Washington Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-29


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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO IIX June 8 Sixth day Washington Park Club Bummer Meating Weather cloar track fast Presiding Judgo John F Morse Startsr Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m A Q A PC FIKST BACK 5 13 Furlongs 600 added 100 to second 50 to third OOat J 2yearolda Allowances Ind Horeea A Wt St H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26256ALLANADALE 111 21 12 12 16 14 T Knight T C McDowell 14 1 25615HELEN PRINT 103 4 31 33 2 26 Dominick J Huffman 6 12 12 1110 26256 HARRY WILSON 106 SB 4 48 37 37 J Woods J W Schorr 30 50 50 10 26198 BRAGG 111 a 5 5 4 4 R Sullivan T Rowo 100 300 300 50 26286PENTECO3T 5026286PENTECO3T 118 1 2 2 Foil JWinkfleld E Brown Co 69945 69945Time Time 6 18 42 10 107 WinnerCh McNairyWent c by HalmaSudio McNairy Went to post at 2 30 At most 1 minute Start good Won in a canter second easily Allana Dale showed his superiority from flag drop winning as he pleased Helen Print has quite a turn of speed and ran a fair race Pentecost appeared lame going to th post He crossed his legs and went down just before stretch entry throwing J Winkfield hard The jockey was uninjured At the second8cratched262562Herodiadelll time the colt went down he was running easy in second place and would have been second 8cratched262562Herodiadelll 26065 Throstle 108 Helen 108Helen Print show out Harry Wilson show 2 to 1 SECOND RACE 1 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third 3yearolds Allowances tnd Horses A Wt St X K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26289 J1MINEZ 117 4 IB 23 IB n 12 Bullman F J Kelley 1 32 32 25 25950 SEARCHER 102 61 7 32 33 33 2 J WinkfleldP Dunne 15 30 30 8 26024 OMDURMAN 105 886 610 5 SU Howell MidtonJngblthi 752 19888 TOM EMBRY 105 2 2 IB 21 23 411 Dominick J D Smith 30 60 40 15 240262ROLLING 15240262ROLLING BOER 105 IB 5B 51 51 4 55 Cobnrn S C Hildreth 2 1152 1 262893FRED 31HARTD ACKERMAN110 51 4 42 4 620 520 T Knight J Murphy 10 13 12 31 HARTD 100 31 3 73 7 7 7 J Matuews T F Sellers 30 3020 8 21645 EVAS DARLING 100 71 25025060Time 6 8 8 8 8 Gormley L M Brewer Co 50 25025060 Time 25 49 1 14J 1 A Winner AWinner B c by The Commoner Birdie T TWent Went to post at 300 At post 10 minutes Start good Won handily next two driving Jiminez easily shook oil Tom Embry in the last eighth and the rest was easy Searcher ran a good race and finished stoutly Omdnrman cut oS at the first turn was badly outrun the first seven furlongs bnt came with a whirl at the wire He was the victim of a poor ride Tom Embry had a great deal of speed aud held it for seven furlongs After that he tired perceptibly Rolling Boer ran about an even clip throughout He was high and short shortScratched Scratched 26290 Emma C L 100 100Overweights Overweights Searcher 21 pounds Hart D 1 1Jiminez Jiminez show out Searcher show 3 to 1 Omdurman show 4 to 5 Rolling Boer show 1 to 2 OAQ1 T THIRD RACE 7 13 Furlongs 600 added 100 to second 50 to third jUJjrjb a 3yearolds and upward Allowances nd Horses A Wt St fc H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 261952QEO ARNOLD 7 112 43 31 2 IH 1 IB Bnllman J W Fuller 35 35 25 out out260643VULCAIN 260643VULCAIN 4 122 la 2 4 420 21 25 Coburn S C Hildreth 3441 26195 LIKENESS 3 101 3 43 31 3 420 32 J Mathows T F Sellers 20 20 15 3 262592 YELLOW TAIL 4120 2H IH H 21 31 425 Alexander J Hackott 66675 21798 CANDELABRUM 4 112 5 5 5 5 5 5 Mowes A Shup Co 500 500 300 100 Time 100Time 20 44f 1 09 135 Winner 135Winner Cn h by Sir Dixon Dione DioneWent easilyrv Went to post at 330 At post 8 minutes Start good Won in hard drive second easily rv A u 3 TTI s i i a i ii 1 At n t u j A i i 17 i i i the speed of a longer stride Likenoaa ran a fair race She was squeezed ontof her stride at the first turn but it made little difference in the final result Yellow Tail was right there to the last eighth and then gave it up Corrected upCorrected 120No Weights Vnlcain 122 Yellow Tail 120 No show betting on first three O C ± Q I Q FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 600 added 100 to second 50 to third l J O OC O Syearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses AWt Bt H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26199 6526260d HYLO 3 93 21 12 121 IB 221 IN J Ranch Lookart Bros 2 31 31 65 26260d LAZARUS E3Q5 107 SB 21 21 23 IB 21 Gormley F M Arthur 6 15 15 6 26199 PRECURSOR 4 111 6 55 4n 3 3 33 J WinkfleldA G Blakely 3 3 21 1 25783 DONT CARE 6 112 71 42 31 43 47 4 Cobnrn J Brenock 10 15 15 6 26096 SPRUNG 4 105 5 611 6 7 75 5 J Woods W F Schnlte 6 15 15 6 21716 WALDECK 4 109 4 8 72 63 6 63 Howell MdletnJgblthlO 10 5 85 26226 ANN OLDFIELD6 107 IB SB 55 53 52 77 Dominick L Marion Co 4 12 12 4 26027 LAMACHUS 4 108 8 1 8 8 8 8 J Mathews L H Ezell 6 10 10 4 Apprentice allowance Time 1 32J 57 1 22 1 41J 1 S WlnnerCh GWent c by Sleipner Nellie G Went to post at 405 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a fierce drive second easily Hylo and Sam Lazarus Esq hooked up after six furlongs had been run and fought it out the rest of the journey Hylo ontgamed Sam Lazarus Esq and won on the post Precursor was easily the best of the others Dont Care ran woll for six furlongs but was tiring at the end Annie Old field had some early spaed bnt did not last long Lamachas could not extend his dickey legs on the hard track and was outrun the entire journey Hylo journeyHylo show 3 to 5 Sam Lazarus Esq show 3 to 1 Precursor show 1 to 2 O A Q I O FIFTH BACK34 Mile 600 added 100 to second 50 to third jU J O ti J 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St K tf 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2622931S1A 3 111 3 31 36 1 H Bnllman Sullivan Harris75 32 32 12 12249412MIB8 249412MIB8 BENNETT 3 106 4 1 1 23 27 Coburn G C Bennett Co 75 75131012 261953SEVOY 32256102KING 6 121 12 2 22 31 3 Vandusen John Call 77 61 32 256102KING DELLIS 4115 5 41 41 41 4 J Mathews Baker Gentry 15 25 25 7 26285 ANDRI8A 4 110 2n 5555 Conley W B JenningsCo20 20 20 5 Time 24476113 Winner 24476113Winner Ch c by Tammany Isis IsisWent Went to post at 435 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won handily second the same Isia when he got to Miss Bennett just after straightening for home had no trouble shaking her off and coming on won as he pleased Miss Bennett stopped badly when challenged by laia She needed a race to sharpen her Sevoy was rank for ualf a mile and then dropped away The other two were always outrun outrun8cratched245392S6ide 8cratched245392S6ide 111 111Isia Isia show out Miss Bennett show 1 to 5 Seyoy show out O A Q Kf SIXTH BACH 1 110 Miles 600 added 100 to second 50 to third ArfOdOU 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26230 SCOTCH PLAID 6109 IB 21 21 2 13 1 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse 10 15 15 6 26230LEO NEWELL 3 90 2 4a 51 5H 32 ia J Martin F T Wood 3 16516565 26199 KTBANNERET 4108 6 83 83 82 2a SB J Winkfield R M Westerfleld 15 25 25 8 260972NETTIE REGNT4 105 71 7 73 6 4a 42 See P J Nolan 10 10 10 4 21262803G 262302ECOME 5 112 4 311 31 31 51 51 Bnllman W H May Co 8 8 7 21 262803G 75262262ODNOR W W 3 100 81 6a 61 72 61 G T Knight Baker Gentry 3 31 165 75 262262ODNOR 3 88 51 52 4 4s 71 71 Gormley F Coofe 6873 26255PIRATESQUN3 83 SH HI IB i 81 81 Davisson J Arthur Co 10 13 13 6 26097 15Apprentice TAMMY CHIEF 4 90 9 9 9 9 9 9 W Murphy J W Schorr 30 30 30 15 Apprentice allowance Time 7 32 56B 1 21s 1 41 1 47 MidlothianMottleWent Winner 47Winner B g by MidlothianMottle Went to post at 505 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive next two the same Scotch Plaid always well up assumed what looked like a commanding lead at the last eighth but tired badly from there to the wire and just lasted long enough to beat out Leo Newell at the end The latter in tnrn had all he could do to land in front of Knightbanneret who came with a sensational rush in the last sixteenth after trailing along in next to the last position until just before the stretch tnrn His race was in sharp contrast to his last two Ecome was right there until near the last eighth when he tired badly Odnor looked dangerous at the head of the stretch and then fell away badly Pirates Queen was rank for throequarters and then gave it up upCorrected Corrected Weights Tammany Chief 90 Pirates Queen 83 Overweights G W W 1 pound Scotch Plaid show 3 to 1 Leo Newell show 3 to 5 Knightbanneret show 4 to 1 G Wt W Bhow 7 to 10

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901062901/drf1901062901_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1901062901_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800