Brooklyn Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-01


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RROOKLYN ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race About 34 Mile 165 feet short short3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Highweight Handicap Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp25246Petra 25246Petra II 3 128 725 24950 Magnificent 4 126 740 252462Katherina 740252462Katherina 3 123 730 24773 Prince Richard 4 122 720 23576Gold 72023576Gold Fos 5 120 750 25470 Ben Viking 5 118 730 254702Lady 730254702Lady of the Valley 3 115 735 25377 Fabius 4 112 720 25060 Barbetto 3 112 735 735Second Second Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap25548Sidney 25548Sidney Lucas 4 125 740 252783 All Gold 4 108 735 25422 flochester 4 106 750 25249 Latson 6 106 735 255072Donble 735255072Donble Dummy 7 98 730 255463 Matt Simpson 4 95 725 255073Lanceman 725255073Lanceman 3 93 720 720Third Third Hace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesThe The Hudson Stakes Value 3500 3500ind ind Horses color Bsxpsdigrsa W4 Hdcp Hdcp25379Tho 25379Tho Goldfinder 122 00 25508 Meridian 115 783 Kaleidoscope 783Kaleidoscope br c by Ti Tithonus thonus Glenviow 115 25547 Misleader 115 750 25379 Whiskey King 115 755 755254723Hanover 254723Hanover Queen 112 760 760219l83Gunflro 219l83Gunflro 112 775 775Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Tffo Carlton Stakes Value 3000 30003yearolda 3yearolda Allowances Ind Horsae Ago Wt Hdcp 25307 Commando 126 900 90025473The 25473The Parader 126 875 875233082B1UOS 233082B1UOS Ill 870 87025546Gautama 25546Gautama Ill 8 8253073A11 253073A11 Green Ill 860 86025022Smile 25022Smile Ill 855 855247802The 247802The Puritan Ill 833 83324949iB8llario 24949iB8llario Ill 870 87023156Bedeck 23156Bedeck Ill 840 840252782King 252782King Pepper Ill 850 850Fifth Fifth Race 38 Mile 2yearoldB Maidens Selling nd Horses color sex podigreo Wt Hdcp 25506 Woodmansten 107 703 703255063fienton 255063fienton Gray 103 720 25506 TeaVarre 105 710 710255l93Destitnte 255l93Destitnte 101 700 25549 Juvenile 102 703 703255062Tchula 255062Tchula 102 723 25381 Step Onward 99 715 715253S1 253S1 Buzz 99 700 700Father CarinoI Father Den ch c by Carino St Pauline 97 gixtli Race 1 11G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horssv AK Wt Hd r r254753The 254753The Amazon 4 108 715 25471 Lucky Star 7 101 705 25507 Millstream 6 103 720 720255093Wall 255093Wall About 3 103 710 25546 Matt Simpson 4 100 715 23173 The Golden Prince 3 81 725

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Local Identifier: drf1901060101_4_5
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