Decisions On Appeals., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-03

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DECISIONS ON APPEALS The Committee on Appeals has rendered the following decisions J Dyment indefinitely suspended by Crescent City Jockey Club appeal not made in time timeM M Coughlin ruled off by Oakley Jockey Clnb reinstatement refused refusedT T K Welker ruled off by Queen City Jockey reinstated reinstatedT T H Cook ruled off by Pacific Coast Jockey Club reinstatement refused refusedMorrison Morrison vs McGuigan reopening of case re ¬ fused fusedWood Wood Hoffman vs New Memphis Jockey Club referred back to New Memphis Jockey Clnb ClnbThe The entry of the mare Hardly was refused by the Chicago Jockey Club The committee de ¬ cided that such refusal affects her only on that track and that she is in good standing else ¬ where whereJ J H Smith vs Washington Park Club action of club affirmed E C HOPFEB Secretary COVINGTON KY March 27 1901 1901The The Crescent City Jockey Club advises me of the following rulings Jockeys T Pines V Porter A Eggerson W Williams ruled off offOwner Owner W Foreman ruled off offTrainer Trainer M Cady ruled off offHorse Horse Lizzie Eelly ruled off offJockey Jockey Q Vancamp suspended indefinitely indefinitelyJockeys Jockeys M Clancy and F Lawless denied privilege of track trackE E C Hopper Secretary COVINGTON KY January 30 1901 1901The The Crescent City JockeyZClub adviaes me of thef ollowingjrulings Trainer W Hurley suspended indefinitely indefinitelyJockey Jockey J May suspended indefinitely from all turf privileges for inconsistent iding idingJockey Jockey W Dean denied the privilege of track trackHorse Horse Parker Bruce entry refused until properly conditioned conditionedHorse Horse Tnrnoy entry refused refusedHorse Horse Apple Jack entry refused also entries of Buckner Welker or B J Stewart will be refused in the future futureThe The bay gelding four years old by Bramble Lady Wayward named Sly Shy formerly La Foudre having been allowed to start through misrepresentation as to his ever having started before and whicn has subsequently been proven to be a violation of Bule No 23 and is ruled off the turf E C HOPFEB Secretary COVINGTON KY January 22 1901 1901Below Below is a complete list of the rulings of the Harlem Jockey Club now in force Buled off Owners F C Bradbury L H Bell Thomas B Cornwell A G Merwin George C Goodell Jockeys Jesse Everett J Flynn C Grimes John Kenney Valet and tout Edward Leigh LeighIndefinitely Indefinitely suspended Trainers C C Me Cafferty Fred Smith Wm H Snarloy Wm Whalen Jockeys J Horton A Jackson P Me Auliffe Nostrand and Bnssell BnssellHorses Horses entry suspended Silver Coin Tulane Monk Wayman WaymanDenial Denial of privilege to enter horses W B Baker Co J S OBrien OBrienE E C HOPPEE Secretary COVINGTON EY Jan 23 1901 1901The The Committee on Appeals affirmed the deci ¬ sion of the Harlem Jockey against J 8 OBrien except as to the 30 entrance retained said sum is ordered returned to OBrien The rest of the ruling fining him etc stands standsThe The horse Loves Labor suspended on No vember3 1900 by the Latonia Jockey Club has been reinstated E C HOPPEE Secretary COVINGTON November 27 1900 1900The The Committee on Appeals has just handed in the following decisions B F Meyers ruled off by Chicago Bacing Association was rein ¬ stated together with the following horses viz Tusculum Filibuster Obstinate Simon Get about and Immense ImmenseL L Kavanaugh ruled off by the St Louis Jockey Clnb was reinstated together with the horse Apple Jack JackThe The petitions for reinstatement of jockey John Davia and Claude Burlingame were denied appeals not having been taken in time timeE E C HOPPEB Secretary COVINGTON EY November 20 1900 The Committee on Appeals has handed in the following opinions W C Fessenden and J H Smith protest against paying Highland Parks forfeits Protest overruled Hugh McCarron protested two purses run at Fort Erie on the grounds that the jockey had no license Pro ¬ tect overruled on grounds that Fort Erie is not a member E C HOPPER Secretary COVINGTON Ky November 15 1900 I Please publish the following rulings Jockey G Bowe suspended Indefinitely by Latonia JockeylClnb Horse Loves Labor suspended indefinitely by Latonia Jockey Clnb B Flarity owner expelled by District Agricultural Asso ¬ ciation ofiMarysville Cal E Boss suspended by Queen City JockeylClub has been reinstated E C HOPPEB Secretary COVINGTON October 17 1900 The Queen City Jockey Club advises mot the following ruling Jockey E Boss indofi nitely suspended for a suspicions ride onlG H Whitney E C HOPPEB Secretary 153900The COVINGTON EY October 153900 The St Louis Fair Association advises me of the followingjrnlings Buled off Jockey H Springer SpringerOrdered Ordered from track Jockeys C J Mclntyre Thomas McKinney T Williams WilliamsIndefinitely Indefinitely suspended A Morrison MorrisonBaled Baled off Trainers W E Wood John Hen derson John Doyle Mike Eavanagh EavanaghBuled Buled off Owners W W Van Zant J Gard ¬ ner William Howell Frank Hogan F Lindeay W Leonards LeonardsOrdered Ordered from track B E Maddox MaddoxThe The following horses have been ruled off Myrtle Van ch m 6 by Fanstns Morning Dew Enchant b g 3 by Carnegie Alice Haw ¬ thorne Chanter b c 2 by Carnegie Banana W T Kemper ch g 4 by Newcastle War Mantle and Senator Sullivan SullivanE E C HOPFHB Secretary COVINGTON EY October 10 1600 The Chicago Jockey Clnb has advised me of the following rulings Jockey C Enhn BUB pended indefinitely jockey J T Woods sus ¬ pended until January 1 1901 Steeplechase jockey T Casey suspended indefinitely steeple ¬ chase jockey L OBrien suspended indefinitely E C HOPFEB Secretary COVINGTON EY October 2 1900 In the case of E D Morse vs Washington Park Clnb the Committee on Appeals decided that the appeal was not taken in time and therefore the case has no standing before the committee E C HOPPEB Secretary COVINGTON Ey Sept 8 1900 1900The The Chicago Jockey Clnb has advised me of the following ruling of the judges of that club Jockey P Gallagher suspended indefinately and recommend to the license committee that his license as trainer and jockey be revoked revokedThey They have also ordered that the future entry of the horse Passe Partont be refused at Haw ¬ thorne E C HOPPEB Secretary

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