Washington Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-29


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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind flonaa Aga Wi Hi Hi263192The 263192The Lady 4 107 262582Eva Rice 6 106 25708 Ohnet 4 104 261973Anthracito 4 102 26287 Wild Pirate 3 97 26227 Monarka 3 92 Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowancestad tad Hoaoscolor Bexpodigrac Wt Hd 25615 Old Hutch Ill 26286 Hallos Commoner Ill 262562Herodiade Ill 262863The Rival Ill 26286Jaubsrt Ill 263163Magi 108 26316 Dodie S 4 108 Landsoer ch sr by De Bean Beanvoir voir Lady Hope 108 25193Evening Star 108 26225Memnon 108 252903Sting 108 26061Nellie Waddell 108 Third Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward The Oakwood Handicap 2500 added addednd nd Horses Age Wt Hd HdE62273Advance E62273Advance Guard 4 121 262852Eddie Jones 6 120 2625S Martimas 5 117 262583Vesnvian 4117 263192The Lady 4 116 26259 Robirt Waddell 3 115 263183Gonfalon 4 114 263182Mr Brown 4113 26238 The Conqueror II 4 110 25817 Star Chamber 4108 262853 Lady Elite 3 95 3 C Hildroth entry entryFourtli Fourtli Raco 1 116 Miles Syearolds and upward Selling 26021 Harney 3 105 24982 Hoods Brigade 4105 25706 Defender II 5 103 26288 Tarsus 5 ICO 26097 Frangible 4 100 21854 Banish 5 100 26227 Judge Redwine 3 99 262602Enghurst 4 99 25321 Harry Proston 5 95 26288 Evelyn Byrd 5 93 26097 Our Nellie 5 93 26315 Grandon 3 88 26096 Give All 3 76 Fiftli Raco 34 ECIlo 3yearolds and upward Allowances 258788pocific 4 122 26318 BoneyBoy 5 121 26239 Theory 5 119 25888 Bob Dinsmore 3 Ill 25S143Livadia 6 109 26023 Princess Thyra 4 107 26319 Anna Bain 4 107 262883 Burnie Bunton 3 93 Sixth Race 1 11 G Miles 3yearolds and upward Soiling 26228 Bowen 3 107 26199 Barrack 4 105 26318 Crocket 6 104 26199 Malay 5 103 26320 Laureate 9 103 260B22Whitfield 3 102 263503 Knightbanneret 4 102 26320 Sam UcKeever 5100 25914 Vinesnnes 5 95 26KO Myth 7 95 26230 Bill Massie 3 93 262902Rollick 3 90 26320San Andres 3 86 26287 Silurian 3 84

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901062901/drf1901062901_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1901062901_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800