Brighton Beach Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-28


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BBIGHTON BEACH ENTBIES Probabilities Waathar clear track fast First Bace 1 34 Miles Over 7 Hurdles Hurdles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 26896 Salesman 6 153 670 26896 Musician 7153 660 26955 Charagraca 6 153 700 70024192Gonld 24192Gonld 7 153 690 26987 Heroics 5 147 665 26424 Semper Ira 4 139 660 660269553Knfa 269553Knfa 4 137 675 675269552Cephalalgia 269552Cephalalgia 4 134 685 685264243Hopeful 264243Hopeful 8 133 680 680Second Second Bace 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances 26985 Casaville 112 695 26956 Happy Cross 112 700 27015 Graden 112 700 27015 Knight of Harlem 112 710 26934 G Whittier 112 705 27051 C Bosenfeld 112 690 690270512Dewey 270512Dewey 112 730 27015 Father Den 112 695 26895 Clipper 109 700 700270152Enright 270152Enright 109 725 725270153Mnsidora 270153Mnsidora 109 715 715270513Ivory 270513Ivory Bells 109 715 26956 Gregory 104 690 690Third Third Bace 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 270192 Wax Taper 4 126 750 26668 Mortallo 3 104 730 730268473The 268473The Amazon 4 102 735 26899 Lataon 6 101 740 26957 McGrathiana Prince 4 96 725 26753 St Finnan 4 90 730 730Fourth Fourth Bace 1 Mile and 7O Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 26936 Big Gun 4 113 715 715270202Mayor 270202Mayor Gilroy 4 105 720 27045 Kalif 4 103 700 24529 George Simons 5 103 705 70527045Distnrber 27045Distnrber 5 103 710 27020 BaBtile 5 103 715 24318 Elsie Skip 4 101 705 705270172Oread 270172Oread 4100 725 725Fifth Fifth Bace 34 Mile 3yearolds Belling Belling26423Sweet 26423Sweet Tooth 113 720 24150 James J Corbett Ill 690 69027016VBedeck 27016VBedeck 110 715 25799 Waterton 108 700 700269863HimBelf 269863HimBelf 107 715 25342 Browndale 106 705 705Guileless Guileless ch ar by Maaetto Gilo 105 22484 Schoolmaster 104 705 27020 Hengist 104 695 27020 Maiden 104 700 70026931In 26931In Shot 101 725 725270162Qertrude 270162Qertrude Elliott 100 710 710Prince Prince John 100 24847 Candle 98 710 22557 Chaos 93 695 Sirth Booe S 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses color sex padigree Wt Wt26936Cameron 26936Cameron 107 27018 Byrne of Boscraa 107 107269552Otis 269552Otis 102 26886 City Bank 102 26956 The Bival 102 102Avis Avis br f by Tenny Sister SisterEmma Emma 99 99270472Oclawaha 270472Oclawaha 99 27018 Carmaid 99

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Local Identifier: drf1901072801_4_6
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