Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-01


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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Hori s Ago W Hdi 25518 Talma 410S 25518 Summer 4 108 25366 1 Dont Know 1210o 25l7S2First Shot 4 105 25184 Gold Finder 4 105 25120 Tizona 4 105 25260 Jack McCabe 5 105 255183Monda 5 105 25560 Bagdad 410a 25116 Hilary 4 105 25563 Melkarth 610a 234392Sisquoc 410a I ISecond Second Raco 1 Mile and 50 Yards 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soiling25519Senator 25519Senator Matts 5 107 2536l2Quibo 3107 1 25590 Master Cal 3 101 24903 Lncera ij 10J 25329 Darlene 3 102 25519 Cavanaugh 3 97 t tThird Third Race 13 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Horses color BOX pedigree Wt Hdc 25330 Remele 108 7 25367 Hon Peter Sterling 108 7 25221 Estado 108 7 7The The Ledaeau 108 25589 You You 105 7 25E893Flattered 105 700 25479 Jacqueminot 105 720 720254793Armado 254793Armado 105 715 25365 Priam 105 700 25009 PostBell 105 705 705Dawson Dawson b g by St Andrew Andrewor or Maxio Easter 105 25589 Presteno 105 710 710Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Aga Wi Hdcp 251512 Wardman no 725 25117 Carlonian 107 700 700253313Gaylon 253313Gaylon Brown 107 715 25442 Rasp 107 705 70525439Intrepido 25439Intrepido 107 710 25558 Follow Me 107 700 700251SSimiouon 251SSimiouon 107 715 715254S02 254S02 Princess Titania 105 720 25409 Catherine Bravo 105 710 710Fiftli Fiftli Race 1 1lG Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap251433The 251433The Frettor 5 118 725 72525443E1 25443E1 Hio Shannon 4 116 710 710251892Hortoo 251892Hortoo 5 110 715 71525591Montallado 25591Montallado 8 100 720 720255582Donator 255582Donator 6 97 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 24832 Fairfax 4 108 705 705255232Racotto 255232Racotto 4 103 720 25120 Brown Prince 6 105 695 695251162Letiger 251162Letiger 4 105 715 715255633Bnrdock 255633Bnrdock 4105 710 25184 Searchlight 6 105 705 70525184Sanl 25184Sanl of Tarsus 4 105 710 25410 Dr Nembula 5 105 725 72525476Blancho 25476Blancho Shoppard 4 103 700 25178 Canojo 4 103 695 695C25142 C25142 Katie Walcott 4 103 700 25260 Novia 6 103 715

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901060101/drf1901060101_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1901060101_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800