Harlem Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-15


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HARLE9I ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFIrt FIrt Kace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27403 Hanan 5 105 715 27496 Duty 5 103 725 27259 Fox Bard 4 103 710 27401 My Chicken 4 101 700 27372 Miss Conrad 4 101 675 27407 Onoto 4 101 69i 26092 Faraday Jr 3 95 685 27498 Give All 3 87 700 27496 Mary Moore 3 85 720 720Second Second Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 27463 John Gn sby 4 114 660 6602737S 2737S Dr Wulmsley 7 109 650 27373 Revanna 5 109 670 27401 Master Mariner 6 106 705 70527375Goal 27375Goal Runner 5 105 725 27373 Delia Ostrand 4 101 625 27373 I yror Bell 3 102 640 640274673Tm 274673Tm Hoerebeke 4 101 700 27463 Emma R 4 99 695 695274013Rrsa 274013Rrsa Diah 4 99 710 25263 Little Pepper 3 99 600 27187 Olorita 3 97 700 700274632Natnral 274632Natnral Gas 3 97 675 27314 Lenox 3 97 675 675Third Third Race 1 Mil Mil3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling274963Frank 274963Frank Ireland 5 105 655 65527492Zacatoeo 27492Zacatoeo 5 105 650 27285 Hop Scotch 5 105 625 26412 Denman Thompson 3 101 725 27438 Hylo 3 90 705 27401 Emma C L 3 89 685 27463 Pirates Queen 3 85 715 715Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Belling The Riverside Stakes 1500 added 27287 Telamon 106 650 2740 2LRdy Strathmore 102 705 705273473Elmer 273473Elmer L 98 690 27467 Leo Newell 95 690 69027254Tonh 27254Tonh 95 725 725274C433ilnrian 274C433ilnrian 95 680 680P P Dnnne entry entryFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances274653Nellie 274653Nellie Waddell 110 675 27465 Janbert 108 685 685274362McCheBney 274362McCheBney 108 700 700273452Gallagher 273452Gallagher 101 690 27465 Helen Print 98 675 27483 Mary Pine 90 670 27433 Prne 90 600 27402 Ameeras 90 640 640Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 27343 Boney Boy 5 108 710 27344 Brntal 3 103 675 675274073Knnja 274073Knnja 5 101 700 27346 MacGyle 4 101 715 715274053Henry 274053Henry Burt 8 101 720 27405 Rollick 3 93 680 273772 flrplnr 3 93 725

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901081501/drf1901081501_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1901081501_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800