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FOBT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Bace 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27473 Randy 4 112 685 685274782Tamarin 274782Tamarin 4 112 700 2787 Waterhouse 5 109 690 27478 Little Tommy Tucker 3 105 675 27477 Sam pire 3 105 680 12992 Friendship 7 104 665 27206 Templar 4 104 670 26672 KingH Pet 5 104 665 26961 Gailienne 5 102 680 27521 Nannie Dixon 5 102 675 27478 Punctual 8 102 670 670Second Second Bace 4 19 Furlong Furlong2yearolda 2yearolda Fillies Allowances 1 YnULadr Patroness 105 715 27 4i Wedding March 105 725 27457 Elisabeth Jane 100 705 27474 Abbey Dell 100 710 710274748Circus 274748Circus Girl 100 715 27107 Lauretta Burke 100 720 27356 Jannlta M 100 700 27474 Mies Wax 100 705 27856 Silver Chimes 100 700 700Ihlrd Ihlrd Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 27520 Wine Preia 5 108 725 274585 Filibuster 7 101 720 27461 Gray Dally 3 99 710 274612 All Saints 8 92 715 715Fourth Fourth Race S 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances274263Lac 274263Lac 110 720 27457 Moderator 107 705 27457 TaxMan 103 715 j 274513 Bourbon King 101 710 710274563Dixie 274563Dixie Queen 100 725 725Fifth Fifth Race 0 18 Furlongs Syaarolda and upward Allowances 17219 Avoka 5 107 700 27399 Racebnd 5 107 720 72027421Eaclaire 27421Eaclaire 4 107 725 27254 bilent Friend 4 104 710 27355 Coralia 6 102 705 705274232Young 274232Young Henry 3 102 715 27248 Oconee 4 102 700 700272482Maegie 272482Maegie W 3 95 715 715Sixth Sixth Race 34 Kile 3yearolda Belling 27205 Prince of Song 105 710 27476 Blackford 105 715 715272042Lillio 272042Lillio Hammerton 103 705 27359 Sweepstakes 102 700 27475 Inniscara 100 725 27425 Ida Penzance 100 720