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Correct Handicap Figures FiguresCombined Combined with the best of information is the only way to b mt tha racaa We iva our clients the beat of information obtainable also classify horsas on thair bast and immediate form Any bettor that has thq least bit of jnddmant f iw paopla hwi or nsa aay on a raca track can ¬ not lose by playing our sheet consistently Our sheet shows plainly ia figures the relative merits of a horse at a glance Vhat tiny hiv d me in the pis is irn thia aad what ttiay are capable of doing at the present timsis another We employ the bast of talent and are most reliable reliableWHY WHY LOOK FURTHER IF YOU WANT TO BE A REGULAR WINNER ON THE RAGES RAGES5OC 5OC DAILY 300 WEEKLY WIRED AT 1O AM AMDELIVERED DELIVERED TO ANY CITY ADDRESS AT 11 AM AMTHE THE AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS HANDICAPPERSREYNOLDS REYNOLDS CO 72 119 DEARBORN ST STNOTE NOTE We are in no way connected with any handicap sheet issued outside of Chicago