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DKLMAB PABK ENTBIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Bace 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 26358 Athol Brown 5 113 665 Charles C 5 Ill 25136 JP8 7 110 670 67026V 26V 03 Frank Pearce 4 108 685 23829 Floyd Dixie 4 108 680 25991 Top Boots 4 108 885 26242 First One 4 108 690 69026642Lunar 26642Lunar 4 106 700 26148 Annoloe 4 106 680 680Aunt Aunt Jessie ch f by Uncle Jess Italian ItalianBeauty Beauty 8 103 Second Bace 78 Mile 3yearolde AUowancae nd Horaes Age Wt Hdcp 26537 Robert Jr 112 680 26193 Dnc Baa 112 685 26332 Gulden Harvest 107 700 26 9l3Mra Grannan 107 675 26512 Ttie Count 106 670 26474 Pray Tell 103 665 26511 Misa Thresa 101 685 685265942Amolee 265942Amolee 101 650 650Third Third Bace34 Mile 2yearolds Selling Selling265939ister 265939ister Sarah 107 725 26415 Varnor 106 710 71026933Audiphone 26933Audiphone 106 715 715264l53Jusit 264l53Jusit F 105 720 720Fourth Fourth Bace 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Balling Balling265952Kid 265952Kid McCoy 4 112 715 26594 Fiddler 111 5 105 695 695266422JuclKe 266422JuclKe Bteadman 8 105 725 26115 Coral 4 101 710 26415 Orlandine 4 101 705 70526ia9 26ia9 Nance ONeil 4 101 700 26595 Prince btouomouth 3 96 720 720Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 26242 Guide Rock 6 113 710 710265y4 265y4 Joe Doughty 5112 705 705266072Ben 266072Ben Boy 6 112 700 7002b3y3 2b3y3 Charles D 5 111 705 24133 Siruuzhngh 4 110 710 71026o94Lasso 26o94Lasso 4 107 720 720zeSySUurea zeSySUurea 4 105 710 26534 Gratia 4 105 6 0 02659J3Orris 2659J3Orris 4 105 715 26108 iady of the West 6 101 725 725Sixth Sixth Knee 0 1S furlongs 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling2653iDominis 2653iDominis 6 119 720 720l2b6iOFonrleaf l2b6iOFonrleaf C 5 107 725 72526531Hedncer 26531Hedncer 6 106 710 710265aS3BoU 265aS3BoU Frost 6 106 705 7052o6093aice 2o6093aice 5 106 715 715Bliis Bliis L 3106 26507Mirt Asher 4 105 705 705265al 265al raiabe 4 104 695 26448 Elsie Barnes 7 104 700 26610 J nurea tea 4 102 710 26611 CntdGillock 3 98 700 70026608lenny 26608lenny Belle 3 96 715