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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO May 31 Twentyseventh day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Jndge P A Brady Starter W F Braen Racing starts at 2dO p m O K K TA FIRST RACE 1 Mile Puree 100 3yearolds and npward Selling lad Horses A Wt St H K StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 25462 SWORDSMAN 7 114 2 711 61 6 33 IH T OBrien Fizer Co 12 25 20 8 8254332IDA 254332IDA CORBRY 3 89 7 411 33 23 11 23 R Murphy Turney Bros 85 85 85 35 25389 JIM BREEZE 4 111 10 11 93 41 21 31 Foncon J J Gilmore 12 15 15 6 24687 JUDGE MAGEE 5 111 1 11 12 12 42 4i Moody M Bowen Sons 15 15 12 5 25512 CROSSMOLINA 5 109 9 6i 4 5 52 SB Wedstrand Jones Co 5521 25433 JULIEUTA B 3 89 5 82 7i 9 9 6 Wallace J E Barrows 40 75 75 25 253932SALINE 3 94 11 10 11 11 71 73 Bell Gaskins Co 4772 25512 HANSBOROOGH 4 107 8 9 8 7 8 82 A Weber J C Ferris Jr 10 12 12 5 25433 JOHN MORTON 4 107 4 3u 10 3 6 9 Plnnkett W Mulkey 15 15 15 6 25213 DENNY DUFFY 4 110 3 21 2 8 10 10 McCann L Goldblatt 15 30 30 12 25433 W1NYAH 4 109 6 5 51 10 11 11 Houck B Schreiber 10 15 15 6 6Time Time 12i 25 371 50 1 03 1 161 1 30 1 42J 42JWinner Winner Br h by Cavalier Horechel HorechelWent Went to post at 231 At poet 12 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive of three Swordsman who has been running good races in better company fell in a soft spot and was not noticed Ida Corbry ran her race and might have won with a resolute finish Jim breeze made a bold bid too late in the race Judge Magee had speed but died in front Croesmolina was backed and stood a terrific drive Saline off badly nad less than a hard race raceScratched Scratched 25512 Virgie dOr 91 25512 Loone 91 25318 Bertha Buck 89 89Overweights Overweights Jim Breeze 4 pounds Winyah 2 2Swordsman Swordsman show 3 to 1 Ida Corbry show out Jim Breeza show 3 to 1 Crossmolina show 1 to 2 6 K K r f 1 SECOND RACK 13 Mile Purse 5350 2yearolds Maidens Ind Horses A Wt Bt M H X StrFin Jockeys O H 0 P 21 22 H J Woods H M Zeigler 1 65 65 13 24711 MAGGIE CLOPTON 104 3 1 H 2 Bloes J E Burrows 3 3 13545 25460 ANN A ELLIOTT 101 7 62 H 3 F Miles 8 P Harlan 15 15 15 6 25460 ALL MINE 101 1 1 71 4H T OBrien W H Jackson Jr S 10 9 3 25268 LADY DREW 107 10 41 3 5 Givens M E Frost 15 60 60 20 25355 ETHYLENE 101 11 11 93 62 Moon Martin Elliott 12 20 20 8 24562 DOUBLEDAY 110 2 3 62 72 WedetrandW McCayCo 15 30 30 10 10LITA LITA LEE 107 8 8 10 8U Enos M 8 Hughes 12 30 30 10 25355 JUNGFRAU 110 9 9 82 9r Honck B Schreiber 7 8 8 21 25460 EVA BELLE 103 5 51 52 10 F Tumor W Walker 60 10010040 24711 GLENCA LEAM1NG107 4 10 11 11 Booker A N Doerschuk 50 100 100 40 40Time Time 121 241 37 491 491Winner Winner B f by Pirate of Penzance Belle of the Highlands HighlandsWent Went to post at 310 At post 14 minutes Start good for all but Ethylene who was ridden by a stable boy Won cleverly after a sharp early drive Wissendine and Maggie Clopton had the race to themselves Wissendine was strongest at the finish Etbylene was probably best of the lot with a good rider up Jnngf rau off badly was not persevered with withOverweights Overweights Eva Belle 2 pounds poundsWissendine Wissendine show out Maggie Clopton show out Anna Elliott show 3 to 1 O K K rr O THIRD RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 350 2yearolds Allowancee Ind Horses A Wt St M V4 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 254582PRESSOVER 110 2 21 26 11 C Combs Stnbbs Bros 95 95 85 45 4525458JPRECISELY 25458JPRECISELY 107 1 1 1 = 25 Bloss Adams Co 3 31 31 65 25458 BILL FRITZ 102 3 43 33 3 T OBrien J Huffman 10 12 12 5 25458 JOHN STORM 100 6 61552 42 ONeil Talbot Bros 15 30 30 12 25353 OAKLING 105 5 3 42 5 WedstrandC Roberts 10 15 15 6 25513 KILIMNDSCHARO 103 7 7 61 515 Hshberger A Cahn 12 12 8 3 25458 COLONEL FLYNN 103 9 8 7 7 Page J H Boyd Co 30 200 200 80 80NOR NOR MAZ 110 12 9 8 83 Enos M 8 Hughes 20 20 20 8 25458 WILL GASTON 100 11 10 9 9 A Lines H T Batcheler 20 100 10030 100309nnr9 9nnr9 WFTrTAM F TT 100 4 51 Fell Moon Martin Patton 30 30 25 10 13 Fell Honck B Schreiber 30 30 30 10 10ioojo ioojo ojinjuuc0 ii o 11 Fell E Mathews P M Civill 20 40 40 15 25458 DR CROWLEY 103 10 12 Fell R Murphy J D Lucas 4 41 41 95 95Time Time 12 24i 491 56 56Winner Winner B c by Hanover The Empress EmpressWent Went to post at 350 At post 6 minutes Start good Won in a sharp drive Pressover was best and was coming away at the end Precisely hung a little at the finish Oakling had early speed William F II fell and the others went over him The accident cut slight figure in the result Dr Crowley was off badly badlyScratched Scratched 25458 Flossies King 103 25069 Potheen 103 103Overweights Overweights Bill Fritz 2 pounds Oakling 2 2Pressover Pressover show 2 to 5 Precisely show 1 to 2 Bill Fritz show 2 to 1 O K K 17 O FOURTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 500 Syearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X X 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 254612ETHEL WHEAT 100 3 2n 21 2 li ONeil Haley Bros 710710710 out 25390 MISS AUBREY 95 4 43 41532 2H Gough J F Dockery 8 22 20 3 32518028INFI 2518028INFI 105 1 13 12 is s WedstrandE L Liger 1854 3 710 25435 HURRY 95 2 33 32 412 412 A Weber J Huffman 4551 25352 GOLDEN HARVE3T100 5 5555 Lalor RE Watkins Co30 80 80 15 15Time Time 12 J 241 361 491 1 02 1 15 15Winner Winner B or br f by Badge Onida OnidaWent Went to poet at 420 At post 10 minutes Start good Won easily next three driving It was a romp for Ethel Wheat Miss Aubrey ran a good race under a fifth rate boy came with a great rush in the stretch and finished strongly Sinfi broke fast and had fair speed but could not stay Hurry has gone back backOverweights Overweights Sintt 5 pounds poundsMiss Miss Aubrey show 4 to 5 Sinfi show 1 to 3 tyt FiHA FIFTH RACE 1 110 Miles Purse 400 Syoarolda and upward Ind Horses A Wt St M 1A X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 254353 ALBT F DEWEY3 91 4 2 23 22 Hill ONeil F Clarkson 71071035 out out255152S1LVER 255152S1LVER COIN 4 107 2 31 4 o 450 410023 McCann C A Johnson 7 12 12 125 2535729ATIN COAT 3 96 3 415 315 SB 32 3 Bell HughesElliott 67785 25461 IDA LED FORD 4102 1 H 1 1 21 1 450 T OBrien Fizar Co 21 16516535 25323 THORN WILD 393555555R Murphy E L Liger 30 80 80 15 15Time Time 13 251 371 501 1 031 1 161 1 29 1 41 i 1 48l 48lWinner Winner Ch c by Dandie Dinmont Cecil B BWent Went to post nt 456 At post 4 minutes Start fair Won cleverly after a careless ride Albert F Dewey was far the best ONeil rode him carelessly and took a long chance He almost threw the race away at the end McCann gave Silver Coin a good ride and saved a lot of ground gallopSilver Ida Ledford does not like anything over a mile Thorn Wild could not raise a gallop Silver Coin show 3 to 5 Satin Coat show 1 to 2 Ida Ledford show out SIXTH RACK 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolda and upward Selling 25575 Ind Horaes A Wt St X H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25462M1S3 PATRON 5 104 4 7 61 5 42 12 Bloss Finn Co 12 15 10 4 25004 ELBE 4 104 2 51 51 42 211 2 Givens J N Miller Co 12 20 20 8 24623 THE SINGER 4 104 1 3 31 2 31 3 Enos W P Magrane 40 40 15 6 25433 SILENT FRIEND 4 104 3 IH 1 H 11 4 Knhn L Lemp 15 30 30 10 25438 BAM LAZARUS 5 106 6 61 71 611 51 51 Plnnkett T A Gay Co 15 18 15 6 254591LA DESIROUS 3 99 10 13 13 121 83 61 Hshberger W W Darden 11521 2 45 25515 MORRIS VOLMR 4 107 7 8 8 101 10 78 T OBrien P P Adams Co 6 10 10 4 22173 OUR LADY 3 99 13 12 12 7 61 8 R Clark K Stone 10 12 12 5 25357 WINDWARD 5 109 8 9 9 13 71 91 WedstrandftI Burns 10 12 12 5 25233 EIGHT BELLS 6 107 11 10 101 8 93 10 Dale G C Baker 12 15 12 5 525318DEPONAN 25318DEPONAN 4 104 12 11 11 91 11 11 McCann Kelly Kane 1151451351 25356 SPECIAL NOTICE4 107 5 2 41 113 12 12 Vanleer G W Tarr 100 200 200 80 21658 LILL SPARKS 3 95 9 41 2H 21 13 13 RHendersnJ T Davenport 200 200 200 60 Time 13 251 371 5p 1 03 1 161 1 30 30Winner Winner Ch m by Patron Glenleven GlenlevenWent Went to post at 525 At post tf minutes Start poor Won in a fierce drive of four The start made the result untrue Miss Patron off none too well may have been the best She came very strong at the end Elbe ran a good race under a poor ride The Singer not quite fit had a lot of speed and ran a good race His boy hampered him at the end Deponan had no chance with the start Silent Friend with a lot of speed weakened at the end Harshberger was ruled off for his ride on La Desirous DesirousScratched Scratched 25357 Prestome 107 254333Midian 106 106Overweights Overweights Elbe 2 pounds Special Notice 5 5Miss Miss Patron show 2 to 1 Elbe show 3 to 1 The Singer show 3 to 1 La Desirous show bat Deponan show 1 to 2