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Dang Racing Form ISSUED HVBBY DAY Buerlcan Turf Congress Record RecordO7TIOCAL O7TIOCAL OEOAH OF OFTHB THB AMERICAN TURF CONGRESS CONGRESSAND AND ANDWestern Western JocKeg GUIS Bulletin BulletinOFFICIAL OFFICIAL OEGAN OF OFTHB THB WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO A Daily BcBction of th American Turf Rmt rad In tho Posi Office at Chicago as sscond clasi mntttr U4126 Fifth Avenue Chicago Illinois BpITOB AKD PSOPBIETOE F H BBUNELL BBUNELLASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE EDITOB CLINTON C RILEY BBOEETAHT MBS F H BECNELL COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDWatered Watered according to Act of Congress In the ygir 1901 by Frank H Brunill in tha offict Ion D C U S A ALthf Lthf chart and index numbers and track form of DAILY HAOINQ Fonu must not be need Their are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected BnusoaipTioNa MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS TEHJilB TEHJilBPer Per Month S 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 he above ratas are for single copies aa eaaled eaaledlottero lottero firstclass mail DtUy Bacbiff Form Publishing Co prefers to toBend Bend single cooios aa firstclass mail in all allcaeei caeei JLotal anbacriptiona ouvsias iha down town towndistrict district will bo dsclinad at other than flrst flrstelaaa elaaa mail matter rates To bo coneidorod and answered all queries to DAILY RAGING FOEM must be eent over the full name and with the name of the writer Thoso names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test