Saratoga Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-15


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SABATOGA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Bace 1 116 Milt s Syearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horees Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp274092Hammock 274092Hammock 4 114 710 710274u93Alfred 274u93Alfred Vargrave 4 lit 715 26733 Belgrade 4 114 695 695273112Mercer 273112Mercer 4 Ill 705 27409 Thoroughbred 3 108 690 690272732Lone 272732Lone Fisherman 3 108 725 27273 Barretto 3 105 700 27809 Guess Work 3 103 705 27371 Little Daisy 3 103 715 71527200i 27200i Hardshell 3 103 710 710274702Baibttra 274702Baibttra Frietchie 3 98 720 27890 Gertrude Elliott 3 98 710 710Setoud Setoud Race 78 Mile All Ages Handicap 27239 Wax Taper 4 130 740 7402727221sidor 2727221sidor 7 126 7EO 27411 Cnnctannnda 3 119 735 73526957Colonei 26957Colonei fadden 3 118 730 27443 Specific 4 114 720 72027S873Hing 27S873Hing Pepper 3 113 725 27443 Kilogram 4 Ill 720 72026490Ben 26490Ben MacDhni 3 109 730 27472 Montanic 4106 735 26232 Bpeeomast 5 102 710 710274722AgnesD 274722AgnesD S 96 730 27442 Belles Commoner 2 95 725 725Third Third Kace 1 38 Miles Miles3yearolda 3yearolda Allowances AllowancesThe The Kenner Stakes Value 5000 5000Ind Ind Horsea color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp274113The 274113The Parader 126 800 25278 Black Fox 120 775 77527169A11 27169A11 Green 110 760 27411 The Rhymer 110 750 75027388SVitelliuB 27388SVitelliuB 110 740 740287882Baron 287882Baron Pppsr 110 735 735Arak Arak b c by Pactolus White Label 106 25799 Golden Grain 100 740 740fourth fourth Bace C 1JJ Furlongs Furlongs2yearolda 2yearolda Belling BellingInd Ind Horns Aze Wt Hdep HdepGoldaey Goldaey 110 268668Flora Pomona 107 735 26150 Dragoman 106 715 27197 Montana Pioneer 105 725 27392 Mary Worth 105 750 27319 Dark Secret 104 740 740274693Oclawaha 274693Oclawaha 101 730 26985 Caskville 100 700 27469 Fried Krupp 100 720 274692 Play like 100 73o 27169 High Carnival 97 725 26351 Trump 95 710 27469 Step Onward 95 735 28790 Frivol 92 715 715Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowancii Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 27408 Lucent 114 725 26235 Advocator 114 705 705272732Lone 272732Lone Fisherman 114 715 7152732S2dharpghooter 2732S2dharpghooter 114 720 72027323SLamp 27323SLamp oLee 114 715 715Arak Arak b c by Pactolus White Label Ill 27273 Barretto Ill 700 7002688lThe 2688lThe Blnacoat Ill 705 27893 Lady Chorister 109 710 27322 Infallible 109 700 700Wealtb Wealtb br f by Rainbow Prosperity 109 Thrilled b f by Potomac Thrill 109

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Local Identifier: drf1901081501_4_2
Library of Congress Record: