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FORT ERIE FORM CHART FORT ERIE ONT July 37 Twentyflrst day Fort Brie Bacing Association AssociationSummer Summer Meetinsr Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 2 30 p m O T P FiBST BACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Belling Ind Horses A Wt St M Va A StrFin Jockeys O H C P 26930 MAGNUS TBOIL 114 4 4263683QOTUMBA 31 21 12 H H Lewis H Lewis 6 20 20 8 263683QOTUMBA 104 6 51 41 32 21 Wonderly E Moore 21 5 5 85 27021 HUBBY 100 7 727C06 61 52 43 3K Gough P M Civill 6 12 12 5 27C06 YOUNG HENBY 107 1 IKK 11 21 41 L Jackson A Brown Co 4883 26901 BEAU 105 10 10 6 5 51 Alarie 6 6 41 2 26613 ALGIE M 11 9 6i 66 J Daly W Weir 6631 26928 MAGGIE W 22 31 7 7 C Wilson F 8 Nelson Co 5 10 10 4 26062 FLANEUB 8788 Pryce J Maiden 10 20 30 12 27003 MAUGA 7899 LThompsnMiss M Oliver 35585 26925 COBA MOBEE 9712 12 12 10 10 Adams J N Emlich 30 10010040 25725 ANTITHESIS 102 5 9 H 11 11 Blake D Wyncoop 15 30 30 12 26877 ICON 98 3 41 10 12 12 May J McNanght 20 50 50 15 Time 15Time 231 481 114 Winner MagWent 114Winner B c by Jnvenal Mag Went to post at 253 At post 11 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Magnus Troil raced Young Henry into exhaustion in the first half then went to tlm i r at wthout much of an effort and won well in hand Gotnmba closed a big gap and nishod strongly as also did Hurry Maggie W quit almost to a walk at the end Algie M got away tangled up but showed no great runningScratched speed when she did get to running Scratched 26965 Lelia Barr 102 26857Inniscara 99 26901 Free Play 99 26901 Drogheda 96 Overweights 96Overweights Magnus Troil 4 pounds Maggie W 2 Flaneur 2 Afatithesis 1 Icon 2 Magnus Troil show 4 to 1 Gotumba show 4 to 5 Hurry show 2 to 1 Alaie M show 1 to 2 k rrPvO SECOND BACK 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling A Wt 8t M K fc StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26964 ST HE8A 107 1 1269643EDW1N 31 2 HI IH Aker K P Shipp 3 8 8 3 269643EDW1N KENTON 110 6 6269642COUS1NE 53 53 42 21 May BHLondCo 3 3 2i 45 269642COUS1NE 101 2 227007LEMUEL 43 41 21 33 L Jackson M A Swigerf 554 32 85269262NELLIE 27007LEMUEL 3227007LEMUEL 115 4 4269262NELLIE 66 52 43 Troxler Charles Bay 477 85 269262NELLIE BAWN 103 5 IB IH 3J 55 LThompsnN Bennington 34475 27004T PB OF SUBBEY107 3 2U 31 6 6 Wonderly A J Joyner 2 31 3 1 Time 231 49 102 102Winner Winner B g by St Saviour Miss Hera HeraWent Went to nost at 325 At post 8 minutes Start bad Won in a drive second easily St Hera was tiring and just managod to last long enough Edwin Kenton was practically left but finished strongly and would have won in another stride Cousine tired Nellie Bawn quit in the last furlong Bo did The Pride of Surrey Lemuel threw Troxler before the start St startSt Hera show 6 to 5 Edwin Kenton show 1 to 3 Cousine show 1 to 2 Nellie Bawn show 1 to 2 The Pride of Surrey show 1 to 3 SHIED BACK 1 Mile Purse300 3yearolde and upward Handicap Ind Horses A Wt 8t H Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P P27026ALBULA 27026ALBULA 3 100 4 HI H 11 H H Wonderly Lamaaney Bros 8 12 12 4 65269103ULEDI 26927ALF VABGBAVE4 108 2 31 3 21 32 2 Byan FBruhnsCo 3 4 31 65 269103ULEDI 3 102 3 23 21 32 2 3H L Jackson J W Hall Co 2 2 2 1 269273 ALL SAINTS 3 94 1 42 45 45 42 46 J Daly J E Lane Co K ° 268362CHAPPAQUA 5 107 6 6 6 52 5 58 LThompsnP M Civill 26836 J H SLOAN 4 106 5 5H SH 6 66 McQnade C J Quick 10 15 15 4 4Time Time 24 481 1131140 1131140Winner Winner Ch c by Worcester Anniaette AnniaetteWent Went to post at 3 56 At post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Albnla showed a high order of speed Wonderly waited in front with him and rode a clever race and could have won further off Alfred Vargrave moved up strongly when rounding the far turn appeared like a winner when entering the stretch and fought it out stoutly with Uledi all through the last furlong The latter made a wide turn into the stretch It was a three horse race all the way wayAlbula Albula show 8 to 5 Alfred Vargrave show 2 to 5 Uledi show 1 to 2 All Saints show 1 to 2 Chappaqna show out FOURTH BACK 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling The Hamilton Stakes Value 1000 Ind Horses A Wt 8t M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25066JTBEMAB 3 94 1 H 11 11 H L Jackson H L Johnson 4 4 21 710 71026881PHABOAH 26881PHABOAH 4 98 2 31 3 21 2 J Daly G Hendrie 710710710710 710710710710269653GOLD 269653GOLD LACK 4 105 4 2s 21 32 31 Troxler K Peters 47632 476322688Q2TALALA 2688Q2TALALA 4 105 3 41 5 5 4 Wonderly G Hendrie 71071071012 27008 HIEAWAY 4 93 5 5 41 4 5 Gongh E Moore 5882 5882Coupled Coupled in betting Time 231 48 1 14 14Winner Winner MargoWent B f by Tremont Margo Went to post at 422 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Tremar was well in motion when the flag fell and outran her field all the way Pharoah just managed to last lone enough to gat second place after fighting it out with Gold Lack all through the last fur long groundTremar The latter came wide at the stretch turn and lost ground Tremar show out Pharoah show out Gold Lack show 1 to 2 Talala show out TiPT FIFTH BACE 7 13 JFurtongs Pursa 250 4yearolda and upward Ind Horsee A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26839 OCIE BROOKS 5 97 2 Hi H 13 H H Wonderly E Moore Co 2 31 31 65 27006 TAMABIN 4 97 4 2n 21 23 22 22 L Jackson O O West Co 66485 26881 JAKE WEBER 4 107 5 3 31 31 31 31 McQuade P M Civill 5662 26836 WINE PBESS 5 105 7 51 41 43 4 4 LThmpsonH McCarren Jr 21 21 95 35 27008 8ILVEB GABTEB 4 102 3 7 6s 52 5 5 J Daly M J Daly 15 15 12 2 26928 MIB8 BED WOOD 8 101 6 8 8 61 62 62 A Watson E W Baxter 20 20 10 4 26305TENDEBLOIN 4 104 9 9 9 9 7 7 Alarie W Kent 10 20 20 8 27021 DICK WABBEN 9 101 1 6 7 7 8 8 Postel D Wheelihan 20 25 20 8 26929 CY JAYNE3 6 101 8 41 5 8 9 9 Wiggins B W Boss 30 100 100 40 40Time Time 24 49 11511341 11511341Winner Winner B m by Long Fish Marie Beed BeedWent Went to post at 450 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Ocie Brooks showed the most spaed all the way and won with something to spare Tamarin was easily the beat of the others Jake Weber and Wine Press fought it out all through the stretch for third watchingScratohed place Silver Garter will bear watching Scratohed 27008 Little Bailie 99 26930 Bandy 97 26966 Waterhonse 95 270D8 Ahamo 92 Overweights 92Overweights poundsCorrected Miss Redwood 2 pounds Corrected weights Ocie Brooks 97 97Ocie Ocie Brooke show 1 to 2 Tamarin show 3 to 5 Jake Web sr show 6 to 5 Wine Press show out Til F H 8IXTH RACE About 3 13 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward 1 i JfJ i Handicap Steeplechase Ind Horses A Wt St 4 8 12 16 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P P26809FIFIELD 26809FIFIELD 8144 2 U Hi H U 1 18 Gallagher J3CWWadawth2 2 75 35 268092MBSBBDSW10 130 3 21 22 21221621 22 Monahan H L Johnson 4551 26762 INTEBFEBCES 138 1 31 33 35 36 3 o 360 Moxley K B Marahall 451 1 13 26809 AULDL8YNE4 129 4444444 H 8 Wilson C F Verral 8 12 12 21 Time 21Time 450 Winner B g by Bob Miles Voltine Went to post at 514 At post 1 minute Start good Won easilr second the sama The race was a procession Fifield was never in trouble Mrs Bradshaw did bar bast Interferenca tired when Moxley called on her in the last turn of the field fieldScratched Scratched 269452Coley 128 128Overweights Overweights Auld Lang Syne 3 pounds Mrs Bradahaw 3 3No No show betting on first three