Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-29


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTWKWPOBT WKWPOBT KYf June 28 Seventieth day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Mooting MootingWeather Weather clear track fast Presiding Judee Henry Queen Starter Thomas Riley Racing starts at 230 p m OOO3Q FIRST HACK 1 116 Miles Purse J250 3yearolds and upward Belling 2 BtrFin Jockeys O H C P 28041 FB ADMISSION 3 92 3 41 1 13 U 13 L Jackson W H Sayre 2 2 125 4 26279 ABRIBA 4103 1 11 22 23 232 D Hall Hickey Bros Co 8 983 f3 f f3rYilFnn 3rYilFnn 5108 7 7 6 5 3 31 Snell MassayFagin 8585857103 S 8585857103S frAt frAtITD ITD J i30 5 10I 4 2I 51 6I 42 41 WWebster U G Bankin 8883 o2J tit Jv 5 108 2 61 7 7 61 51 Watson E W Fitzgerald 12 12 12 5 S Fr LLa r 9U9 9 H 3 51 63 Hartman Shank Co 30 30 30 12 S T W WT H ° l 8 8 9 9 8 72 BaauchampHdersnMVhnS P fl 25961 LITTLE T BESQIE T 5 108 5 5 3 = 4 7 830 Lindsay W C Conroy 6 u 2o8S9 DEMOSTHENES 7 103 6 3 = 8 8 9 9 Finlay McEneryPnrcalllS 20 20 8 8TO Tim 9 12 24 37 49 102 115 1281 1421 148 TO WilliamsWent Winner 148Winner D B or u br c by Badge Minnie Williams Went to post at 235 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily second the sama Freo Admission left his company at tho half mile ground and came home by himself Arriba ran a greatly improved race Dandy H was messed about and jostled tho entire journey With ordi ¬ nary racing luck he should beat this kind in future Little Higgle pulled up lame Overweights lameOverweights Faith Ward 4 pounds Flora Ball 4 Free Admission show out Arriba show 8 to 5 Dandy H show out SECOND BACE34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling a A Wt St M U X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 26314 B G FOX 5 122 4 42 43 32 U Snell D P Bodgars 33365 26312 METOXEN 5 108 5 32 IH 1 2 Patton T A Davies 5 5 4 2 263383CHAB DANIELS 7 109 2 2 2 21 3 D Hall Daniels Co 2 2 2 45 263122ED BOTH 5 115 7 6 5 51 4 JHothersllGiles Babbitt 5662 26007 GBANDMA II 5 117 3 5 62 61 52 Dwyer J P Honsloy 20 20 15 6 l ° Ji ND HO 5 109 6 7 7 7 62 W Narvaoz Dillard Hill 0 20 20 8 8SJn7 SJn7 INCANDESCENT 5 122 1 12 33 42 7 BaauchampMrs M Lnzador 23365 25693 ONOMA8TUS 5 112 8 8 8 8 8 M WilliamsJ B Hand 6662 Timo 12 241 36 48 101 114 Winner ImpressionWent 114Winner B h by Melodrama Impression Went to post at 307 At poet 3 minutes Start fair Tho first throe wero driving EG Fox stood a hard drive and won gamely Motoxen got tho place by the narrowest of margins Char ¬ ley Daniels ran a nice race Ed Both finished strong He wants a longer distance Incandes ¬ cent mileB blow up after going half a mile B G Fox show 7 to 10 Metoxon show 4 to 5 Charley Daniels show out Incandescent show 7 to 10 26371 TH1BD BACE 5 18 Furlongs Purse 5250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26311POI8ON 107 6 H 11 1 12 Patton C Oxx 910910710 out out262512INSOLENCE 262512INSOLENCE 107 3 2 25 25 22 D Hall J A Maxwell Co2 2 2 710 710262803DR 262803DR WORTH 110 1 4 42 32 35 L Jackson W H Sayrg 4552 26280 BADGEB 105 2 6 5 55 45 Lindsay 8 T Gaines Bro 7 10 10 4 262802MARTHA D 107 4 32 81 42 52 Watson E W Fitzgerald 6883 26311 KING REX 105 5 52 6 6 6 BoauchampB J Hiner 10 15 15 6 Time 111 23 35 48 1 01 1 08 Winner 08Winner StrychiniaWent B f by Ben Stromo Strychinia Went to poet at 335 At post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second ridden out Poison showed a great burst of speed in the early part of the race She had to be shaken up at th head of tha stretch to stall off the rush of Insolence The latter ran to her notch Dr Worth was stoppedInsolence quicker away than usual Martha D stopped Insolence show out Dr Worth show 3 to 5 26372 FODBTH BACE 78 Mile Puree 250 Syoarolds and upward Belling nd Horses A Wt St Vt StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 263102PINECHIP 3 100 2 H H H 12 l LJactson Graves Innas 1 1 45 out 26310 QUEEN QUALITY3 971 5 3 2n 21 21 23 E Austin Chambers Co 5 6 6 21 26279 SUNDOWN II 5 110 6 21 42 55 42 32 Lindsay JJMcCalesterCo4 4 4 85 26284 BEN OFALLON 6 111 1 610 620 6 6 41 Dwyer C Goodharte 44485 26279 PHOSPHOBUS 3 100 3 41 3 3 31 5 Cogswell W H Sayre 6 6 6 21 26313 POLLY BIXBY 4 105 4 53 55 4 52 62 Towneend Wells Co 20 20 20 8 26132 PALAWAN 3 101 7 7 7 7 7 7 BeauchampJohn Smith Co 6 6 5 2 2Time Time 121 25 49 1141 128 128Winner Winner Ch c by Pirate of Penzanco Chippie Went to post at 405 At post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Pina Chip was much the best and won as he pleased Queen Quality ran an improved race Sundown 11 wont to his limit Ben OFallon was shut off at the start and had to bo pullod up He closed up strongly Phoepborns gave it up in the stretch Palawan would not or could not run and Beauchamp jogged him home homeOverweights Overweights Queen Quality 21 pounds Ben OFallon 41 Palawan 4 4Queen Queen Quality show 6 to 5 Sundown II show 4 to 5 Ben OFallon show 3 to a 26373 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt 81 81262792PIBAMO St Vz X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 262792PIBAMO 5 107 8 8 51 H 15 Lindsay Mcllrath Co 85 95 95 35 26250 BOLTAIRE 7 1071 6 42 61 51 21 Bnell Bryan Ellard 5552 26183 FLYING BIBD 5 105 4 la 11 21 32 Sotor JJMcCalesterCo20 30 30 12 26333 GOLDEN C 5 1051 7 7 42 62 4 W Narvaez J A Smith 21 3 3 65 262492JACK WILLIS 4 107 2 3a 2 41 51 L Jackson BrwningWalkorlO 10 10 4 26312 TADEMA 3 102 9 9 8 7 61 Townsend L Wells Co 20 40 40 15 26279 FULL DRESS 5 105 5 2 3 3 71 D Hall Henderson Co 5 6 6 2 26128 JOHN TODD 4 107 3 52 7 8 81 J HothersUGiles Babbitt 10 10 8 3 26333 PAULINE J 5 105 10 10 10 9 95 M WilliamsT A Davios 6 6662 6662263132FHNK 6 6 21 263132FHNK FELLOWS5 i5 107 1 6 9 10 10 Patton H Mack 33365 33365Time Time 121 241 49 1 01i 115 115Winner ExchangeWent Winner Ch h by Aspen Flora McDonald by Exchange Went to post at 438 At post 10 minutes Start good for all but Pauline J Won easily second driving Piramq shot out of the bunch at tho three eighths post and came away easily Boltaire and Flying Bird both lasted longer than usual Golden C and Frank Fellows were jumped on and knocked out of it on the far turn Full Dross showed speed but could not last Pauline J was five lengths back when flag fell fellScratched Scratched 26158 Blenheim 107 26309 Ida Hulott 105 105Overweights Overweights Boltaire 1 pound Golden C 1 1Piramo Piramo show out Boltaire show evens Flying Bird show 6 to 1 Golden C show 1 to 2 Frank Fellows show 3 to 5 O J Q fJA SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Puree 5250 3yaarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St J4 K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 263373NEL8E MOBBIS 3 96 5 51 41 42 32 1 L Jackson Wells Co 2224 262813MEGGS 2224262813MEGGS 6 107 8 41 61 51 41 21 Finley G H Marlmann 10 12 10 4 426310LAUBAB 26310LAUBAB FIRST 3 92 3 2 1 = 11 11 3 W Woods JWThompsonCo3 3365 262812FUCINO 6 107 6 7 51 2 21 41 Lindsay J Schwarzendahl 5552 26310 GOVERNOB BOYD6 111 2617 7 6 52 Michaels W 8 Laird 4552 455226281PBETTY 26281PBETTY BOSIE 5 111 78 8 6 7 6 JHothersU Giles Babbitt 8873 263103ROWDY G 3 100 4 31 21 3 51 76 Beauchamp J 8 Wallace 6 6 6 21 26338 HOBTMORRIBON3 96 9 9 9 9 8 86 D Hall Mrs F Simons 10 10 8 3 263093OLD PHIL 3 88 1 U 31 8 9 9 Cogswell F Baumhockel 15 15 10 4 Omitted from entries Time 121 241 49 1 151 1 411 411Winner Winner B c by Scorpion Sissy Knott KnottWent Went to post at 511 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Nelsa Morris camo with a rush after being well placed and was going away at the finish Meggs waa slow about getting to going well but finished strongly Lauras First was tiring at tho end Fucino dropped out of it on the first turn and then made a hurried run on the backstretch and far turn which wore him out Bowdy G showed early speed Bobert Morrison pulled up very lame Overweights lameOverweights Lauras First 2 pounds Rowdy G 1 1Nelse Nelse Morris show out Meggs show 2 to 1 Lauras First show 3 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901062901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: