 Time 124 245 484 55 Winner CatalpaWent 55Winner B f by Tho Commoner Catalpa Went to post at 229 At post 9 minutes Start fair Won driving second the same Talpa was best She was pointed for this race and heavily played but was lucky to win Okla ran a great race from a bad start and can boat Talpa at the weights Webers weak ride on Wiseen dino beat that filly She could not have lost with a good boy up All Mine ran her race Ethy lone was off badly and finished strong Scratched25026 strongScratched25026 Nora D 110 25028 Reap 102 102Talpa Talpa show 4 to 5 Okla show 4 to 5 Wiesendine show4 to 1 Lacrimae show out J T 6 61 1 O O SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses A Wt Bt M 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O 251722SUE JOHNSON 4 100 7 51 44 21 H 14 T OBrien Fizer Co 4652 25173 HARRY PULLIAM3 90 9 62 5 4 35 23 ONeil J P Hirth 8 20 20 8 25134 COLONEL GAY 7107 6 8 62 64 43 3s Plunkett TAGay 15 20 20 8 251393 PERCY R 6 111 5 2 2 1 24 4 D Vititoe L Lewis 12 15 15 6 250732V1RGIE DOR 3 88 3 9 11 5 71 54 Winslett Gaffnoy Allen 2 2 8535 21925 LA MASCOTA 8 102 1 IH INK 32 52 63 Morso Hughes Elliott 15 30 30 10 25100 JOHN MORTON 4 109 2 71 7 11 82 72 McCluskoy W Mulkey 20 40 40 15 25139 CRO63MOL1NA 5 109 13 13 13 12 10 82 Givons Jones Co 60 60 GO 20 249262SAL1NE 20249262SAL1NE 3 93 8 3 34 34 52 9 A Veber Gaskins Son 10 15 15 6 25070 FRENCHIE 3 95 10 11 91 92 11 103 R Clark Christy Brown 30 100 100 40 25139 EIGHT BELLS 6 102 4 4n 10 13 13 114 Kuhn G C Baker 8862 25136 BRIGAND QUEENS 109 11 10 8410 12 123 Mulhall A M Mnlhall 60 300 300 80 251002HARDLY 6 109 12 12 12 74 9 13 Abel Brnmfield Co 6 6 4 85 Time 85Time 13 254 374 504 10211154 128J Winner Ch f by Aretino Morna MornaWent Went to post at 306 At post 10 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Sue Johnson was was beat and best ridden Harry Pulliam finished strongly Colonel Gay came fast at tho end and nipped Percy K on the post Virgie dOr was very badly ridden and would have been closer up with a good boy Eight Bells is eour and out of form Hardly off badly was not asked to race hard It was a bad looking race for her herScratched Scratched 24901 Ben Frost 111 251723Lauroatoa 100 100Sue Sue Johnson show 4 to 5 Harry Pnlliam show 3 tol Colonel Gay show 4 to 1 Virgio dOr show out Hardly show 4 to 5 25234 THIRD RACE C8 Mile Purse 500 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horaes A Wt St M ft 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 249222FATHER WNTKER103 4 33 3 23 12 T OBrien B Schreiber 24 34 3 45 251742LEE 45251742LEE NUTTER 103 6 1 H H 2 A Weber H Nutter 65 65 1 13 24645 WYETH 103 2 43 41 44 35 L Roto T H Stevens 8883 25174 MAJOR TENNY 103 7 7 58 53 44 J Miller J F Schorr 20 GO GO 15 GLEN 15GLEN WATER 103 1 54 62 6 5 McCann Turney Bros 15 25 25 8 25003 KING DALY 108 5 214 2H 34 615 McCluskey Mrs S Lucas 34 6 6 65 OAKLING 65OAKLING 103 3 6 7 7 7 Van Camp C Roberts 40 100 100 25 Time 25Time 124 244 364 49 1 024 Winner 024Winner B c by Sain Caroline Hamilton HamiltonWent Went to post at 342 At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Father Wentker was best and ran an impressive race He came away when called on but had to be shaken up slightly at the finish The colt is much improved over his last race but seems to be a lazy fellow Loe Nutter ran a good race and closed strong Wyeth was all out at the finish Major Tenny is a slow beginner and does not saem to ba of much account Father accountFather Wentker show out Lee Nutter show out NVyeth show 4 to 5 i K Q K FOURTH KACJB1 Mile Purse 100 3yoarolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St J4 W StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 250723SAHNER 101 2 22 23 23 214 H4 Bloss B Schreibor 2 34 16565 216913 ALBERT F DEWEY105 3 5 5 5 42 2 L Rose F Clarksou 55495 25005 FARMER BENNETT109 4 314 40 3 32 314 J Miller J F Schorr 4662 25173 MAX fMUS 105 5 4H 3 4 5 44 T OBrien CJCella 4 4 1351 251373HUKRY 1351251373HUKRY 100 1 14 12 12 u 5 Hshbergor J Huffman 4 4 1851 Time 1851Time 12i 254 371 504 1 021 1 16 1 29 1 42 Winner 42Winner RidgeWent Ch c bv Kingston Park Ridge Went to post at 416 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving Sar uer had a world of speed was beautifully ridden and rated He came home full of running and seems to improve with every race Albert F Dowoy ran a sluggish race to the stretch but fin ¬ ished strong Farmer Bennett seemed lame as they went to the post Mazimus showed speed under restraint during the first part of it Hurry shut up liko a punctured balloon at the sev ¬ enth furlong furlongSarner Sarner show 1 to 2 Albert F Da wey show 4 to a Farmer Bennett show 4 to 5 Maxlmns show 9 to 20 Hurry show 2 to 5 fi K S FIFTH RACE1 Mile and 80 Yards Purse 400 4yearolds and upward U JaOO Allowances nd Horses A Wt St V4 5i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25177PET1T MAITRE 4 101 4 8 34 32 32 H 4 A Weber 8 J Charle 75853212 25072 IDA LEDFORD 4 95 1 14 H H4 14 21 J T Woods Fizer Co 2 2 8535 25139IRI8H 853525139IRI8H JEWEL 4104 3 63 42 24 21434 L Rose 8 C Wagner 1854 34 G5 25031 MARG HAGEMAN5 99 5 4H 5 52 414 4n McCann H Talbot 12 16 16 G 251733LINDEN ELLA 4 95 6 7 7 7 7 53 Dowler W H Williamson 15 20 20 6 25177 GUIDE ROCK 6 101 7 51 6 64 64 63 Morse F W Johnson 20 25 25 8 25134 JOE DOUGHTY 5 100 2 24 24 41 53 7 D Vititoe J P Hirth 80 80 80 20 Time 20Time 15 27 52 1 05 1 184 1 444 PruderyWent Winner 444Winner Ch g by Cayuga Prudery Went to post at 443 At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly after a sharp drive in tho stretch Petit Maitre was the best and was cleverly ridden Ho came through small holes and won with something to Bparo Ida Ledford ran her race So did Irish Jewel for whom the route seemed too long Marguerite Hageman showed apeed Joe Doughty and Guide Rock stopped as if short shortPetit Petit Maitre show out Ida Ledford show out Irish Jewel show 1 to 2 O K O t rT SIXTH RACE34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses A Wt St X K J StrFin Jockeys Ownsra 25173 JAKE WEBER 4 IDS 4 H 12 is 13 L Hose S C Wagner f 5 I 75 248263H 8 TOBACCO 7 113 3 34 45 33 23 T OBrien PPA 21 4 4 75 25002 SAM LAZARUS 5 104 2 63 65 41 31 Plunkett T A fl 10 13 13 6 25176 ORLEANS 3 105 1 5 52 63 44 Bloss J K Unrrotrfl 66 G 2 25070 TENNY BELLE 3 99 9 925070VILLMAR 9 9 7 51 Morso Hughoc Elliott 34 31 1351 25070VILLMAR 5 107 8 71 74 54 02 McCan MrsWPDoyleColS 15 15 6 25098 TOAD RAINEY 3 9t 7 814 Si 9 72 Winslett WoodmanFinleySO 100 100 30 25139 HI KOLLAR 3 107 6 2 23 22 84 J T Woods W Mnlkey 4 9 9 i 24925ECHO DALE 3 93 5 45 3 8 9 E Mnrphy Kiley Crist 8 15 15 G GWinner Winner B g by Kingston Carmoncita CarmoncitaWent Went to post at 508 At post 12 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Jako Weber was far the best and could have won much further off The track was very slow for this race H 8 Tobacco did his beat So did Sam Lazarus and Orleans Tenny Belle was not given a very hard raco and could have done better Hi Kollar ia a roarer and stopped after showing some early speed B Scratched 25071 Verify 110 250983Battus 109 21316 Nabocklish 108 251003Ladas 107 25177 Meddlesome 107 25139 Samivel 104 adas 107 107Jake Jake Weber show 1 to 2 H S Tobacco show 7 to 10 Sam Lazarua show 24 to 1 Tenny Bello show 1 to 2

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Local Identifier: drf1901052201_4_2
Library of Congress Record: