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SARATOGA FORM CHART CHARTSARATOGA SARATOGA N T August S8 Twentyfirst day The Saratoga Association 8nm er erMeeting Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Baclng starts at 215 p m OTQQQ FIRST RACE Short Course 700 added 4yearolds and upward I O 7O Allowances Steeplechase Ind Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27816 Morrell27565TBACHELOH8 DECAMERON 8 133 3 U Hi H Hi 12 11 Higgins E JED D Morrell 1654 31 75 Whitne27816THILLION 27565TBACHELOH8 150 2 SH 41 43 31 41 23 Green W 75W C Whitne Whitney 85 2 75 710 27816THILLION 10 139 1 2 31 52 610 31 31 Q Smith W C Hayes 27816 CBFEff BELLS 130 5 52 51032 22 2a Pendings RG Tower 100 100 100 30 27320 I8EN 6 132 6 61 6 612 4 = 51 51 Hrazil T CosteUo 6772 27816 MR 8TOFFEL6 132 4 41 21 2 5 610 65 Owens J Morriesay 8 10 8 3 26385 MARS CHAN 10 137 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Veitch Mr Chamblett 12 15 15 5 Time 428 VictoriaWent Winner Br g by Boccaccio Victoria Went to post at 215 At post 1 minnta Start good Won driving second easily Decam ¬ eron jumped clearly under admirable handling and just lasted and was favored by the short course The Bachelor which closed with a rush at the end when too late received a bad ride and was hauled and massed about to such a degree that his race under the circumstances shone He was much the best Trillion suffered from several costly mistakes though the field and todays showing confirms his previous running Curfew Bell ran surprisingly well and w as prominent throughout Isen closed a gap at the end after fencing badly and losing much gron nd at each obstacle Mr Stoffel is worth remembering rememberingDecanter Decanter show 4 to 5 The Bachelor show 1 to 3 Trillion show 4 to 5 fc 1 rj Q O A SECOND RACE 78 Mile 700 added 3yearolds and upward 3 I Ot4t Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt if ft X StrFin Joekeya Owners O H O P 24582 ALABD SCHECK 3 110 2 43 43 4 31 Hi J Woods JW Schorr 1 651 1 27841 SATIRE 3 110 3 In IB 2 22 23 Wonderly J Tabor 6 15 12 3 19010COBURG 4 118 6 211 2 1 IB 33 Blair J E Seagram 1354 85 35 278412riCOTCH BUSH 3105 5 31 SH 3 410 420 T Burns WHSealey 6 10 10 3 27323 8KIPAWAY 3 105 1 6 6 6 6 52 Cochran J H Hosran 40 100 100 20 27017 GODFREY 5115 4 SH 51 5 5 = 6 OConnor JHSteimer Winner BlossomWent Br c by Hindoo Chorry Blossom Went to post at 245 At post 8 minutes Start fair Won in a canter second easily Alard Bcheck is in grand bodily condition and outclassed the field He waited on the pacemaker to the stretch where he went to the front in a couple of strides winning eased up Satires race was a startling form reversal and was about tho bast of his career Coburg broke very slowly and lost lengths at the start but showed brilliant speid and appeared to ba tho winner to the stretch where ho commenced to tire He looked big and high in flesh and was probably short his work had been very good but his forte ia mud Scotch Bush ran fully up to her best form and pre ¬ fers a soft track trackScratched26311 Scratched26311 Bedpath 115 27771 Tho Amazon 118 27836 James J Corbett 110 27736 Water Run 110 27508 Great American 107 107Alard Alard Scheck show 1 to 5 Satire show evens Cobnrg show 1 to 4 O f7 Q O K THIRD RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Handicap A I OtO The Albany Stakes 1000 added Ind Horses A Wt St M ft 3 StrFin Jockeyi Owners O H 0 P 27814 D1X1ELINE 119 9 711 7H 3 U Shaw Pepper Stable 4 4i 41 85 27770 JIM TULLY 97 4 13 13 12 23 vVonderly T Monahan 30 50 30 10 10278138MART 278138MART SET 124 1 61 4n 4 3 OConnor G Walbaum 6762 1451276622ANAK 278143LEONID 6762278143LEONID 108 11 81 81 5 41 Bnllman A Belmont 3 3 1451 276622ANAK 103 2 52 61 7H 51 Monnce A Bolmout 3 3 1451 27814 E3SENE 98 5 10 9 81 62 H MichaelsT J Healay 15 15 12 4 27631 WHISKEY KING 110 10 4u 22 22 7 BeanchampPepper Stable 4 41 41 85 27774FEME SOLE 102 7 22 3H 6 86 Cochran J J McCafferty 10 12 7 21 27367JOTIS 2127367JOTIS 126 3 11 11 10 91 J Woods B Schreiber 5883 27814 THE GOLDFINDER108 6 SH SH 9 OH T Burns F R Hitchcock 8 10 7 2i 27814 BYR OF BOSCREA 97 8 9 10 11 11 L Smith L H Franchi 60 100 40 15 t 15t Coupled in betting Time 12 23g 35 48 1 01 1 13 VinnerB c by St Maxim Miss Dixie DixieWent Went to post at 320 At post 21 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Dixie line won as if he outclassed the field at the distance and on the fast track He was badly inter ¬ fered with on tho backstretch at times Jim Tully away running ran a remarkably good race and is probably as good as his trials had indicated Smart Set finished strongly and ran a thor ¬ oughly good game race Leonid and Anak both slow beginners made up ten lengths in the last throughout Whiskey King appeared sure of second money when a furlong out but quit at the end Feme Sole ran a good five furlongs Tho Goldfinder commenced to fall back ou the far turn Byrne of Boscrea was the offender in the mixup which interfered with Otis and the winner Otis was knocked back and hopelessly out of the contention He displayed great speed but had no chance He is reported to have been sold to R T Wilson Jr for 15000 while at the post Scratched postScratched Longlove 113 113Overweights Overweights Leonid 3 pounds Anak 5 Byrne of Roscrea 4 4Pepper Pepper entry show 7 to 10 Jim Tully show 6 to 1 Smart Sat show 6 to 5 Bolmont entry show 1 to 2 FOURTH BACK l 116 Miles 800 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap nd Horses A Wt St M ft 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 27817 TERMINUS 3118 1 2n 21 2 21111 Bnllman WTShafer 1 751310out 27837JST 751310out27837JST FINNAN 4 106 3 H 11 11 In 21 Wonderly M Clancy 465 710 27771 THE AMAZON 4 105 23 3 3 3 3 Cochran P S P Randolph 75 75 65 out Time outTime 25 50 116 141 148 148Winner BishopWent Winner B c by Blazes Miss Bishop Went to post at 404 At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly second driving Termi ¬ nus broke in his stride and was sent along from tho start He wore St Finnan down in the stratch and came away easily right at the end St Finnan ran a speedy and game race but was lucky to score from the fast coming The Amazon The latter was pocketed for the first three quarters and pulled up repeatedly and was very badly handled rtrrOQrT FIFTH RACE 34 Mile SOO added 2yearolde Selling Ind Horses AWt Bt M ft X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27664 DARK SECRET 110 5 4 41 31 11 J Woods F Farrell 85 95 65 12 27880 SHANDONFIELD 110 4 12 12 H 2 Wonderly W N Adrians 8 12 10 3 27880 MONT PIONEER 107 3 2 2 21 32 Monnce John Thomas 6 12 10 3 CONTINUED ON KF36 PAGE SARATOGA FORM CHARTCONTINUED 277703 WODEN 110 7 73 5 SH 41 OConnor R T Wilson Jr 2 2 21 710 27880 EQ UALIZE 110 1 32 31 4 5i Shaw Buckley Bailey 10 15 12 4 27662 ATHEOLA 110 S 5 6 6 61 Thompson W F Presgrave 20 SO 30 10 M ATHEOLAM 183 OR AFT 107 6 6 710 730 760 Wade J Stanley 50 100 100 40 277703 JUSTICE 110 2 8888 Cochran M Shea 10 20 12 4 4Time Time 12 24 36 49 101 l15tf Z Winuer Ch c by St Maxim Favorite FavoriteWent Went to post at 430 At post 9 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Dark Secret was favored by the distance closed fast at the end under a vigorous ride and was easily best but pulled up lame Shandonfleld got away well in his stride and ran kindly enough to suggest he is something very useful should he continue to improve Montana Pioneer hung on better than usual today Woden probably favors mud He was lame before the race Justice circled the track in three different false breaks while at the post and trailed in alone aloneScratched Scratched 27880Eddie Bnsch 110 27531 Frivol 107 27840 Emma A M 107 107Dark Dark Secret show 1 to 5 Shandonfleld show 8 to 5 Montana Pioneer show 7 to 5 Woden show 1 to 3