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HAWTHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Raco 1 Milo and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp2556S 2556S Blue Lick 5 110 725 25157 Dousterawivel 6 110 670 25525 Tobe Paine 5 110 710 7102552i 2552i Free Hand 5 105 695 25456 Vincennes 5 102 710 25190 Senator Thompson 5 102 650 25525 Latch Key 5 102 705 705S1723MyrtleGebaur S1723MyrtleGebaur 4 101 635 25295 LittioSinger 6 100 675 25530 Our Nellie 5 100 705 24928 Hermencia 4 100 700 700Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 25489 RedHook 113 685 25123 Bert Sargent 108 700 700255243Hans 255243Hans Wagner 108 685 685251892Harry 251892Harry Beck 105 690 25190 I Samelson 103 650 25452 Parnassus 100 625 625Third Third Race Short Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap254173Sallust 254173Sallust 6 152 635 635254172Frond 254172Frond 5 151 625 25528 Filon dOr 5145 650 25417 Lord Chesterfield 7 143 600 25528 Dick Furber 4 133 615 615Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Fillies Allowances The Laesie Stakes 1250 added added25112Endnrance 25112Endnrance by Right 118 685 24612 Autumn Leaves 118 690 252642 Barouche 115 690 24558 Doreen 115 700 25054 Astery 110 650 25154 Pronta 110 650 25290 Throetlo 110 625 25228 April 110 685 68525036The 25036The Fashion 103 685 685W W S Barnes entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 25526 The Unknown 4 110 730 25527 Robert Waddell 3 107 750 750254902Knightbanneret 254902Knightbanneret 4 103 715 25526 Hernando 3 103 705 705254062Isobel 254062Isobel 3 96 705 705Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 234422 Favonius 5 114 710 18332 King Dellis 4 114 625 22129 Pope Leo 6 114 650 13502 Hea a 110 650 248933 Star of Bethlehem 6 103 700 24521 Depending 6 103 600 600255272Bessie 255272Bessie Macken 4 101 725 72525076Edith 25076Edith Q 3 100 695 69525491Silnrian 25491Silnrian 3 97 715 715Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling255292Ecome 255292Ecome 5 112 670 67025077MissSoak 25077MissSoak 6 Ill 700 25330 Moroni 6110 690 24598 Prestar 6 107 660 66025376Defender 25376Defender II 5 107 650 650253753E1 253753E1 Caney 4 106 710 25456 Prairie Dog 4 105 650 650254012Sprung 254012Sprung 4 103 725