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HflBLEHI PfiRK TnnlruuuJL uuuJL Tnnlr Stakes for the Summer and Fall Meetings ENTRIES CLOSE THURSDAY JULY 18 18Full Full Values in cash states and Purses for Jumpers over a Perfect course The Mayivood Brndloar OOO adf cl to carry weight for age 3 Ibs allowed for epch than a selling purse race after the announce which S200 to second nH Sim in i i For threeyearolds and upward Entrance 10 500 to 82000 then 1 Fb for ppch 200 to 1200 mont of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One and winner t a stakes the valnanf wntn acb40 additional to Bart 1COO added of then 2 Ibs for each 100 to 1800 Starters with ofle ghth miles 3 Ibs c f two Fuch take 5 Ihs of th r rjrbich200U second and S100 to third horee slling prices mnet be named through the entry jrbich200U The Sapl njr stake 1OOO udded For moresuch stakes 8 Ibs extra Other borees Weghts boreesWeghts to b announced three dajs before the box at the usual hour of closing the day preced twoyearoldP foals of 1899 Entrance F10 at hpve not won Wo races ot 55 ePch since day valneshceJBlythan sinceday appointed for the race A winner of other ing the race and thoe so named will be liable eachj S40 additional to start 1000 added of J ° ° e 22 or three races of any valneshceJBly than a selling purse race after the announce for starting fee One mile whch 200 to eecond and 100 to third horse A 1 allowed 3 Ibs one race since that dISf 5 Ibs rndnonhuDdeVaCTdrsry One mile TheSTeed Sfahlpf lf00o adclrd For all Dinner of a race of the vfllne of 1COO since bs maidens that have run in a ana one nucarea yaias agBgi Fntrancf S1Q 6bc 0 additional to P1 10 or of two races of 500 each since June 8tafes since May 1 and have not been placed in inThP ThP Prairie flato Stakes felling 1OPO Ftart 1000 added of which 8200 to second and 22 o carry 3 Ibs of two racs of the value of ench lOlbs Seven furlongs furlongsadd add d For thru year olds and upward Fn 100 to third horse Tvoyearolds to carry 90 Sli00p ch since April 10 5 Ihs of three races trance 10 eoch 40 additional to start 1000 Ibs threeypar olds 108 Ibs fouryearolda of 1000 each sipcfl April 10 8 Jbs rf frur or The Go f Steeplerhfse OO adrfed A adried of which 200 to second ano 100 10 third and npwprd 113 bf A winner of a race of the mro raSf 8 f 51000 each since April 10 11 Ibs handicap for fonrjfaroldB and upward Fn hors The winner tob SJd at auction Horses value of 1100 or of ten races other than selling extra Maidens allowed 10 Ibs Four furlongs traPc fl e P 0 additional to stnrt fSOO ntercd to b sold for 1000 to carry weight for in 1P01 to carry 5 Ibs of TPCOS in 1901 amount The Aspirant Stakos iOOO added For dded of h1CD 200 to second and J100 to third age f r 3000 allowed 5 Ibs then 2 Ibs for ing in the aggregate to 7OCO 10 Ibs rf races two year olds foals of 1899 that have not won JS1 elHUB be announced three days he each 500 to 52000 then 1 Ib for each 100 to in 1 01 amounting in the aggreea e to 20000 18 more than three races to the date of closing oay appointed for the race A winner 1000 Starters with selling prices must b Ibs pxtra Threeyearolds and upward non this stake Entrance 10 each 0 additional fiif et annouDcement of the weights to carry nam d through entry box at the usual hour of winners of a race cf the value of 100 in 1901 toetarr 1003 added of which 200 to s cond 01Doexlra onort course courseclosing closing the day precediig the race and thote so allowed 3 Ibs if such am nonwinners of three and 100 to third horse Nonwinners of a race T IO c o named will b liable for btarting fee One and races in 1901 8 Ibe Six furlongs of the value of 1000 if nonwinners of four f A sfe llloha8e 00 add addoneeig oneeig tb miles The Oak Park Hand np 1000 added faces allowf d 3lbs of three races 5 Ibs of Entrant 10 nach d Hnnll 11 UWa UWaThe UWaA A The Cicero Slai es Urp 000 a ed For thre iearolds f als of 1898 Entrance two races 8 Ibs maidens 12 bs maidens addSdLof ° ° ° ° which ° SW ° to toSecond Second nnfm fm ° ° ° nn t For all ages EtitranceSlOench 40 additirnal 10 esc 40 additional to stprt lrfO added heaten Un times 18 Ibs Fiv furlonge g 8fl ew ewhct hct SnwHtlr2 to start 1CCO added of which 2CO to secot d of Tihich J2CO to second and 1CO to tl ird horse The Forward S kos t 000 added For befcre the dy aDnointed for ° th thr thl r l i and 100 to third horse The wiui er to be eold VI eights to be ainounced three dajs bo re the twoyesrf Ids foals of 1899 Entrance 10 ner after the announcement of weights to tofearer fearer fearerat at auction Horses entered to be sold for 3000 day appointed for the race A winner of other each 40 additional to start 1000 added of 8 Ibs extra Full course courseEntrance Entrance fees must accompany nominations Lntry blanks may be hadupon application to 1he secretary or to the office of Daily Racing Form Address nominations and all communications to M MTHANSON Secretary Rooin 815 Merchants Loan and Trnst Bids Chicago