St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-29


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO June 88 Fiftyfirst day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Brnen Racing starts at 2 3U p m O f Q K JJ FIRST RACE 4 1S Furlongs Pnrso 100 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M K M StrFin Jockeys Owners O 25790ETHYLENE 110 6 45 SB 12 Givens Martin Patton 7 9 26237 ZORAIDE 115 5 526135VMONTE 11 11 2a Gilmore A Calm 3 3 21 45 26135VMONTE HIMYAR 110 1 51 53 3 Boland T P Hayes 85 95 95 35 26203 PBE3SOVER 113 2 21 21 4N Dale Stnbbs Bros 5662 26261 BANDROL 103 4 4PALMS 3 42 511 Earl R R Rice 10 15 15 5 PALMS 105 7 7CHAETOPHORA 6 62 6i WedstrandS P flarlan 15 20 8 4 CHAETOPHORA 105 3 777 ONeil A C Bernays 15 40 30 10 10Time 55Winner Time 61 181 SOI 43 55 Winner GrayWent B f by Freeman Ethel Gray Went to post at 231 At post 12 minutes Start fair Won easily easily driving Ethylene through th bunch when she got ready Zoraide did her best She was swerving in the last eighth Monte Himyar had no excuses Pressover ran right to his mark Bandrol was fouled grievously speedScratched by Zoraide down the stretch Palms was away badly and showed speed Scratched Mr Timberlake 105 105Ethylene Ethylene show 6 to 5 Zoraide show 2 to 5 Monte Himyar show out 6JJQKO SECOND HACK1 Mile Puree S400 3yaarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K V4 StrFin Jockeys Ownors O H G P 26179 MAX1MUS 3 107 5 21 22 22 13 H Houck C J Cella 261562MI88 PATRON 5 109 7 73 53 SB 2a 2 Enos W W Finn 85 26263MENACE 3 99 3 6a 4s 4 33 32 ONeil Fizer Co 45 45 710 out 26302 CHERRY HEAD 5 109 2 13 12 INK 41 42 Bloss J C Ferris Jr 8 15 15 5 261083ZONNE 4 110 6 53 31 55 52 5 WedstrandR Haase 7 10 10 2 26297 MACE RUSSELL 6 106 8 83 71 63 6 6 Abel D J Bresley SO 150 150 50 25575 SPECIAL 60ATHOL NOTICE4 104 1 4a 61 73 73 72 H Jones G W Carr 150 300 300 60 ATHOL BROWN 5 108 4 3 8 83 82 8 Finnerty W Campbell 80 300 300 80 25967 12Barred PURSE LADY 3 87 99 9 9 9 9 Redfern W H Billings 80 50 50 12 421Winner Barred in betting Time 12 24f 37i 49 1 03 1 161 1 421 EmulateWent Winner Ch c by St Maxim Emulate Went to post at 310 At poet 4 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Maxi mns run kindly and was easily the best Miss Patron was slow to begin but came strong at the finish Menace should have been second bnt was weakly ridden in a pocket behind Maximns just at the finish Cherry Head showed the best speed she has shown so far and stuck well to the closerScratched end Zonne was weakly ridden and should have been closer Scratched 26241 Ben Frost 108 25172 Innendo 108 26332 Kid McCoy 107 26137 Sweet Robin 104 25905 Deponan 104 26179 Pray Tell 89 Miss 89Miss Patron show out Cherry Head show 2 to 1 26359 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purae 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 26237 HUNTHES8A 109 2 4 4 2 H Gilmoro Christy Brown 32321 12 1851261773JOSIE 26262 LACRIMAE 106 1 2a 11 11 23 Dale A Calm 3 4 1851 261773JOSIE F 106 5 750 750 5 311 Enoa W W Finn 4 7 7 21 26261 4026261RO8Y DOESKIN 100 3 42 31 42 4 C Booker Martin Patton 60 150 150 40 26261RO8Y CROSB 100 7 IB 211 31 510 Winelett G W Scott 15 25 25 8 26237 BONNIECOO3A 100 4 5a 5 62 61 ONeil Haley Broa 7 10 8 3 262372MI88 4983MISS DORA 103 6 6 63 710 720 Earl R R Kice 4983 MISS LINDA 100 8 8888 Page J H Boyd Co 80 200 200 60 60Time Time 12i 241 361 481 102 Winner 102Winner SayonoraWent Ch f by Pirate of Penzance Sayonora Went to post at 341 At post 9 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Hunt ressa was the class of the lot was placed behind her field to the last half and came away when ready Lacrimae off well and well ridden ran her race Josie F away badly and slow to begin finished strong Doeskin ran a fine race under a stable boy Rosy Cross did her best Bonnie coosa was cut off at the stretch turn when running stoutly Miss Dora off badly was not perse ¬ vered with withScratched261353Ben Scratched261353Ben Hompstead 103 26262 Aegin 103 26177 Marie Bell 103 26086 Taby Tosa 100 100Huntressa Huntressa show out Lacrimao show 1 to 2 Josio F show evens tf ± Jf ± f FOURTH RACE 1 316 Miles Over 5 Hurdles l urse 400 4yearolds JJtJJJ and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 1 2 3 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H J P 25994MR ROSE 4138 1 2a 21 35 3 11 111 T Corbley J W Riley 3 31 31 1 263002BRISTOL 5 132 3 31 31 23 1 22 22 McAuliffe Mrs L Finney 34465 16516565263003TOM 26300ZUFALLIG 8 141 2 11 IB 11 22 36 3 Casey L Hamilton 21 16516565 263003TOM OBRIEN4 128 5 42 4 4 46 415 315 McGovarn G F Johnson 3 4 21 45 21669 FLORIDAN 4 128 6 6 6 55 512 512 510 J Combs B Schreiber 12 15 13 6 26300 H MEDIUM 4 125 4 51 5 6 6 6 6 H Jones F G Kirwan 20 50 10 15 216Winner Time 15Time 216 Winner CharaxnsWent Blk c by Ben Himyar Tuberose by Charaxns Went to post at 415 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Mr Rose in superb condition and perfectly ridden was easily the best Bristol lost ground at the fences Zufallig was not driven very hard and hung at the end Tommy OBrien Sulked Floridan jumpersScratched and Happy Medium are bad jumpers Scratched 26300 Very Light 132 132Overweights Overweights poundsMr Floridan 3 pounds Mr Rose show 1 to 2 Bristol show 2 to 5 Znf allig show 9 to 20 Tommy OBrien show 2 to 5 O f ± t f ± FIFTH BACK 34 Mil Purse 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26263 STAFF 102 6 H 1 1 1 ONeil T H Stevens 3331 26239 MI88 GUIDO 102 5 31 32 23 23 D Vititoe Cole Co 8 15 15 6 262633BEETHING 102 4 6 53 SB 31 Dale D J Sullivan 3331 26240 MISS THRESA 108 3 21 61 51 4U Gilmore F W Holtgrewo 75 2 85 35 26239 MAY DO 102 9 9 83 81 52 R Murphy H T Batcheler 10 20 20 8 25173 EMILY OLIVER 102 8 83 71 7a 62 C Booker Martin Pattou 25 100 100 40 26201 KATE FREEMAN 107 7 71 1 91 9 71 WedstrandJ F Dockery 12 20 20 8 85a 26200 FRENCHIE 105 2 5a 4B 62 81 Enos Christy fc Brown 20 30 80 10 26107 MAGGIE MHALE 102 10 4 21 4 93 Earl D A Irons Co 15 100 100 40 40IH 26301 VACATE 102 12 IH 10 11 1QS Bell J C Cahn 25 100 100 40 26239 PH HA8BROUCK 104 11 12 11 12 111 Givens J Huffman 12 12 9 4 25210 SINGER 105 1 8 12 10 12 Bloss S W Streott 10 75 75 30 15iWinner Time 30Time 121 24 36i 491 1 01i 1 15i Winner Ch f by Farandole Wand WandWent Went to post at 4 45 At post 6 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Staff won through ONeils good ride She had to be held together at the end Miss Gnido was much the best bnt was weakly handled and could not have lost with a good ride Seething had no early speed She was off in front but after being passed aud pocketed on the rail came fast when she got out May Do had all kinds of speed bnt was bumped out of it Miss Thresa had bad luck too tooOverweights Overweights Kate Freeman 5 pounds Phoroso Hasbrouck 2 Singer 3 Staff show 1 to 2 Miss Gnido show 3 to 1 Seething how 1 to 2 Miss Thresa show out O O fcl SIXTH BAC1C 1 116 Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward aOOO Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 26238OBR18 4 99 1 11 2 3 32 HI ONeil J C Ohio 85 2 75 35 262852 JUDGE STDMANS 105 5 SNK 311 21 2a 2B B Murphy MaddoxChmlnSt 4 4 75 25971 SWORDSMAN 7 108 3 5 4 i 4 43 33 Houck Fizer Co SO 40 40 15 26265 TEH INCOGNITA5 105 7 73 SN 52 53 41 Gilmore Louis Lemp 45585 262412EIGHT BELLS 6 103 2 21 HI HI 11 53 A Weber G C Baker 10 10 7 3 26265 RANSOM 9 105 4 61 71 61 62 63 Dale O W Boardmam 15 30 30 12 26204 CHICKAHAUGA 4104 8 810 815 71 71 72 Givens Sinclair Boss 25 60 60 20 261373BELLE BIHPSON4 99 9 9 9 9 9 5 8 Earl J Keefe Co 5 5 41 21 I 26157 LEXELL 4 101 6 411 63 8io 81 9 Bell J 8 Bratton 40 150 150 40 40Time 148Winner Time 6 181 30 40 551 1 09 1 22 141 148 Winner Br f by Wadsworth Clean Heels Went to post at 535 At post 20 minutes Start fair Won handily second driving Orris had no trouble winning She got into all the interference there was after being in front bnt ran around her field and won as she pleased Judge Steadman performed right to the mark Swordsman ran a capital race under a vigorous ride Terra Incognita ran a dull race Eight Bella showed speed and will do over a route later on Ransom finished fast and is improving Belle Simpson was practically left at the post postScratched26332 Scratched26332 Joe TJonghty 108 26265 Qnannah Parker 105 26293 Colonel Clnke 105 26108 Bequeath 105 26238 Tom Gilmore 104 26298Crossmolina 103 Orris 103Orris show out Judge Steadman show 7 to 10 Swordsman show 6 to 1

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Local Identifier: drf1901062901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: