untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-11


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THURSDAY JULY 11 1901 Hawthorne CfllOatJO JODfcBy ClUtl HawtHornB SUMMER STAKES To be Run at Hawthorne During the Meetings of July 22 22Aug Aug 3 Aug 1931 and Sept 16Oct 5 0fes Summer Meeting 1901 Entries Close July 1 8 Midnight at Til Test Slaks A sweepetake for two named through the entry box at the usual hour 40 additional to start The club to add 1000 1200 Starters with yearolds that have not won a stake Entrance of closing the day before tb race and all so of namedof which 200 to second and 100 to third throuarh entry box at selling tin price to be named 10 each to accompany the nomination 40 ad ¬ named to bo liable fer the starting fee 1 mile mileThe Weights to appear three days before the race day br fore the rac ° aid those USUH hour named of closing eo to bo ditional to start The clnb to add 1000 of The Speculation Stakes A handicap sweep ¬ Starters to bo named through the entry box at liable for the starting fee 1 116 miles which 200 to second and 100 to third VN inners milesthe stake for thrfeyearoloeand UDWard Entrance the utual hour of closing day before the race after th closing of this race of a sweepstake 10 each to accompany the nomination 40 ad ¬ and all so named to be liable for the starting The Fmeraid Stakes 0 A steeplechase A han to carry 5 Ihs extra Allowances nonwinners ditional to start The clnb to add 1000 of fee hanfee mil s dtcap for fouryearolds and upward Entrance EntranceThe of a race of 5005 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs 5 12 wlicb S200 to second and 1CO to third V eigits The F eetfoot St kes A handicap for all 310ach to accompany the nomination 40 addi furlongs furlongsThe to appear three days before the race Starters ages Eutrance 10 each to accompany the i0 1 to Btart Tbe clnjj to add 800 of which The I ideummer Stakes A swoepstako t be named through the entry box at the usual nomination 40 additional to start The club 200 to second and 100 to third Weights for twoyearolds Entr nce 10 each to accom hour of clnsing day before the race and all so to add 1000 of which 200 to second and 100 to appear three days before the race V in ¬ pacy the nomination 40 additional to start named to be liable for the starting fee 1 18 to third Weights to appear three days before nefs ft publication of weights to carry 5 bs The clnb to add 1000 of hich 200 to second miles the race Starters to be nam d through the estra Btarters to ba nam9dthrough tho pntry and 100 to third A winn r of two sweepetakea milesThe The IroquoR Stakes A handicap entry box at the usual hour of closing day be box at tbe usual time of clming the day before of any value or one of 2000 to carry 5 Ibs of stake for threeyearolds Entrance 10 sweep each ¬ fore the race and all so named to bo liable for 4ie I00 aud L B namd to ba llabla tot the three of any value or two of 1500 to carry 10 to accompany the nomination 40 additional the starting fee 34 mile starting fee Short course courseT Ibs penalty Allowances nonwinnflrp of a rac to start The cub to add 1COO of which 200 to T e Olymp a Jjel ng Stakes A selling Tfhe Emu1 tlon Stakes A steeplrchaee of S6CO allowed 5 Ibs of two of 1500 7 Ibs two of second and 100 to third Weights to sweepstake EnEntranca steeplrchaeesweepstake for threeyearolds and upward handicap f r fouryear olds and upward En appear 300 10 Ibs maidens beaten three or more three days before the race Starters to bo Entranca tiontinn 10 each to accompany the nimina trance 10 each to accompany the nomin tion times allowed 15 Ibs 34 mile mileTh named thr ugh the entry box at the usnal hour tinn 10 Hdditknal to start Tho club to add 10 additional to sart The club to ndd 800 of 1000 of which 200 to second and tlOO to third which 200 to second and 100 of closing the day before the race and all to third Weights Th Endurance Stakes A handicap sweep ¬ so The WeightsThe winner to b sold at auction If entered named to be liaole to to appear thren days bfore the Winunrs for tho race fee 1 starting stake for two yearolds Entrance 10 ouch to be Winunrsbe sold for 3000 to carry wight for age if for after publication of mile weights to 5 Ibs accompany th nomination S40 pdditional to mileThe less Ibsless 2 Ihs for oach 250 to 2500 theu 1 Ib for extra Starters to ba named carry start The clnb to add 31000 of which 200 to The Autumn ctaken entryeach through the entry A handicap sweep ¬ each 100 to 1000 then 2 Ibs for each 100 to box at the usual timec f closing the d before second and 100 to third Weights to appear stake for throeyearolds and upward En ¬ 700 Winners of since y a race June 1 1901 of the the race and all so named to be liable for the three days before the race Btarters to ba trance 10 each to accompany the nomination value thevalue of 1000 to be entered for not less than starting fee Full course The Full Value of all Stakes will be Paid in Cash No Forfeits Liberal Overnight Specials SpecialsSHERIDAN SHERIDAN CLARK Secretary Chicago Jockey Club 403 Monadnock Bldg

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071101/drf1901071101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901071101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800