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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO August 3 Twentyninth day Delmar Park Jockey Club Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Startar A B Dado Racing starts at 230 p m O H fe i FIRST RACE 1 Mile aiid 7O karda Purse 400 4yaarolds and upward 4 ajL4fc Belling 1 Horoea A Wt St H K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27152 LAND HO 5 1C9 6 41 1 13 12 H Baptisto Dillard Hill 27152 QUAN PARKER 5 109 4 32 3 24 2 21 Gilmore S B Burnett L 2714821NUENDO 6 109 1 52 In 81 53 38 T OBrien G C Baker 24 3 24 1 1270313BARRICA 270313BARRICA 4 105 9 61 8 94 6 4 Bell D J Sullivan 3 5 44 75 26858 OMELIA 6 107 7 82 915 6 34 51 Barringer M Rica 15 15 15 6 27032 PUCINO 6 109 10 93 62 3 44 63 Lindsay J Schwarzendahl 8 15 15 5 26914 GRATIA 4 105 2 24 44 74 7 76 Enos M G Devlin 30 30 30 12 266543MR BROK WOODS 109 8 7 5 52 920 86 Watson Brwnin Valkarl 15 15 6 26938 JIM TURNER 4 107 3 14 24 44 82 9 Snell J H Jones Co 20 20 20 8 26858 PLANTAIN 6109 510 10 10 10 10 F Jones SullivanMnrphy 30 30 30 10 Time 10Time 5 124 25J 491 1 164 1 434 1 484 484Winner Winner Blk g by Springland Alta Blue BlueWont Wont to post at 232 At post 4 minutes Start go Won easily second the same Land Ho was much the best and won as he pleased Quannah Parker ran his race and was next best Innendo did well and is improving Barrica was badly messed about by Bell and should have been third at least Plantain ran a bad race race8cratchod271483Tom 8cratchod271483Tom Cromwell 112 26999 Bid Glenn 109 109Land Land Ho show evens Quannah Parker show 1 to 2 Inuendo show 1 to 2 rf fc l K SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 100 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ind Horses A Wt St M 4 K StrFin Jockeys Ownsra O H C P 27118 W L GEORGE 110 4 12 13 U 12 Snell J W Medlin 6 10 10 34 27118 LILLIAN M Ill 6 214 21 24 21 Mclntyre F M Connell 34 4 4 75 24923 TENNYF 10710 91082 6 3 T OBrien FizarCo 75756535 269693LAUY 75756535269693LAUY CLARIK 107 1 51 72 52 4H Gilmore A Greenleva 6 10 10 34 22908 LITTLE MASTER 107 2 3 314 34 53 Ball Hughes Elliott 30 50 50 15 271183 BAR LE DUG 110 9 10 92 84 63 Watson H M Ziegler 8 10 8 3 27178 FERBENO 107 5 71 10 10 73 Baptiste Hill eeel 10 15 15 5 21927 JOLutFY 110 7 41 4H 9 83 Liudsay ForsjthBros SO 30 30 12 25571 GLENCALEAM1NG 107 3 6 214 7 98 D Vititoa A Doerschuk 60 60 60 15 36937 ELIZA COOK 107 8 8 6 44 10 Enos Pratt Bros 10 12 12 5 Time 124244 491 l0i l0iWinner Winner Ch c by Grayson Cora Lee LeeWent Went to post at 300 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second driving W L Georga showed great early speed and carried it for four and a half furlongs bnt was tiring at the end His race was quite a reversal of form Weight and a bad ride beat Lillian M Tonny F was probably beet but she was off in a tangle and bumped all through the race Lady Clunk did mileScratched not run her race Glenca Learning showed a ran flah of speed at the half mile Scratched 271182 Broodier 107 26939 Called Back 107 107Overweights Overweights poundsW Lillian M 4 pounds W L George show 7 to 5 Lillian M show 3 to 5 Tenny F show out irrl THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse S400 3yaarolds and upwd Belling til Horeos AWtStX Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 270983 MEN AGE 3103 4 2 21 1 12 12 T OBrien Fizar Co 35 7103C out 270J93ZONNE 4 110 1 32 33 21 21 21 Gilmore R Hasse 5 34 S 35 26863 LADAS 5 109 2 H4 U 32 32 32 F Jones G C Bator 6 10 10 66 271203IQNIS 5 109 3 4 5 42 4 48 Barringer LV Bellow 5 10 9 1 270fiO ELEVEN BELLS 4 107 5 5 4 5 5 5 Snell T A Davies 30 40 40 20 Time 20Time 134 25 494 1 15i 1 42t Winner 42tWinner MendacityWent B f by Rainbow Mendacity Went to post at 330 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Menace was best and in a soft spot Zonne did his best and ran kindly Ladas ran a good raca to tho six furlongs quit thon bnt came again at the end and almost beat Zonne for second place Ignis did not run his race Eleven Bells was given an easy ride poundsZonne Overweights rideOverweights Eleven Bells 2 pounds Zonne stiow out Ladas show 3 to 5 Q rr f rj FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolda and upward Selling ad Horsos A Wt St M K 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C E 269162QU1DE 12511B45270972T1CKFUL ROCK 6 105 2 5 53 52 22 Hi Lindsay J W Johnson 2 12511B45 270972T1CKFUL 4 105 4 41 41 34 1 2 T OBrien Fizsr Co 2 24 24 1 271532MEDDLE8OME 5 105 6 6 6 6 41 31 F Jones J S Bratton 677 677270993HWEET 270993HWEET DREAM 3 96 1 It 1 1 52 41 i Earl F Gering 8 11 11 3 27123 ED L 7105 5 21 22 21 34 56 Barringer Hamilton Co 35585 27153 PERCY R 6105 3 32 3 44 6 6 Gilmore L Lewis 10 13 13 4 Time 12 24 494 1 154 1 29 Winner 29Winner B g by Saracen Alala H HWent cleverlysecond Went to post ot 4CO At post 1 minute Start good for all but Meddlesome Won cleverly second driving Guide Rock ran in improved form and was the best Tickful ran to the mark Meddlesome markMeddlesome was virtually left and ran a great race Sweet Dream was badly ridden quit at five furlongsGuide furlongs and came again at the end Ed L was prominent for six furlongs Guide itock show out Tickfnl show 2 to 5 Meddlesome show evens v rr 6 1 Q FIFTH RACEl 1 Mile ana 7O Yards Purse 100 4yoarolds and up 43 4 JL O ward Selline nd Horsos AWtStii Vi 5 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27099 FRANK PEARCE 4 107 7 IH li Hi 12 n Barringer MA Stevenson 5 27094 6527120ZiZEL bEN HAM 811110 61 81 71 42 22 Fallehy 8 L SOBBS 3 4 34 65 27120ZiZEL 4 109 3 94 62 5i 5ii 32 Watson ChristyThmpsnS 331 26999JLA 33126999JLA SPABA 4 105 2 2 22 2i 23 4n Gilmore R W Marks 6 6662 6 27119 EIGHT BELLS 6107 4 3 33 33 32 5i D Vititoe G C Baker 8 15 15 6 27153 BANQUO II 7 110 6 73 71 614 7 62 Snoll T A Davies 6 15 15 6 26938J3AD1E LEVY 6 107 9 4 4n 44 64 7n Lindsay T E Davis 6 26S30 GREAT PRIDE 5 112 8 84 94 84 84 8 T OBrien E F fcmith 10 i ± a o 270322BARBEE 6 109 1 51 54 9 9 9 Patton JN Miller Co 6 7 7 24 27120 BEN BOY 6 112 5 10 10 10 10 10 F Jones B V Crosby 15 20 20 8 Time 12i 254 50 1164 143 148 Winner 148Winner Ch c by Ecuador Plannetta PlannettaWent Went to post at 428 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Frank Pearce a much improved horse showed considerable speed and held on stoutly Benham was held put of it too long but closed very fast Tho weight stopped Zazel La Spara quit she bad no mishaps mishapsBcratchsd27060 Bcratchsd27060 C P Jones 109 109Overweights poundsFrank Overweights Benham 2 pounds Frank Pearce show evens Benham show 3 to 5 Zazel show out k r I Q SIXTH BACK 78 Mile Pnrsa S400 4yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Horaaa A Wt St X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27123NEAHEBT 5 105 2 24 1 14 12 1 F Jones G Dierker 32 32 65 270632tfOURLEAff C 5105 4 41 42 42 2u 2 T OBrien KDOrr 8524 2i 710 27099BEVOKE 71027099BEVOKE 6 107 1 1 33 32 32 S Gilmore J F Dockery 45465 271233 HUNGARIAN 5 107 3 SH 5 5 4 420 Snell G W Miller 5 10 9 2i 27153 HARDLY 6 103 5 5 2 2a 5 5 Enos Brnmfield Co 8 17 16 5 Time 12 244 49i 1151284 Winner 1151284Winner B m bj Knight of Ellorslie Dearest DearestWout Wout to post at 500 At pobtl miuute Start good Won in a hard drive of two second easily Nearest was lucky Fonrleaf C fell to her kne s at tha first turn and lost ten longths She made this up in the next quarter swung wide into the stretch and was then barely beaten Jones took his time with Nearest and should have won farther off The others did thoir beat poundsNo Overweights beatOverweights Hungarian 2 pounds No show betting on first three