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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTBIES ProbnbilitisB Weather clsar track fast First Baoe 5 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27197 Lady Radnor 109 725 725271702A8C8UBion 271702A8C8UBion 109 740 740271703Lombre 271703Lombre 104 750 27170 Lady Sterling 104 725 27166 Ischinm 99 715 715270892Musidora 270892Musidora 99 720 720271663Chickadee 271663Chickadee 99 735 27093 Carmaid 99 730 730Second Second Bace 1 Mile and 7O Yards Syaarolds Selling 27020 Anecdote 102 710 27045 Dactyl 97 705 27092 Gertrude Elliott 93 720 26935 Pleasant Sail 90 725 725268832Kid 268832Kid 86 715 27167 Balloon 86 710 27167 Anna Darling 86 700 700Third Third Bace 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap27139ORden 27139ORden 7 130 735 73527113A11 27113A11 Gold 4 119 730 73027168May 27168May V7 7 114 750 75027171Margraviate 27171Margraviate 3 112 730 730270493Sadducee 270493Sadducee 4 110 740 740271912Sourry 271912Sourry 3 107 725 27019 Lady Uncas 4 93 735 27140 Touraine 5 92 715 27140 Fonsolee 4 88 725 725271993Himself 271993Himself 3 85 720 720Fourth Fourth Bace 34 Mile MileThe The Neptune Stakes Value 5000 50002yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 26989 Golden Cottage 112 725 725269892Hyphen 269892Hyphen 107 750 75026956SPeninsnla 26956SPeninsnla 107 735 73527093Otis 27093Otis 107 730 73027170Tho 27170Tho Bival 107 740 26734 Saturday 102 735 735271152Major 271152Major Daingerfield 102 725 27115 Leonid 102 720 720Fifth Fifth Bace 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Selling Selling271993Himself 271993Himself 106 720 27111 Edgofltld 101 715 27092 Chaos 98 705 27167 Balloon 96 710 27200 Oyezpa 96 715 715271672InShot 271672InShot 93 725 725Sixth Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 27113 Knight of the Bronx 4110 715 27171 GoldFox 5 110 735 735267523Hammock 267523Hammock 4 110 725 725271412Tha 271412Tha Chamberlain 4 110 735 270902 Wax Tap r 4 110 750 75027201Intru8lve 27201Intru8lve 6110 740 27200 Hop Brook 4107 700 27201 Alsike 5107 720 26958 Staten Island 4 107 700