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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST LOUIS MO August 15 Fortieth day Dalmar Park Jockey Club Bummer Moating Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter A B Dado Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse S400 2y arolds Belling 27545 Ind Horsea A Wt St X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners i 27485HUNTER RAINE 104 3 31 32 32 13 Dale CEJtffersCo 710710710 out out27362TABY 27362TABY TOSA 107 4 22 22 21 22 Dugan B B Burnett 75 75 6 5 out out2748520OLONEL 2748520OLONEL STONE 101 2 1 IH 11 35 E Murphy P H Hickey Co 10 20 20 3 27485 YARNER 101 1 4444 Lindsay R R Rice 20 50 50 12 12Time Time 13 241 491 103 115 115Winner Winner B c by Longstreet Chartreuse ChartreuseWent Went to post at 231 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Hunter Raine benefited by a change of riders from Irwin to Dale came around his horses at the stretch turn and won going away Taby Tosa did her beat and was well handled Colonel Stone ran well and might have been second with a good rider on him himColonel Colonel Stone show 2 to 5 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens 27546 Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M H X StrFin Jockeys Ownara O H C P 26299 SAM BO 109 2 U 11 U 12 Dale 8 W Streutt 65757535 27278 LADY CLARIK 111 1 31 21 22 22 Fatten A Greenleve 3331 27450 FFORRIE 8 106 8 62 42 32 31 Fauntleroy H M Ziegler 45585 45585AULE4 AULE4 106 5 41 Si 43 46 D Vititoe M P Mattingly 10 SO 30 10 26261 ANYTHING 108 7 5 6 63 5 Bnell W Mnlkey 10 15 15 6 27450 JUDGE MILLER 106 6 83 85 51 61 H Jones E McClosMy 15 80 SO 10 27027 MO LL1E BROOKS 106 9 9 9 7n 7 Cogswell B T Gaines Bro 10 SO SO 10 27027 OTON OLAY 106 3 7 71 81 8 5 Lindsay Martin Patton 12 16 16 6 6LADY LADY FELIX 108 4 2 52 9 9 Plnnkett T B Watts Co 10 10 10 4 4Time Time 13 25 50 1 031 1 10i 10iWinner Winner B c by 9t Saviour Josie W WWent Went to post at 3 02 At post 7 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Sambo off well and well ridden was mnch the bast Lady Clarik a bit short showed spend and ran a game race Florrie 8 was poorly ridden but came fast in the stretch and finished wall Anlou ran a fine race ueder a weak ride and will dp presently Anything a green filly high in condi ¬ tion showed coteiderable spaed Lady Felix also showed a flash of speed for an eighth eighthScratched Scratched 27325 Ben Hempstead 114 114Overweights Overweights Anything 2 pounds poundsSambo Sambo show 1 to 3 Lady Clarik show 1 to 2 Florrie 8 show 4 to 5 THIRD RACE 1 316 Miles Purse 400 3yearolde and upward Selling 27547 r Horfoe A Wt St St H StrFin Jockeys Owneri O H O P 274902LA HPARA 4101 6 61 61 62 12 12 n Lindsay R W Marks 6 1 1274903QUTBUR9T 274903QUTBUR9T 4 114 4 H 71 72 4 2 22 Powell J R Band 4 274543SAQHDSMAN 7 116 1 1 51 51 G 51 Si 1 T OBrien FizerCo 65757512 27490 BANQUO II 7 108 8 8 8 8 72 42 43 Snell TADavies 6 10 10 4 27490 IRV MAYOR 3 100 7 51 4n SH 8 72 51 Fauntleroy F Pbarp 6 8 27381 SADIE I EVY 6103 2 3 31 41 SH 31 66 Dae T E Davis 5 7 7 Zt 274862 K FREEMAN 3 90 5 42 HI 12 6 8 76 ONeil J F Dockery 10 20 20 7 27488 FIDDLER III 5 105 3 21 2n 22 2 62 8 Bell J B Berry SO 10010030 10010030Time Time 13 25 50 1 16 1 421 2 3 3Winner Winner Ch f by Fortissimo Creola by Saracen SaracenWent Went to post at 335 At p et 5 minutes Start good Won handily after an early drive second easily La Mpara was cleverly ridden made her run at the right moment and ontgamed Swordsman well in the running all the way did his best Banqno II can do batter Fiddler III pulled np very lame lameLa La tipara show 7 to 10 Outburst show 7 to 5 Swordsman show out FOURTH BACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling 27548 Ind Horses A Wt St K H fc StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 273272 MATT HOGAN 4107 3 3m 31 32 IH Dale W P Magrune 4 4 81 1 27432 REVOKE 6 109 5 6 6 41 21 O Neil J F Dockery 3 5 41 65 65U 27327 HAZEL BULETT7 109 1 U 12 U 3 Powell Yerkes Gra Gra274512M Graham 20 20 20 8 274512M GOLIGBTLY 3103 2 2 2n 21 46 T OBrien FizerCo 451 1 out 27364 SANTA VENTURAS 98 4 53 4U 52 53 Wainwght Dilard Hill 12 15 15 5 54n 27489 HENGI8T 3 103 6 4n SB 6 6 Lindsay F Burke 10 10 6 2 2Time Time 13 241 491 102 1151 1151Winner Winner B g by Vagner Miss Uight UightWent Went to post at 4 03 At post 7 minutes Start poor Won in a drive second the same Matt Hogan favored by the poor start and in the fast going was well ridden and Jncky Revoke almost left at the poet was probably bt st She came very fast in the stretch and would have won in another twenty yards Hazel Bugblett showed spaed as usual bnt tired at the end Miss Golightly was pocketed on the rail all the way and had dnst four inches deep to contend with and tirea at the finish Santa Ventura bad an easy race H engist was practically left at the post postScratched Scratched 275158weet Dream 102 274513Mrs Grannan 98 98Overweights Overweights Miss Golightly 3 pounds poundsMatt Matt Hoean show out Revoke show out Hazel Hugblett show 3 to 1 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Parse 100 4yearolds and upward Selling 27549 tnd Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 274313LORD NEVILLE 6 113 5 1 12 12 11 12 T OBrien Hutchinson Coll5 31 31 1 27454 ELSIE BARNE3 7 105 2 21 211 22 23 23 ONeil W fl Billings 10 15 15 4 27488 GRANTOR 5 110 1 5 5 4n 43 SH Dale K D Orr 1145 out 27379 J V HAYS 4 110 4 4 4 5 3 4 Lindsay G Kennedy 20 SO 30 10 10274883BEN 274883BEN FROST 6 1C6 3 31 3 3 5 5 T Walker E F Smith 44345 44345Time Time 13 25i 50 1 16 1 29i 29iWinner Winner Ch h by Glenelg Keepsake KeepsakeWent Went to post at 435 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second the same It was a very slow run race Lord Neville was well handled and took advantage of the early loaf and assnmed a safe lead in the first eighth then easily galloped home Elsie Barnee ran a good race for bar Grantor walked sore as he went to the post and did not run his race Ben Frost was prominent to the stretch where he quit quitOverweights Overweights Ben Frost 2 pounds poundsLord Lord Neville show out Elsie Barnes show evens Ben Frost show out 81 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Belling 2755O Ind Horses A Wt St K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners I 27280 THE WAG 4 110 4 31 82 IB 2n 11 Watson E D Kelly 10 10 8 Ji 27427EMPYREAL 3 94 3 7 62 SH IH 2n Fanntleroy Perkins Co 6 15 15 5 27S26PIR DAUGHTERS 100 5 42 7 0 63 42 32 T OBrien J C Ohio 21 4 4 65 27490 BARRICA 4 105 1 21 1 22 32 42 Dale D J Sullivan 21 1361351 27429NEL HELMUTH3 97 7 5 5 4 5 515 ONeil WhaelerCo 2 11611545 27S812BB WALKAWAY 3 96 8 61 41 52 6 62 Lindsay SB Burnett 6652 27511 ROUGE EC NOIR 4 102 6 8 8 8 8 75 WainwrightL Glenn Co 30 80 80 SO 27511 POORLANDd 5 106 2 1 2n 71576 8 Morse E F Smith SO 60 60 20 20Time Time 13 251 5011161 1431 1431Winner Winner B c by Wagner Miss Reed ReedWent Went to post at 4 58 At post 3 minutes Start good Won handily second driving The Wag a mnch improved horse had no trouble keeping in the leading three to the stretch turn then came on fast in tbe stretch Empyreal came with a gtllant rush at the stretch turn but was pocketed on the rail in the deep dn t This hurt her lint scarcely altered the result Pirates Danxbter ran a good race and finished strongly Barrica showed early speed but quit Nellie Helmnth ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched 26917 Pan Charm 107 274863 Diendonne 104 104The The Wag show 7 to 5 Empyreal snow 8 to 5 Pirates Daughter show 3 to 5 Barrioa show 3 to 5 Nellie Helmuth show out