Fort Erie Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-03


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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTFORT FORT ERIE OKT August JJTwentysixth day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationSammor Sammor Mooting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Caesidy Racing starts at 230 p m 27202 FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 4yearolda and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St M Yi 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P i 65271723TAMARIN 27176 RACEBUD 5 107 1 HI H 1 1 16 McQnade B L Cole 31 31 31 65 271723TAMARIN 4112 5 3 43 53 31 2 Houck O O West Co 75757512 27172 LITTLE SALLIE 6 107 7 6 61 43 42 33 J Daly J McNaught 5552 27110 NEPONSET 4 112 2 21 2 3 53 4 C Wilson F A Hart Co 6662 269612INNOMINATUM 4 109 6 8 3 25 21 51 Cningham L Tilt 8 12 12 5 27177 SILVER GARTER 4 112 3 5 5u 66 6 61 L Daly M J Daly 10 15 15 6 26906 L W 7 109 4 7 8 7 7 7 Troxler Bomerville Co 20 20 20 8 27110 TIP GALLANT 5 109 8 4 7 8 8 8 L Jackson J A Sykes 33365 33365Time Time 241 491 1151 129 129Winner Winner B m by Racine Rosebud RosebudWent Went to post at 253 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Racebud opened UD a gap in the first quarter and nothing ever got near her Tamarin was cut off and interfered with at the stretch turn and lost a couple of lengths Little Sallie hung on gamely when quitScratched it came to a drive Noponsat and Innominatum tired and quit Scratched 27172 Randy 112 27108 Rough Rider 109 26500 Miss Login 107 107Racebud Racebud show 3 to 5 Tamarin show out Little Sallie show evens Tip Gallant show S to 5 272O3 SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Belling Ind Horses A Wt St 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownarg O H C P 27022 WANINTA 103 2 13 li 12 L Jackson K P Shipp 5662 5662270533COU8INE 270533COU8INE 99 1 2 2H 22 Wonderly M A Swigert 222 35 27155 MARATRISA 97 6 51 32 3 J Daly M Byrnes 6662 666227087JD1XIE 27087JD1XIE QUEEN 107 5 41 51 41 Redfern N Bennington 1 75 75 12 12271078ILVER 271078ILVER OWL 105 3 31 4 5 LThompsnW R Baker Co 10 10 10 4 62 61 McQnade E Kelley 44485 27155 SILVER CHIMES 97 4 72 73 Dolan W Oliver 15 15 15 6 27083 LATCH STRING 101 8 71 8 8 Alarie F Reagan 20 30 30 12 12Time Time 231 491 55 55Winner Winner AgnettaWent Ch f by Huron Agnetta Went to post at 324 At post 7 minutes Start good Won easily ascend the same Wa ninta vas well in motion at the fiagfall and went to the front before tha othars got to running She was never in trouble Conaine was hustled along all through the stratch Maratrisa made up ground in the run home after coming wide at the stretch tarn Dixie Queen got away tangled up and Redfern could never get her into her stride She was on the outside all the way Ln crusia was jumped on and went to her kneas at the stretch turn turnScratched27107 Scratched27107 Viviani99 27083 Margie B 97 97Waninta Waninta show evens Cousine show out Maratrisa show 6 to 5 Dixie Quean show out Lucrnsta show 3 to 5 OTTO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 5300 3yearolds and upward Allowances orses A Wt St 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27157J8NAHK 3 99 1 H 13 12 i Wonderly W Oliver 33345 33345270842L 270842L HAMMERTON 3 90 8 8 61 32 2 L Jackson L Smitha Co 2 2 2 710 27157 LITHIUM 3 99 5 3 21 23 32 Redfern W K Cleveland 8 12 12 5 26965 CAD HAZEL 8109 3 61 5 4 41 Troxler E Moore 35 710710 out 27084 ANNU 3 90 6 51 4 51 55 Fitzgerald Wild Co 15 15 15 5 271583 FONED A 4 100 4 4o 73 72 6 LThompsn L Smitha Co 2 2 2 710 710271543MARG 271543MARG STEELE 3 90 7 71 8 8 71 J Daly JODowd 25 40 40 15 27157 PIGEON POST 3 105 2 21 32 61 8 R Bender M S Skiles 15 30 SO 12 12Coupled Coupled in betting Time 231 48 1 14 14Winner Winner B g by Lissak Unadilla UnadillaWent Went to post at 355 At post 14 minutes Start poor Won easily seconddriving 8 nark was running when the flag fell He liked tha hard track and set a fast paco and had those bs hind him dizzy in the run home Lillie Hammerton closed a big gap from where she got off and went all around her field Lithium ran in much improved form Pigeon Post was carried to defeat in the first half and was eased up in the last furlong Cad Hazel was in a pocket all down the backstretch Annu tired tiredScratched Scratched 271573Snrmiso 102 26880 Horsa 99 270262Edith Q 90 90Overweights Overweights poundsBnark Pigeon Post 3 pounds Bnark show out The entry show out Lithium show 21 to 1 mwM OTOAK FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M X 2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27176 NONA B 6109 5 23 23 22 2 K 1 Scherrer ELoan 10 10 6 21 269303FREE LANCE 7 112 1 4 41 31 3 2a Troxlar Charles Hay 65 75 75 35 27172 AHAMO 4 107 2 Hi H 11 In 32 L Jackson K P Shipp 10 10 10 4 27006 MAGOG 4 107 7 7 61 5 41 46 LThompsnN Dymont 3 j o 270082ROYAL SALUTE 5 109 4 6 51 411 53 5 Houck P Gorman 2 2271763BRANCH 271763BRANCH 6 109 3 5 7 7 6 65 M Hill M C Moore 555 25499 THE ORIOLE 4 107 6 31 3 62 7 7 Alarie Fox McDowell 15 20 20 8 8Time Time 24 491 15i 1281 1281Winner DnnlapWent Winner Br m by Dutch Organ Agnes Dnnlap Went to post at 432 At post 9 minutes Start good Won in a hot drive second the same Schorrer waited with Nona B to the stretch before making his run She then cama to the out ¬ side and fought it out closely with Free Lance and Ahamo all through the last f arlong Free Lance saved ground all the way and seemed like a winner at the furlong post bnt hung in the last sixteenth and was probably a bit Short Ahamo ran in much improved form and showed speed today The track was too hard for Royal Balute Branch was eased up Nona B entered for 300 was bid up 100 and sold to W Stover Stover8cratcbed27085Exit 8cratcbed27085Exit 107 27177 Miss Redwood 107 107Overweights poundsNona Overweights Nona B 2 pounds Nona B show evens Free Lance show out Ahamo show 2 to 1 Magog show 4 to 5 Royal Salute show 1 to 2 Or7O FIFTH RACK 1 116 Miles Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt M H StrFin Jockeye Owners O H 0 P 271592 MONTREAL 3 94 7 52 31 2a 2 H L Jackson H Alexander 1 1 4513 4513270862FILIBUSTER 270862FILIBUSTER 7 106 1 HI H H 11 23 Wondarly R F Myers 65 32 32 12 27156 KA8LO 4 101 3 21 21 311 3 35 LThompsnA D Simon 5662 5662271562PRINCEOFSONG3 271562PRINCEOFSONG3 93 6 3 4 4 42 4 Hedfern F S Nelson 6 6 6 21 27172 TEMPLAR 4 101 2 41 5 5 51 51 L Daly G B Walters 40 50 50 20 27005 PANDO 3 88 4 61 615 6 6 6 Adams Charles Ray 20 20 20 8 27159 KITTLE COURT 6 103 5 7 7 7 7 7 Alaire J Clay 8 10 10 4 4Time Time 241 491 1 151 1 401 1 All AllWinner Winner B f by St Saviour Bt Veronica VeronicaWent Went to post at 5 03 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily second easily Montreal came through on the inside and wore Filibuster down and was going away at the end Filibus ¬ ter was off flying and showed fine speed but was unable to stand off Montreals challenge He was well bandied and had no mishaps Kaslo ran his race Prince of Song has possibly been getting too much of it Montreal was bid up to 300 and bought in inMontreal Montreal show out Filibuster show out Kaslo show 9 to 10 SIXTH RACE C 13 Furlongs Purse J250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt 81 5 StrFin Jockeys Wonderly K Moore fe Co 45 45 710 out 27154MAGNETIC 3106 2 21 2 2U2 McQuade V Hallar 22235 26882 VIOLENT 6 100 7 31 36 35 3 LThompsnJ Duggan 44485 271542 BADGE BELL 3 98 6 51 5 42 48 Adams WT Baldwin 15 15 15 5 27106 GRAY MORN 3105 1 45 42 51053 R Bender A Miller 40 40 40 15 27025 ISAAC HOPPER 3 103 5 7 7 65 615 c Miller W Oliver 12 15 15 6 26929 GRANDEUR 4 103 4 6 6 7 7 Ryan J J Carroll 8883 8883Time Time 231 49 1151121 1151121Winner Winner B m by Long Fish Marie Reed ReedWent Went to post at 5 28 At post 9 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Ocia Brooks always held her field safe and was given a perfect ride Wondorly nursed her along in front all the way McQuage was floundering all over Magnetic at the finish This horse needs a strong rider to do him justice Violent tired at tha end after racing up with the leaders for the first half halfScratched Scratched 27154 Flaneur 109 255512phoenician 100 271112Coralis 98 98Ojerweights Ojerweights Violent2 pounds Gray Morn 5

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Local Identifier: drf1901080301_7_2
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