Coney Island Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-29


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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART CHARTSHEEPSHEAD SHEEPSHEAD BAY L I June 88 ClubSummer Twelfth day Coney Island Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Bacinar starts at 230 p m Q 1 K 1 FIRST BACK Iast 58 fllile Now Futurity Course S700 added OOOJL 2yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Horses A Wt S W X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 26291 MAN O WAB 104 1 1 I IB H Suaw H T Griffin 3 4 4 851 26231 ESSENE 109 S 2n 2n 22 21 Landry T J Healey 4 5 185 75 25553 ILLUMINATE 103 6 61 41 31 SH Odom J McLanghlin 30 30 8 3 25863 12261743LINOBA COORTENAY 104 9 H 71 52 42 Cochran Albright ByrnesHO 40 30 12 261743LINOBA 7883SUCCASUNNA 99 7 41 51 4n 52 Wonderly J Qalway 7883 SUCCASUNNA 99 IS 5i 61 6J 61 L Smith G F Johnson 12 40 30 10 26291 CONCEBTINA 94 8 9 8 8 71 Wangh J B F P Keene 20 30 20 8 26147 FUGUBTHA 94 11 10 10 9 82 Goodyear M Mnrphy 7 12 10 4 26174 TBDMP 104 2 31 31 71 93 T Burns W C Whitney 30 40 30 10 26150 ROSSAIB 99 14 13 12 11 10 McGinn G C Johnson 12 20 20 8 26174 FRIAB TABOB 102 4 8 9 10 11 Slack BWWaldenSons 1S541 4 75 25923 LEMOYNB 112 5 11 11 12 12 Piggott Mrs B Boche 50 100 60 25 26291 ATHELGLEN 97 12 12 13 13 13 GThompsn GoughacresStablelOO 200 200 80 26174 FBIEND JACK 97 10 14 14 14 14 Henderson W I Eilpatrick 100 200 200 80 26174 BALM OF GILEAD 102 Fell Garrigan A L Aste 10 30 20 8 TimeliOlSfcWinner TimeliOlSfc Winner B c by Ben Strome Maria D DWent Went to post at 240 At post 11 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Man oWar ran well and was lucky and perfectly handled Essene was going the fastest at the end Illuminate off poorly closed a big gap and was carried wide on the stretch turn Conrtenay closed much ground and will probably win soon Linora was pocketed in the last furlong and jumping on horeos in front of her Friar Tabor evidently wants mud to show at his best It was a field of bad racers racersScratched Scratched Fair Empress 104 261503Wild Oats 97 26291 Merriment 94 Overweights poundMan 94Overweights Illuminate 1 pound Man oWar show 4 to 5 Easene show 7 to 10 Illuminate show 7 to 5 Friar Tabor show 3 to 5 O O T O SECOND RACK 1 Mile 900 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St V 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26271 WAX TAPER 4 126 3 4 4 4 2 H Shaw B B Rice 45 45 35 15 26292JTHE 1526292JTHE PURITAN 3 111 2 2a 32 31 32 21 Cochran J J McCafferty 5 10 8 85 26149 DUBLIN 3 101 4 32 2 2n IB 32 Wonderly GonghacreeStableS 31 3 710 21460 HANDWOBK 3 104 1 12 HI Hi 4 4 OConnor Bogers Bose 3 8 7 2i Time 23 47 1 12J 1 25 1 38M Winner 38MWinner UtilityWent B c by Candlemas Utility Went to post at 305 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Wax Taper outclassed the field He lay far out of the race for the first half and was not turned loose until in the last furlong where he forged to the front in a hard gallop The Puritan was under a big pull for threequarters and ran a noteworthy race Dublin was outclassed Ho is evidently far short of his twoyearold form Handwork was very rank for the first threequarters and dis ¬ played a brilliant burst of speed He was short and will be heard from later on Scratched onScratched 262362Templeton 96 96Overweights Overweights poundsNo Handwork 3 pounds No show betting on first throo O O RT Q THIRD RACE rast 5 13 Fnrlonjrs New Futurity Course 2yearolds JS O O O O Allowances The June Stakes 800 added lad Horses A Wt St M X StrFin Jockeys Oicners O H 0 P 26267PENIN8ULA 122 1 44 1 1 T Burns J E Madden 35575 3557526233DI8ADVANTAGE 26233DI8ADVANTAGE 119 3 SH 3 3 2n OConnor J W Smyth 2 1152 710 710262932QAY 262932QAY BOY 122 4 21 2 2 = 33 Odom C H Mackay 852 2 35 26172 ALIBERT 122 2 1 1 4 4 Shaw J Fleischmann 34345 34345Time Time 107 Winner 107Winner Ch c by Meddler Pearl Thorn ThornWent Went to post at 330 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second the same Pen ¬ insula was best is steadily improving and is an exceptionally good stayer Disadvantage was carried somewhat wide on the turn and that may have beaten her Gay Boy on the rail ran his race It was a hot fight between these three throughout with the advantage in the strongest finisher Alibert was a contender to the last furlong and suffered costly interference when pinched and compelled to pull up Scratched26269 upScratched26269 Electress 114 114No No show betting O J Q K A FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 1000 added 3yearolds and upward OoOtt Handicap nd Horsea A Wt St St M H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 258013HERBERT 4 111 4 32 22 2 li IB IH L Smith W C Rollins 31 4 16565 262712ALL 16565262712ALL GOLD 4 103 2 It 1 IH 23 2H 2 Cochran W Oliver 21 3 115710 26099 TRIGGER 3 104 1 21 Si 31 31 41 3U Odom C H Mackay 7 15 10 4 26271 CARBUNCLE 4 113 55 5 5 5 3H 4 Landry T J Healy 21 31 31 651 26294CYBANO 65126294CYBANO 4 111 3 4n 4 41 41 5 5 Mitcbnll M Murphy 21 4 31 65 J Timo 24 49 1 13 1 39 1 53 Winner B c by Albert Bonnie Ola OlaWont Wont to post at 4 00 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a drive second the same Herbert was best He was very rank for the first seveneighths and lost ground by bearing but on turns and was poorly handled throughout but finished fast and strongly All Gold hung on unusually well after forcing such a hot pace Trigger ran well and might have won but for her failure to got an opening when making her effort in the stretch She demonstrated high class form and is probably the best of the threeyearold fillies east Carbuncle ran as if sore The hard track and his last previous race probably had left ill effects The same applies to Cyrano Both todayScratched horses are at their best on heavy tracks and both suffered from bad handling today 881Herbert Scratched 25380 Bafaello 126 26232Scnrry 97 26272 Fairy Tale 92 26296 Alsike 881 Herbert show out All Gold show out Trigger show 6 to 5 Carbuncle show out Cyrano show out 26355 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 700 added 3yearoldB Selling Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25860 SWEET TOOTH 106 10 li H T Walsh W A Redmond 10 12 72 21 26292 BEDECE 107 7 71 2a Mounce GB Morris 21 3 25 1 26235 PRINCETON GIBL 96 12 61 33 Wonderly H L Morris 10 20 15 6 26292 MALDEN 102 4 51 43 Cochran J A McGarry 26123 BLUE VICTOR 101 1 12617128PRY 2a 5n Slack J Ferguson 40 50 40 12 2617128PRY 91 8 41 61 Waugh JB 12JB FP Keene 15 20 15 6 3261703IBENE 26146 BOUNTEOUS 106 3 9 71 T Burns W H Sands v 8 12 10 4 261703IBENE LINDSAY 96 6 81 81 L Smith Hayman Frank 15 30 25 8 24108 AMINTE 101 15 11 91 Callahan M T Danaher 100 100 60 20 25997 CONNIE 100 2 la 71 10 10 Miles W C Daly 40 100 83 20 25717 BALLOON 93 9 12 13 13 11 Ccaightoa Sitanket Stable 50 100 100 40 24844 ONDURDIS 10511 7 12 12 12 OConnor G F Johnson 8 10 9 3 26170 MARIA BOL70N 103 5 3 3 3 13 Wilkarson W I Ktlpatrick 15 30 20 8 25998 I EY DIDDY 10313 14 14 14 14 Baoker HawthornaStablelOO 303 303 100 26170 LVDY BUCK 100 16 15 15 15 15 Romanelli R N Buckley 100 200 100 40 20872 SURMISE 10514 16 16 16 16 Garriean A L Aste 10 20 20 8 Time 12 233 47g 1 13J Winner Br c by Conrad Too Sweet SweetWent Went to post at 435 At post 21 minutes Start good Woadrivinor second the sams Sweet Tooth is in great form made up much ground and finished strongly Bedeck broke slowly and closed an immense gap running wide on the turns and was bsst Princeton Girl came from no Overweights Sweet Tootn 1 pound Blue Victor 3 Aminte Connie 5 Ikey Diddy 2 Sweet Tooth show 8 to 5 Bedick show 1 to 2 Princaton Girl show 3 to 1 Maiden show 3 to 5 p O K fc SIXTH RACE i 12 allies On Turf 5900 added 3yaarolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt 8t St H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26296NONES 3 101 4 8 8 7 2a 3 11 McGinn T Hitchcock Jr 75 75 65 12 26123 FATALIST 4106 2 In 22 22 42 IK 2 ilonnce A Garson 12 40 40 10 259223KOFGARTER7 10259223KOFGARTER7 114 8 51 5a 41 3 43 3 OConnor P 8 P Randolph 6 10 10 3 262323COLLEGIAN 3 91 5 2 31 31 IB 21 4n Cochran W C Whitney 10 15 12 4 26076SEMINOLE 3 94 6 Si 4a 51 61 6a SH Smith C fl Mackay 7982 26272 BELGRADE 4111 1 7a 71 8 71 7 66 Spencer J E Widener 2 3 13545 26296 ALSIKE 5 106 3 61 62 61 5 52 712 unes Y G Daly 10 30 30 7 26272 FAIRY TALE 4 103 7 42 12 12 g 8 8 MulhollandL M Myers 20 50 50 15 Time 15Time 25J 51 117 143 208 235 Winner 235Winner DavenportWent B g by Sir Dizon Amy Davenport Went to post at 525 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Nones was poorly ridden and pulled out of contention when the field was only cantering in the first part nf the raco bnt made up the ground and won drawing away and was incomparably suparior Fatalist put up a fast and game race and is a useful col Knight of the Garter was right there throughout Collegian and Seminole both displayed spsad and staying powers Belgrade lacked speed even in ths first half halfScratched Scratched 26344 Latson 114 114Nones Nones show 1 to 5 Fatalist show 3 to 1 Knight of the Garter show 7 to a Bslgrade show 1 to 3

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Local Identifier: drf1901062901_1_5
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