Delmar Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-29


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DBLMAB PABK HHTBIBS FrobabilitiM Weaiher clear track fast lint Race 5 18 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Belling fad Horse Age Wt Hd Hdr r ni7Bw Hempstead 108 K4 VarBer 108 YMMttiM Galaei 105 274 Aleda 105 SHUH lak 105 Second Bc 1 Mile nd 70 Yard Yard3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling 27870 Chopin B 112 720 27855 Ignis 5109 715 27870 Anrea 4 107 710 71027855lSatin 27855lSatin Coat S105 725 27818 Prince Stonemouth S102 700 700Third Third Bace 34 Mile All Ages Allowances 27821 Bevoke 6 Ill 710 27824 MirtAsher 4 Ill 700 26893 TnllaFonso 5 111 725 27858 Miss Golightly S105 715 715277093Hnntres8a 277093Hnntres8a 2 90 720 720Fourth Fourth Bace58 Mile 2yearolds Belling Belling278203Attelle 278203Attelle 107 700 26811 Bose of Bed 107 690 69027783Wissendine 27783Wissendine 107 710 71078202Harry 78202Harry Shafer 105 695 695278542Ogle 278542Ogle 105 725 725266433Miss 266433Miss Wandelohr 105 705 27820 Lillian M 105 700 27783 W L George 105 710 27512 Miss Dora 102 715 71527768Palms 27768Palms 99 720 72027751Colonel 27751Colonel Stone 99 715 27380 Anna Elliott 96 705 705Fifth Fifth Bace 1 18 Miles Miles8yearolds 8yearolds and upward Belling 27853 Hardly 6107 710 25675 Zaza 4 103 705 70527786Ontbnrst 27786Ontbnrst 4 103 715 27799 Hinsdale 3 99 700 700277113Menace 277113Menace 3 98 725 72527870Orris 27870Orris 4 96 720 720Slzth Slzth Bace 6 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling278532The 278532The Wag 4 110 705 705277852Euterpe 277852Euterpe 5 105 715 715278582Dandy 278582Dandy Jim 3 103 725 725278212Fonrleaf 278212Fonrleaf C 5 100 720 720275713Belle 275713Belle Simpson 4 100 710 710277848anta 277848anta Ventura 3 98 715 20285 Flying Eagle 3 98 700

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Local Identifier: drf1901082901_4_3
Library of Congress Record: