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WINDSOR FORM CHART WINDSOR ONr August 2 Eleventh day New Windsor Jockey Club ClubBnmmer Bnmmer Meeting Weathor clondy track good Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACK 4 13 Furlongs Furse 250 2yearolda Selling Rnn as second race led Horesa A Wt Bt X K StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O P PAM 269UERNE3T PARHAM AM 101 4 13 12 13 R Steelo J J Marklain fe Col 1 1 25 27065 SLY MAID 106 1 1270653DRUMMOND 33 36 23 Rice E Trotter Co 44432 270653DRUMMOND 111 5 41 4 31 Hshberger W H May Bon 3 4 4 32 26673 FOLLOW 106 3 22 2K 41 J Miller Graves Innes 45585 27076 DOUGHERTY 1041 6 5 53 53 Howell D P Rodgers 15 30 30 10 24476 PIRATE GIRL 106 8 8T3I 76 615 Barman F A Pope 2331 2331T3I T3I AN 106 7 61 7 75 T Walker Mrs 3 Harris 8 20 20 8 27076 7076 LADY E38EX 102 2 8 8 8 H Wilson H Chappell 30 100 100 10 10Time Time 24 49i 551 551Winner Winner B c by Do Beauvoir La Sorolla SorollaWont Wont to post at 3 05 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same It was only an exorcisj gallop for the winner He put Follow out of business in the first quarter and drew away easily He was boosted 205 over entered price and retained by owner Sly Maid and Drummond did their best but were outrun from the start The latter closed considerable ground from the head of the stretch Pirate Girl was a false alarm She failed to run to her herW W ° rScratched 2C65e6i3MaTthaD106 271453Louis Wagner 103 271423Ban Milam 101 26973 Miss Romar 97 97Overweights Overweights Dougherty 11 pounds Lady Essex 2 2Ernest Ernest Parham show out Sly Maid show 7 to 10 Drnmmond show 7 to 10 Pirate Girl show 1 to 2 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Run as first race Ind Horses A Wt St X 51 BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 5 114 1 32 23 2i 1 Hshberger W H May Bon 111 out 7036 LADY KENT 4 103 2 13 13 It 2 J Martin F Baumheckel 45532 45532271992MR 271992MR POMEROY 3 103 9 61 41 43 32 A Weber Torroysou Bros 75 85 85 1 271 ° 9 LECTURER 3 105 3 4H 32 31 43 J Miller MannionConnelllO 15 15 5 27066 RUSTIC GIRL 3 87 4 51 63 62 5 R Steale E R Rodgers 15 SO SO 12 658 ALLAIRE 4 105 5 21 51 51 61 Donovan E W Fitzgerald 20 50 50 15 26183 NORTHUMBRIA 4 103 7 8 7 7 7 Berman W Clark 15 SO 30 8 1801 VITURIA 4 101 6 7 8 8 86 Barbonr J Tonery JO 100 100 SO 27128 GEO GARDNER 3 98 8 9999 Hartman E Beck 10 15 IS 5 27038 RED SIGNAL 3 103110 10 10 10 10 JHothersllC S Crow 10 12 12 5 5Time Time 2448 114 114Winner Winner B h by Inverness Virgin VirginWent Went to post at 231 At post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Ecome ran a good race and finished strongly under a hard drive Lady Kent had speed to burn to the head of the stretch but tired in the stretch run Mr Pomeroy off badly waa compelled to take the overland route but was gaing great guns at the finish Lecturer quit after a display of speed Bnstic Girls race was an improvement It was a two horse race raceScratched Scratched 27069 Life Line 101 27186 Hunting 96 96Overweights Overweights Red Signal 31 pounds poundsLady Lady Kent show 7 to 10 Mr Pomeroy show out THIRD RACE 1 Mile and GO Yards Purse 250 3yearolds and upward O Selling Horses A Wt St M K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 27146 CEYLON 4 103 5 43 43 45 42 IH Barman W Walker 4547 45472714UPACEMAKER 2714UPACEMAKER 6120 4 31132 3113 2 Young A C Jones 451 4513 4513271243ECESS 271243ECESS EVELYNS 94 2 I IH 23 2 33 J Martin D P Rodgers 45432 271263OU8TODIAN 3 91 1 2 25 1 1 46 R Steele W Hunt Co 22 21 45 4571242DANDY 71242DANDY H 5108 6 51 55 56 58 510 Post W Cox Co 5 6 fi 2 6992 KING ELKWOOD 8 101 3 6 6 G 6 6 Givona H Simmons Co 8 15 15 5 5Time Time 251 501 1 16 1 42 1 451 451Winner Winner Br g by Hindoo Amy Davenport DavenportWent Went to post at 335 At post 6 minutes Start good Won driving and all out eecond easily Ceylon ran a good race but baraly landed Pacemaker finished strongly and would have won in the next stride The latter was much the best but his impost was a bit too haavy Princess Evelyn and Custodian raced each other to exhaustion and both quit badly in the stretch Dandy H was ontfooted all the way His race was balow his mark King Elkwood sulked The winner was raised 100 and bid in Ceylon show 3 to 5 Pacemaker show out Princess Evelyn show 3 to 5 Custodian show 2 to 5 r rr C t FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 5250 3yearolds and upward Allowances 27211 led Horees A Wt St i V StrFin Jockeys Owners 714633AN ANDRES 3 88 3 31 2H 11 11 12 R Staele E 8 Gardner Jr 45 45 45 out 27081 IRISH JEWEL 4 106 4 IKK li 21 23 2 Howell A H Vivell 32 32 32 25 7077 M WILLIAMS 3 90 2 45 41035 32 31 J Martin J James 8 12 12 4 6995 3T SIDNEY 3 93 1 21 31 4 45 42 Henderson J Maddox 8 20 20 8 8270783LONGFLO 270783LONGFLO 3 90 5 5 58 58 56 55 Pope J C Milam 8882 8882271443HINSDALE 271443HINSDALE 393 66 6 6 6 6 Rice C OConnor 5 8 8 21 21Time Time 251 491 1 14i 1 41h 41hWinner Winner Br f by Qnicklima Sonbrette II IIWent Went to post at 4 09 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same San Andres with her light weight carried the others to defeat and could have won further off if desired Irish Jowel hung on grimly and only quit in the last eighth Me Williams ran well but was tiring fast at the end Longflo and Hinsdale like a softer track Bt Sidney ran well wellIrish Irish Jewel show out MeWilliams show 3 to 2 fr7f l O FIFTH RACE 1 l8 Mil s Purse250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt St 34 W X StrFin Jockeys Ownors O H C 27189 O8C4ON 7 108 4 11 Hi Hi 1 H Hi T Walker T Hughes 56632 27080 LOU BELLE 5 97 6 21 22 21 21 3 22 McKeand L J Haas 15 30 30 7 7271H 271H MAR STREET 4 104 3 41 42 4H 42 21 33 J Martin G W Orchard 15 20 20 6 627183REMP 27183REMP 7 108 2 51 5 56 5 42 43 H Wilson C M Kenner 21 21 21 35 6993EDNA GERRY 4 101 1 3 = 31 31 31 56 515 Berman W Webb 353535 out 2714 HENRY GIBB84 103 5 62 65 612 610 615 620 Michaels HndrsnMnhnS 15 15 5 26555 VIRGINIA T 3 98 7 7 J ls ° 15 2 ° 15 6 6WinnerCh WinnerCh h by Order Virginia B BWent Went to post at 4 37 At post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out second the same the day before He made all his own running and was never in trouble Louisville Belles race was above her recent form Martha Street ran impressively and is probably improving Edna Gerry and Ramp were ssemingly shy of speed speedI1 I1 Osmon show 1 to 2 Louisville Belle show 2 to 1 Martha Street show 2 to 1 Romp bow out yx jj f t O SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 5250 4yearolds and upward Belling T d Horses AWtSt H StrFin Jockeys Owntn O H C P 27143 B G FOX 5 107 1 H 12 1 12 15 Howell D P Rodgers I i 2 45 22402 LITTLE LAND 8 104 3 31 41 31 32 22 Berman H Varwig 3 1 27147 CHARLY SHANE 4 107 7 71 51 52 5 31 Valentine J H Valentine i 10 10 4 4o 2718 FAIRY DELL 4 102 4 21 22 21 21 43 JHothersllD Stephens L o 10 10 4 27147 ELNOR HOLMES6 102 8 63 7 7 63 51 McKeand L J Haas 10 15 15 6 26671 ASSASSIN 7 104 2 51 33 41 41 61 Michaels W F Taylor 15 15 15 5 26588 RIVER PRINCESS4 102 9 9 8 8 8 7 A Weber Torreyson Bros 8 10 10 4 26776 TOBE PAINE 5 107 6 42 61 62 73 815 Finnerty E Williams Co 1 2 2 1 26978 SLASHER 6 107 5 8 9 9 9 92 T Walker John Smith Co 10 10 4 2 26033 CROESUS 7 104 10 10 10 10 10 10 Henderson L Thompson 10 20 20 8 8Timet Timet 25 49i 1 15 1 28 28Winner Winner B h by Melodrama Impression ImpressionWent Went to post at 504 At post 6 minutes Start good Won in a canter sacond easily B G Fox was a wild horse He raced Fairy Dell into exhaustion and came home eased up Little Land stood a hard drive in the last half Charley Shanes race was an improvement He is about due to win bnt in a smaller field Tobe Paine evidently is not ready as he failed to show eneod Slasher ran as if stale Fairy Dell showed fine spaed for over five furlongs furlongsScratched266193Colonel Scratched266193Colonel Strathy 104 26779 Anrea 97 evens Tobe Painer show 2 to 5