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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Wsathor clear track fast fastFirst First Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 26602 Andes 5 108 725 26G02 Miss Soak 6 107 715 263782 Eoghurst 4 106 710 26436 Hanish 5 105 26460 VrairieDog 4 103 264 2 Nansen 4 103 26348 Sprung 4 103 26460 Aleo 4 103 265693 Tammnny Chief 3 91 26542 Haidee 3 90 625 26602 UncleTom 3 88 700 26602 Light Ball 3 85 700 700Second Second Race 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearoIdB 2yearoIdB Allowances Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 26603 Eddie Busch 110 685 26345 Bragg 107 675 675254S9Blonnenworth 254S9Blonnenworth 107 695 26603 Belles Commoner 107 7CO 26541 Autumn Leaves 104 680 26603 Our Jessie 104 660 23564 Bosewar 104 680 26408 Lord Quex 103 650 J Huzzah br c by Hormence Complete 103 246272Last Knight 103 650 26570 McChesney 103 680 26061 Lawrence M 100 660 Thxl Raoo5K Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesThe The Maywood Stakes 82000 added addedInd Ind Horsee Age Wt Hdcp 26541 Ab9 Frank 125 725 26412 Uiarlos WMeyer 123 710 71026J3i2pentecost 26J3i2pentecost 121 665 665265413Ed 265413Ed Austin 118 685 6603 ir Oliver 118 6V 266032 Flora Pomona 118 675 675G G C Bennett Co entry Fourth Race 1 18 Olllcs OlllcsSyearolds Syearolds and unwarrl Calling1 Calling1The The Midwty Stakes 2000 added added26318Pink 26318Pink Coat 6 114 26604Cambrian 5 108 26571Mr Brown 4 106 26573Specific 4 108 26481Sam Fnllen 4 106 264593 Wild Pirate 3 93 26601 Operator 3 93 26601 VV J Deboe 3 93 26601 Rolling Boer 3 93 J B Rospass entry entryFifth Fifth Race 7 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances261940aviar 261940aviar 4 115 26600Vulcain 4 115 238663 ianmore 3 105 2660l2Robert Waddell 3 102 26514Connndrutn 4 102 Sixth Racw1 Mile 3yearolda and upward Belling 26199 Thorns Boy 5 Ill 26630 Ecome 5 108 26602 St Wood 5 108 261613Astor 6 107 26602 Vincnnnes 5 k10o 26604 Fleuron 4 103 263202 Winter 5 103 26572 Sortie 3 90 26407 Barbara M 3 89 262SS2Lady Idris 3 88