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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHICAGO rLIi July 27 Eighteenth day Chicago Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Cant J H BOOB Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 2 OO p m C r7f O O F1K8T BACK58 Mile Parse 400 75 to teoond 25 to third iJf J 2yearolds Colts and Gelinga Allowances Ind Horses A Wt 8t K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 26979 J V KIBBY 107 521 3 21 22 12 J WinkfleldP Dunne 21 1351851 26794 JACK BATTLIN 110 21 i H 1 11 21 Bnllman JD Smith 2381 238126538B08SFAME 26538B08SFAME 110 41 4 4 3 31 T Knight J Welch Co 5 5 31 65 26950 THE QIVEB 110 11 21 S 41 41 J Banch C T Boots 6 10 9 3 32692DLOBD 2692DLOBD QUEX 110 31 75 7 75 55 C Mitchell A Simons 5552 25778 DECLA1MEB 109 81 SB 81 81 6 Dnpee S K Hughes Co SO 50 50 15 26890 BENG AW 102 78 51 51 51 1 J MclnernyJ T Stewart Co 150 200 200 BO 26921 HAT MITCHELL 102 61 6 6 6 811 H Morris J J Ogles 50 60 60 20 20BAVENSBDBY BAVENSBDBY 10510 10 10 10 91 Baiiinger ChinnAForsythelOO 100 100 40 26921 PDBYEAB 105 9 92 92 92 10 B Snllfyan H B Durham 15 25 25 10 10Time Time 24i4H 102 102Winner Winner B g by Bassetlaw Teatro TeatroWent Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving J Y Eirby closed strongly in the last eighth paesing Jack Battlin handily in the last hundred yards BoBefameo bid at the end The latter ran a fair race and was moving fast in the last fifty yards The Giver showed early epeed but could not carry it far Lord Qnex began slowly but finished nanal turn of speed speed8cratched268903Bridgo 8cratched268903Bridgo 115 26408 W F Mohr 105 26979 Harry Wilson 105 2689021 Samel son 105 Overweights Declaimer 4 pounds poundsJ J Y Kirby show 1 to 2 Jack Battlin show 1 to 2 Bossf ame show 3 to 5 SECOND BACK 1 Mile Purse 500 75 to second 25 to third 27O4O 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses AWt a 8t K X StrFin Jockeys O H O P 3 95 51 HI 12 is 12 12 J Banch George J Long 20 SO 30 3 26867 YE8UYIAN 4 4108 106 2 31 311 21 25 26 Bullman W B JenningeColS 13 14 out 26844 CONUNDRUM 3 97 S 5il 2 3 31 31 J T Woods B C Bryant 20 30 30 31 287442BE3EDA 4 103 1 IH 2 42 4 4 41 J Woods MdltonJngbthS 8 8 45 27010 JIM WINN 3 100 4 4a 41 51 5 5 53 J Hicks FBVanMeterBro60 75 75 12 27010 CHAB MOOSE 4 111 6 6 6 6 6 6 Beaton T F Coles 10 30 30 6 Time 2K 50 1 02i 1 151 1 42i 42iWinner Winner B f by Pardee Day Dream DreamWent Went to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily sacond the same Obia showed the most speed for the entire ronte and was never in trouble Yesuvian ran a dull race Bnllman rode him hard all the way down the stretch but he could never overcome the winners lead Conundrum ran well but tired badly in the last eighth Beseda ran far below expecta ¬ tions and gradually fell out of the race after the first quarter had been run runOverweightsBeseda OverweightsBeseda 2 pounds poundsObia Obia show 3 to 5 Conundrum show 7 to 10 THIBD BACK 1 116 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third ind Horses A Wt 8t K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 69SOHELEN PAXTON 5 97 6 52 5 1 12 1 H Morris JJ Ogles 6 10 6 26630 BASSELAB 101 9 81 6 41 21 22 B Sullivan Korbur A OHearn 6 9 9 26954 DAGMAB 6104 51 3 3 25 35 36 Dominick BT Wright Co 355 26984 BAIBD 106 8110 81 5 4 45 JWinkfleld Keating AHecker 4 4 31 6 65 26092 EMILY CBEAN 3 95 2 42 4 72 6 51 J Hicks B Haley 30 50 50 20 26954 GEOBGE ABAB 3 102 1 22 1 8 5 6 T Knight John Bolston 6 12 12 4 26894 GELL8ETTO 3 98 10 61 72110 8 72 Otis B Marino Co 30 80 60 20 26954 THE BONDMAN 5 104 7 9 10 9 71 82 J Woods WaltringYeager 85 3 135 1 28378 G1VS ALL 3 92 4 7 91 81 91 912 W Knapp J Curl 10 16 15 6 626mKBEWEB 26mKBEWEB 3 95 S 1 2 6 10 10 Gormley Bold Bros 10 30 30 10 Apprentice allowance Time 251 511 1 481 1 441 1 51i 51iWinner Winner B m by Tom Paxton Helen Bancroft BancroftWent Went to post at 330 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving hard second easily Helen Paxton assumed an easy command just after passing beyond the half and appeared to be winning easily when coming down the stretch but she tired badly in the last eighth and had to be driven out to the last ounce to beat out Basselas The latter was badly outrun in the first part of the race but closed fast in the last quarter and would have won in a few more strides Dagmar ran a greatly improved race and was right there at the finish George Arab showed early speed but died away in the last quarter The Bondman seemingly could not get up a fairly fairlyg g ° ° S a1tched27013 Little Boy Blue 97 97Overweights Overweights Gellsetto 1 pound George Arab 5 Basaelas 1 Baird 1 1Helen Helen Paxton show evens Basselas show 8 to 5 Dagmar show evens Baird show 3 to 5 The Bondman show 1 to 2 i FOUBTH BACK 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward The Monadnook Han Ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt X H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners 268921CAMBBIAN 5112 4 21 11112 1U 12 H T Knight MHTichenorCot 10 10 4 269522ADV GUABD4 126 21 10 10 7 7 5 21 J Woods CarthersA9hields4 662 f 269521LOU1 VILLE 4 99 5 In SH 31 31 211 3 J T Woods C E Mahone Co 8 15 15 6 26867 J N BBIGHT 6 109 82 72 51 6 62 7 4 Dupee Talbot fires 6652 6652288673T 288673T CONQB II4 186 10 91 7 8 8 6 51 Bobertson B Vincent 6662 666225B05mESNANDO3 25B05mESNANDO3 106 91 8 6 51 52 41 6 J WinkfleldW H Laudeman 10 12 12 4 269523 VULCAIN 4 113 S 5 42 4 41 3 72 Bnllman 8 C Hildreth 8 11 11 4 26951 FAYON1UB 5 109 61 41 82 10 10 10 8 C Mitchell BnrnsWaterhse 10 15 9 4 f26893B WADDLLS 111 71 3 9 92 9 82 9 B Sullivan Mrs B Bradley 7 10 10 4 267923 M JIMINEZ 3 1031 1 61 211 22 2 91 10 Dominiok F J Kelley 12 12 10 4 Time 121 241 50 1 01i 1 14t 1 271 1 4H 1 54l 54lWinner Winner Ch h by Hindoo Cambria CambriaWent Went to post at 4 00 At post 5 minates Start fair Won handily second the same Cam brian was luxuriant of epeed and after moving into the lead at the first three eighths post was never afterward headed Advance Gnard came with his usual burst of speed down the stretch along the inside rail and was closing up at the finish Louisville ran a good race but was fast in the last quarter and would have been third in another stride The Conqueror II was the victim of a bad ride He swung wide at the head of the stretch losing some ground and finished strongly near the outside rail He was on the extreme outside for the entire journey Her nandos race was a good one and he finished fast and strongly Jiminez died away after showing well for seven furlongs Favonius and Bobert Waddell were outrun all the way Bcratched269512ihe Lady 104 104OverweightsJiminesllpound8Favonins3 OverweightsJiminesllpound8Favonins3 Cambrian show 2 to 1 Advance Guard show evens Louisville T m show u 3 to 1 1 c PT V A O FIFTH BAUB B4 xeuie rnrse sow 9 a to second ra so inira 2i inira2i it ± fj 8yearolds and upward Belling tod Horses A Wt St X K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 2fiS20 THE PBIDS 5 105 11 1 321 21 2 J Woods T H By an 1 26889 B1VALDABE 5 105 4U 41 31 31 21 Bobertson Bolich Sweet 2 21 21 710 270102MAGGIE DAVIS 5 103 21 H 13 12 31 B Sullivan W M Sloan 3 2152151 ISpIBATEB 2152151ISpIBATEB QUENS 88 3 2 42 41 46 Gormley J Arthur Co 12 12 10 31 SsOBTIE 3 92 5 53 53 55 55 J Banoh P Corrigan 20 20 15 6 26949 MAYDINE 4 103 6 6666 T Knight W F Bchulte 60 60 50 15 Apprentice allowance Time 251 481 1 41 1 141 141Winner Winner B g by Dundee Beeswing BeeswingWent Went to post at 4 40 At post 1 minute Start fair Won in a terrific drive second handily The Pride finished with determination and just got up in time to win on the post Bival Dare was winning handily in the last one hundred yards but Bobertson was too conldentaiid Woods nipped him in the last stride Maggie Davis tired perceptibly in the last sixteenth Pirates Queens race was a good one and she finished stoutly The others were never contenders contendersScratched25864Braw Scratched25864Braw Lad 106 26980 Beguranca 103 21980 Banco 101 tl I to 4 Maggie Davis show 3 to 5 SIXTH BACK 1 116 Miles 400 added 75 to second 25 to third Ind Horses A Wt St K K v K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 45 45 35 out ilson ilson26924GAWAINE 8 10 10 4 26924 26924GAWAINE GAWAINE 3 92 61 521 4 41 41 31 Arvin WE Cotton 8 18 16 5 26981 HABBYPBESTNS 101 2 6 76 61 6 4 4f Bobertson J U Strode 20 20 16 5 26380 WHITFIELD 3105 4t 3 3i Zt S o u Jiitcneu D m nUghes A Co 4 61 61 2 S CHAUN FISHEBe lOt 1 H 2i Si 51 7101 Knight WMulveil M 60 60 15 20386 GBANADILLA 3 95 8 8 8 8 8 8 J McI ernrJ T Stewart Co 40 100 100 80 Appremtice allowance Tisse 25t 501 1 1M 1 42i 1 4tt 4ttWuuurrCh WuuurrCh c by Pirate of Pennanca Fertile Went to post at 510 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Odnor was easily the best and the race was never in doubt Latch Key finished strongly but was not good enough to beat the winner Gawaiae was tiring at the end and would have lost the third money In a stride or two to Harry Preston The latter finished strongly and will bear watching Whitfield ran well for six furlongs and then retired He was probably short Chauncey Fisher was quit8cratched right there for five ond a half furlongs and then quit 8cratched 269843Knigbtbanheret 110 15675 Deloraine95 26923 Joe Collins 97 Latch Key show 2 to 1 ttawalne show 3 to 2