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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON BRIGHTON BEACH N T July 37 Nineteenth AssociationSummer day Brighton Beach Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear trade fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m OTll pT FIRST HACK 1 Mile and 7O Yards 600 added 3yearolds and upward i VttO Maidens Selling tnd Horses A Wt 8t H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 6884 DISTURBER 5 112 1 H 111 12 15 i Mounce W Lewis 15 15 10 4 26884 IRENE LINDSAY 3 100 2 2n 2 21 21 2 BeauchampHayman Franks 10 10 4 268843TAVETA 3 100 8 61 4 41 31 3n Slack W Jackson 2i 3 2 45 26959 ANNA DARLING 3 100 9 91 72 52 41 410 Miles W C Daly 10 15 12 5 26884 HARDSHELL 3 100 3 4n 6 86 61 5 Cochran W D Babcock 3 4 4 85 26171OYEZPA 3 100 4 32 33 31 81 61 Booker Setauket Stable 8 10 6 21 26959 DACTYL 3 100 5 81 82 7u 56 71 L Smith C Simms Co 8 12 10 4 26884 THICKET 3 105 6 51 5 63 71 Si Weisse J Welch 50 60 60 20 26884 THE OUTCAST 5 115 10 10 10 10 10 91 Brennan G M Borkel 60 100 100 30 24916 EAST KELSTON 3 102 11 11 Hi 9 9 105 Silvers J Canary 100 200 200 60 26171 LUA 3 100 12 12 12 12 13 1H Frasch W J Walsh 60 100 100 40 19104 LIGHTNING 3105 7 71 92 11 11 12 H Wilson Osceola Stable 30 40 30 10 26960 KALIF 4 112 13 13 13 13 12 13 Garrigan H J Morris 60 60 60 20 8nbstitnted starter Time 23 48 1 14 1 41 1 46 WinnerB 46WinnerB g by Exile Meddle MeddlevVent vVent to post at 230 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Distur ¬ bers race was a case of sudden awakening and he was easlybest Irene Lindsay secured a luck was carried wide on the first tnrn Anna Darling closed a big gap Oyeapa is a good looker and displayed plenty of speed for threeqnarters and will improve It was a very bad band of horses Scratched 26958 Staten Island 112 26706 Hop Brook 112 Kink 102 Guileless 102 26931 Boojnm 102 21400 Philma Paxton 100 100Disturber Disturber show 2 to 1 Irene Lindsay show 2 to 1 Taveta show 2 to 5 Hardshell ehow 4 to 5 SECOND BACK Sliort Course About 2 Miles 51000 added 4yearoJde and upward Allowances The Leopardstown Steeplechase Ind Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners 26035 SIR HUBERT RT 5 146 5 5 5 5 5 35 1 Finnegan J R Beard 3 5 4 75 26624 I8EN 6 151 3 2n 23 2 22 2 t Brazil T Costello 10 15 15 5 268833P PARTOUT 5 161 2 U 12 H 12 Hi 36 Veitch R J Laughlin 1 65 91015 26732 PERION 6 168 4 31 31 32 31 5 415 Heider F Gebhard 26732 GEO KEENE 6 153 1 4 = 41 45 45 42 5 Carson H W Smith 35575 6772 Time 6772Time 410 Winner 410Winner SnngleamWont Ch h by Sir Dixon Snngleam Wont to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Sir Hu bert trailed to the stretch where be ¬ easily forged to the front leons effort was a great improve ment and her work through the field was excellent Passe Partout which appeared a certain winner almost throughout broke down hopelessly in the stretch Perion pecked badly several times and it hurt his chances George Keene hung out distress signals very early in the trip Scratched 18417 Tantris 153 26883 Fulminate 146 146Sir Sir Hubert show 2 to 5 lean show 6 to 5 Passe Partout show out 27047 THIRD RACE 5 l Kinlongs 600 added 2yearolds Soiling tad Horses A Wt St J X StrFin Jockeys O H C P 268973MONT PIONEER 107 3 3268952QCLAWAHA 3H SH I H Mounce John Thomas 8 15 12 3 268952QCLAWAHA 105 1 li 11 21 2 McGovern E Hirsch 15 25 25 6 26827 CAST IRON 107 6 41 4 42 32 Landry A Belmont 10 20 15 4 26802 ILLUMINATE 101 2 226802iLOCKET 62 5 3 4 McGinn J McLaughlin 10 12 12 4 26802iLOCKET 102 7 5 52 5 Miles E Kelly 8 25 15 4 26627 HALBERDIER 104 5 5268972PROPBEriC 5 7 7 6 Shaw J Fleischmann 4 6585 268972PROPBEriC 104 4 42698538TEI 211 2H 6 75 Cochran J R Keene 45 45 35 14 2698538TEI ONWARD 93 8 8888 GThompsn H T Griffin 12 30 25 5 26932 MAXIMOLA 100 I Left at the post Brennan J F J W White 100 100 ICO 40 108Winner Time 40Time lljg 23 48 1 01 108 RavilliWent Winner B g by Montana Ravilli Went to post at 330 At post 8 minutes Start straggling Won handily second Montana Pioneer received a lucky break and waited on the pacemakers to the stretch driving whore under a vigorous ride be easily drew to the front and acts like a stayer Oclawaha best but had but little chance with his inexperienced jockey and his race makes him was out probably to be very good Cast Iron Illuminate and Locket were going well at the end Halberdier is of last account quarterScratched quarter except perhaps in mud Prophetic ran a bad race and quit almost to a walk in tLe no Scratched 268023 Colonial Girl 104 Overweights 104Overweights Maximola 2 pounds show Montana poundsMontana out Pioneer show 7 to 5 Oclawaha show 3 to 1 Cast Iron show 2 to 1 Prophetic Cr7ft Q FOURTH RACE 3 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Weight for t lUtfcO The Brighton Cup 5000 added age nd Horses A Wt St yz m 11 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26801POFMBNE4 124 2 2 2 2 15 15 112 Shaw G Walbaum 112112120 264672ROCHESTER 4 121 1 H 13 lii 2 2 2 McCne R R Rice 10 15 15 Time 26 53 1 19 1 47 2 44 3 37 4 03 Winner BalgowanWent 03Winner Ch c by Bramble Maid of Balgowan Went to post at 3 55 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily Prince of Melbourne very rank and bolted suddenly on the first turn when going the first time around was nearly unseat ¬ ing his jockey He was straightened put and set sail after Rochester which was indulged with the lead for another mile but when given bis head Prince of Melbourne shot to the front ¬ ing up a big gap and winning easily open 27049 FIFTH HACK 34 Mile 800 added 3yearolda and upward Handicap Ind Horses AWtSt X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 269588MOKE 4 110 3 li H 12 13 OConnor W Showalter 5 85 24738 OGDEN 7 129 8 Si 31 21 25 Landry W Lakeland 26755 55 SADDUCEE 4 110 5 u 15 15 4 1 2 2n 21 35 32 Shaw ALAste 269002MAY 02MAY W 7 110 2 42 41 42 43 T Walsh D Cameron 852 3 4 8535 11545 4 LADY UNCA8 4102 4 SH 5 51 5H McGinn Osceola Stable 12 12 8 3 1 65 66 GThompsnP S P Randolph 12 20 20 6 3IPJS 3 92 6 75 76 78 710 Cochran T F Hefferman 20 30 30 6 5 FABIUS 4 90 7 8888 DOConnor W C Daly 100 200 200 60 Time 12 23 48 1 12 WinnerCh f by OrderAlfalfa Went to post at 4 SO At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Smokr brought to a mild drive in the last furlong to stall off Ogdans determined bid tha latter show ¬ ing grand form Saddncee and May W worn bnaten early in the race race8cratched264238weet 8cratched264238weet Tooth 115 268933 Rappenecker 96 96SmoVe SmoVe show 4 to 5 Garden ahow 2 to 1 Saddncee ahow 1 to 3 May W show 2 to 5 OTA PC Cl SIXTH HAClfi l 110 Miles 600 added 3yearoldB and upward Belling Ind Horsoa X StrFin Jockeys O H C P 269S7ANIMOSITY 3 97 1 Hi 12 H 15 14 Thompson J A Bennett 45 1 45 14 26899 Lindninger269603HABRY WHISTLING CON6 111 2 21 2 2u 33 21 OConnor F Lindninger 2 2t 75 25 269603HABRY MCOUN 4 109 3 3 31 3 2 31 Booker E 4 Naidig 12 15 15 3 26990 ALSIKE 5 100 4 5 5 5 48 412 DOConnor W C Daly 30 30 25 4 16763 AMOR1TA 5 89 5 43 43 41 5 Cochran McDwllFraylg20 40 40 5 Time 23 50 1 16 1 42 1 49 49Winner Winner Ch f by Star Ruby Harmony II IIWent Went to post at 5 00 At post 2 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Animosity was in a soft spot had an easy task and was never extended Whistling Con got sscond place from Harry McConn through OConnors superior horsemanship Alsike was closing up at the end and may be improving improvingScratched Scratched 15519 Larva 106 106Animosity Animosity show out Whistling Con show out Harry McConn show 3 to 5 S TO SEVENTH HACE58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances O H O P Z69S5 GIBBON LIGHT 115 2 33 31 3i 12 R Williams C Wallace 20 25 25 7 7269323DEWEY 269323DEWEY 115 3 IH ji 21 2 Cochran B Schraibar 45 65111013 26147 IVORY BELLS 112 4 22 22 IH 31 Mounca J E Madden 10 12 10 3 26932 HOMESTEAD 115 5 4 42 42 43 Lanary G B Morris 40 60 60 15 26956 MAY HARRISON 112 9 62 51 51 52 Frasch W Lakeland 200 300 300 80 26850 ObENKA 112 6 5 6 61 6 BeanchampW Showalter 50 150 100 30 26985 DELATE 112 1 7777 Slack 3 Levy 60 100 60 10 25754 SUNDERLANDB 112 7 9 9 8 81 McGinn Kraua Bros 100 200 200 60 60UTOPIAN UTOPIAN 115 8 8 8 9 92 OConnor F tt Taylor 75 2i 75 12 26442 FAIR EMPRESS 11 10 10 10 10 10 Shields P H McCarren 100 200 200 60 26934 C ROBENFELD 115 Loft at the post Smith P H Sullivan 30 100 50 10 10Time Time 12Jg 2t 36 48 1 02 Winner Br c by Lamplighter Golden Reel ReelWent Went to post at 525 At post 7 minutes Start fair Won easily second driving Gibson Light drew to the front in the stretch with great nase and was much the bast He is a pretty useful colt Dowey and Ivory Bella raced each other from start to finish and the colt outgamed the filly in the stretch The latter ahowed great improvement and will fas heard from especially in mud Homestead was pinched out in the last sixteenth but ahowed sudden improvement Utopian a half brother to Wax Taper had outworked Smart Set fiveeighths in a minute flat hence hia short price but he ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched 26576 Chief 115 26985 Bijou 112 26897 Belle of Milford 112 112Gibson Gibson Light show 2 to 1 Dewey ahow out Ivory Bills ahow 8 to 5 Utopian show 1 to 4