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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 25534 Ransom 9 107 700 25537 Alleviate 6 105 710 25459 Fred Hessig 3 105 705 25316 Alvin W 7 104 700 25321 Jena 4 103 715 715255753The 255753The Singer 4 102 695 21789 Jim Turner 4 102 690 25531 Regatta 6102 690 25393 Ben Frost 6 101 715 25537 Sue Johnson 4 100 720 72025575Elba 25575Elba 4 100 710 25389 Mandamus 4 97 700 25173 Ella Martin 4 97 705 70525531Lawton 25531Lawton 3 91 725 Judge 725Judge Kemp b c by PilgrimLevel Lady 3 88 Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolda 2yearolda Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Ago Wt Hdop Hdop253922Trio 253922Trio 107 720 25513 Old Hutch 107 715 715253923Kaloma 253923Kaloma 107 710 255132Helen Print 107 725 25460Wakita 104 715 25353 Lemuel 103 710 25069 Potheen 103 700 700255133King 255133King Daly 99 705 705J J Huffman entry entryThird Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap25461Wax 25461Wax Taper 4 J24 715 71525319Tnlla 25319Tnlla Fonso 5 108 24936 Nobleman 5 101 715 715252702Hi 252702Hi Nocker 4 100 705 705252703Tom 252703Tom Collins 6 100 710 25390 A D Gibson 3 98 725 725255172Ben 255172Ben Ledi 5 97 720 19113 Kings Highway 6 96 703 17910 Myrtle Van 7 92 700 700Barred Barred in betting bettingFourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward upwardThe The Club Members Handicap Value 2500 2500219093Pink 219093Pink Coat 6 119 735 25461 Mint Sauce 5 116 735 25437 Chappaqna 5 108 725 72525356Dissonter 25356Dissonter 4 102 750 7502531981ink 2531981ink 3101 730 73025436SVon 25436SVon Hoorebeke 4 100 720 25536 Linden Ella 4 93 715 254613 Hottentot 4 93 740 740255163Callear 255163Callear 3 93 710 710255162Wall 255162Wall 3 90 7OT 7OTFifth Fifth Race 1 31O Miles MilesOver Over 5 Hurdles 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances25514Colonial 25514Colonial Dame 6 134 700 25514 Very Light 5 133 690 690255142Mr 255142Mr Rose 4 131 685 25514 Towers S126 670 25514 Happy Medium 4 125 680 680Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and npward Selling Ind Horsea color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp255153Chopin 255153Chopin 5 108 715 21115 Admiral Schley 4104 700 70025515Zonne 25515Zonne 4 104 720 720255363Meddlesome 255363Meddlesome 5 100 715 715254372Guide 254372Guide Rock 4 100 725 25321 Marguerite Hageman 5 98 710 710Dr Dr Bradley b c by OnceAgainEllaH 3 94 25537 Spinning Rock 3 79 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolda 3yearolda Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horsea Aga Wt Hdop Hdop25536Farmer 25536Farmer Bennett 105 715 715255163Callear 255163Callear 105 710 25531 Robert Jr 100 700 700217823Kingraine 217823Kingraine 100 720 7202553728ard 2553728ard 97 715 715255362Sarner 255362Sarner 97 725