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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTOHZOAOO OHZOAOO IUU Ang ist 1O TemSi day Harlem Jockey Club Buou Weather dear track fait PraiMiug Judge Ool A W Hamilton Start Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 230 p m Q n K O FIRST RACE 1 Mll Purse 8400 75 to second 25 to third I 2 bJ 3yearolda and upward Selling ind Horses A Wt St K M X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 37403 HANAN 5 105 8 5 4 51 41 1 J Ranch I Glasscock 3 6 27259 FOX BARD 4 103 3 9 9 9 5 22 Otis F Qradj Co 68 27407 ONOTO 4 102 1 21 32 31 21 3 H Bnllivan E Fitzgerald 6 8 27372 MISS CONRAD 4 102 9 8i 83 8 64 41 HarsbbgerE M Jackson 8 IS 12 4 26092 FARADAY JR 3 99 5 416 7 71 5 T Knight Waltrin Yeager 5 993 27401 MY C SICKEN 4 101 4 1 1 H IH 6 T Mnade Mrs M Hall 15 40 SO 12 1227496MABY 27496MABY MOORE 3 85 6 = 3 22 2U 3 7 Davieeon P J Moss Co 4 4 21 1 127496QIVE 27496QIVE ALL 3 87 2 6i 721 61 82 83 W Knapp J Cnrl 6883 27496 DUTY 5 103 7 71 511 41 9 9 R te le H Howard Co 6 10 10 4 Apprentice allowance Time 12 24 49 1 15 1 42 42Winner Winner Ch g by Hanover Brandolette BrandoletteWent Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start Rood Won driving second easily Hanan also came fast on the inside rail after trailing back of the field to the head of the stretch Onoto tired in the last sixteenth when she appeared all over the winner My Chicken ran well for six and a half furlongs and then faded away Mary Moore quit at the head of the stretch It was as poor a lot as conld well be sent to the post postOverweights Overweights Faraday Jr 4 pounds Onoto 1 Miss Conrad 1 1Hanan Hanan enow 6 to 5 Fox Bard show 8 to 5 Onoto show 9 to 5 Mary Moore show 3 to 5 O 7 K O Q SECOND RACE 34 Mkila Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third f O O 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St ii M X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27401 MSTR MARINHB 106 IH IK i u ii R Sullivan J F Holt HoltIH 18541 41 85 85T 27S75tQOAL RUNNER 5 106 101 IH 101 92 2 Vickery T H Ryan 2 21 75 45 45C 27401 HO3A DIAH 4 99 71 61 62 3 SH Doss C B Campbi Campbi13i Campbell 10 SO 80 10 10F 27373 REVANNA 5 109 131 13 13i 13 7 41 Rutter F Phillips 15 16 16 7 7SH 27373 DR WALM3LEY7 109 41 3 SH 3 SH 2 52 Cassidy H Robinson 60 100 100 40 27467VAN HBEBKKE4 101 2 4 4 5 5a 6 gn Otis J Hoffman i Co 10 10 8 3 2737St3IREN BONG 4 99 8 71 71 61 7n Gormley E M Jackson 20 20 20 8 2746S1NATUBAL GAS 3 97 11 101 9a 81 8 Helgeson Millar Finch 20 25 25 12 27187CLORITA 3 97 6 8 81101 91 RSteele WHMaySon 20 20 13 4 27463 JOHN GRIG8BY 4 114 15 14214212110 Dominick J J M F Murray 10 30 30 10 27573 DEL O3TRAND 4 104 5 221 21 4 111 J Ranch T E Barrett 10 20 20 8 27463 EMMAR 4 99 3 5 51 11 121 Davisson J Brenock 10 16 18 7 25263 LITTLE PEPPERS 99 12 15 15 131 131 C H Smith T Licalzi 100 100 100 40 27373 LYROR BELL 3 102 9 91 Hi 14 141 T Knight J D Smith 12 15 15 6 27314 LENOX 3 98 14 12 12n 15 15 J Mclnerny E Rents 100 100 80 SO Apprentice allowance tOmitted from entries Winner Ch g by Mariner Marinette MarinetteWent Went to post at 305 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily next two driving Master Mariner off well was luxuriant of speed and was never in trouble at any part of the race Goal closed up fast in the last eighth and was running past horsea at the end Rosa Diah finished strongly and ran a good race Revanna came from nowhere with a surprising rush in the last sixteenth He bears watching from now on Dr Walmaley was tiring in the last hundred yards Van Hoorebeko and Emma R showed earlyspeod earlyspeodOverweights Overweights Len x 1 pound poundMaster Master Mariner show 1 to 5 Goal Runner show 1 to 2 Rosa Diah show 4 to 1 Q rT K C A THIRD RACE 1 Mile Pnrsa 400 575 to second 25 to third O U Z 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P I 26412D THOSlPdON 3101 31 5 5 i 2H H 121 R Steele F O Mushier 3 3 3235 27496ZZACATOSO 5105 2 41 3 1 2 211 T Knight G B Grimes 8 13 13 3 27438 tiYLO 3 90 41 3 2 4 32 31 Gorml y Lockart Rros 2 C 6 2 27401 EH MA C L 3 94 1 1 4 SH 4 45 J Rnnch D V Grace Co 3t 5 5 85 27463 PI RTES QUEENS 85 5 6 6 6 6 53 Davisson J Arthur Co 2 21 21 35 27285 HOP SCOTCH 5 105 6 2 IH 53 5 6 H Sullivan A Kusch 8 30 30 10 Apprentice allowance Time 12 25 49 1 15 1 41 41Winner Winner B g by Deceiver Ramona RamonaWent Went to poet at 345 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Den man Thompson assumed an easy lead when turning into the stretch and won almost as his rider pleased Zacatoso rah a surprisingly good race and was easily the beet of the others Hylo ahowed speed bnt had enough when an eighth out and the sam may be said of Emma C L DaviEsons ride on Pirates Qnoen was very poor He got her cut off while going around the first turn losing fonr or five lengths and then messed her all about completely destroying whatever chance she had Hop Scotch ran well for a half mile mileScratched Scratched 27496s Frank Ireland 105 105Denman Denman Thompson show 2 to 5 Zacatoso show 6 to 5 Hylo show 7 to 10 Pirates Queen show 1 to S f n K K FOURTH HACK 1 MJle 3yearolda Selling The Riverside Stakes I O J O 1500 added 300 to second 150 to third Net value to winner 2160 Ind Horses AWt St M tt J BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27467 LEO NEWELL 95 3 21 31 43 4 IH Ransom F T Wood 8 13 13 4 27254 TOAH 95 4 6 4 i 31 S 2 J Walsh P Dunne ft 5 85 75 2 27404 SILURIAN 95 1 It 1 21 1 3 J Ranch P Dnnne f65 85 75 45 45273t7ELMER 273t7ELMER L 98 2 4 51 51121 4 T Knight J B Rrepass 66685 27287 TELAMON 106 5 51 6 6 51 5 R Sullivan 8 O Hildreth 8873 274042 L 8TKATHMORE102 6 31 22 IH 6 6 Gormley T P Hayes 21 21 2 35 Apprentice allowance tCouplod in straight betting bettingTime Time 12 25 49 1 14 1 40 40Winner Winner Br g by Aerolithe Kate Harper HarperWent Went to post at 410 At post 2 miuntea Start excellent Won in a hard drive second easily Leo Newell finished with great gameness on the inside rail in the last sixteenth Toah was the best He and Lady Stratnmore were knocked clear off thnir stride at the first turn In making np the lost ground it took much out of Toah and materially affected his chancos in the final drive Silurian had enough when an eighth out Elmer L saved ground by hugging the inside rail at the stretch turn and seemed to have a chance at the last eishth post but died away thereafter Telamon was always outrun bnt finishnd strongly Lady Stratnmore quit at the head of the stretch The winner was bid up to 1200 by F W Doss and bought in inLeo Leo Newell show 8 to 5 Toah show evens Silurian show out Lady Btrathmore show out FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 2yearoldr Allowances A Wt St K K X StrFin Jockeys O H O P 31 SXK 11 131 Alexander H J Scoggan 4 51 5 32 411 4 31 21 T Knight J B Respaas 65 6545 25 IB IE 2 31 J Ranch G J Long 80 80 20 6 61 52 42 41 1 Dominick J Huffman 6 IS 13 3 SH 62 51 56 Gormley J 8 Ward 21 31 31 1 7776 Mewes J N McCarth McCarthy 60 100 100 80 27433 PHUE 90 4 21 2 65 7 R St ele W E Vater 60 100 100 40 40Time Time 12 24 48 115 115Winner Winner Br c by Azra Mishap MishapWent Went to post at 445 At post 3 minutes Start good Won in a canttr second driving Jaubart rushed into the lead when turning into the stretch and simply cantered away from bis Th latter showed speed for five furlongs and then began to tire McCheaney ran a dull race raceand and caa do much better Prne ran well for a half Bcratched274653Nellie Waddell110 Waddell110Overweights Overweights Mary Pine 41 pounds Helen Print 4 Janbert show 1 to 2 Gallagher show 1 to 5 Ameeras show 2 to 1 McCbiiney show 2 to 5 SIXTH RACK 1 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third Ind Horses A Wt 8t M K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27S771SBIRCHER 3 93 7 7 6 5 32 13 KHUole A G Blakely 566 27244 BRUTAL 3 103 1 4 41 4 4 21 T Knight A Poniatowski 555 27407 KUNJA 5 102 SH 6 7 61 6 31 R Sullivan J Deaha 8 10 10 31 27346 MAO GYLE 4 101 4 521 31 31 li 4i i Dominick C T Boots 31 41 4 2 27348 BONEY BOY 5 108 2n 1 1 1 21 53 8aton Ms R Bradley 12 17 17 6 27405 ROLLICK 3 93 61 21 2U 21 52 6 J Ranch Burns Waterhse 31 4 3 65 65274058HENRY 274058HENRY BURT S 101 5t 31 5 7 7 7 Doss C B Campbell 31 41 41 8S 8STimelS TimelS 25Vg 49 1 15 1 40 fTimaer Ch g by Hindoo Queen Regent Weat to poet at 5 15 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Searcher much tho best and oama away easily in the last eighth after trailing back of his field Bra ran in mnch improved form and finished fast and strongly Kunja closed up fast in the last hth MacGjlo q ult badly in the last sixteenth Boney Boy ran well for seven furlongs and in faded away Rollick had enough after running well for aiz furlongs Overweights EUPJ a 1 pound Searcher show evens Brutal show S to 2 KnnJ a show 8 to 5 MacGyle show 4 to S