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BELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST IOUIS MO August 88 Fiftyfirst day Delmar Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter A B Dade Bacing starts at 2 30 p m fF7ClfA FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt 24 M X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27616 FICKLE SAINT 104 1 1 12 16 13 F Jones Ryan Co 11531 31 45 27548 HENGIST 109 3 31 3 2 22 T OBrien T Burke 65 65111025 27510 EMILY OLIVER 99 4 63 5 41 32 Lindsay Martin Patton 10 10 7 2 27866 LARRY C 109 5 53 6 52 41 Baptiste W Cornelson 60 60 60 20 27712 MERRY WAGER 104 6 6CAPT 7 7 6 510 tson Manton Co 15 20 20 7 CAPT GRASETY 106 2 41 41 7 611 Dale L Lewis 4 8 1 27756 MAY VIOLET 104 7 23 23 33 7 Dugan P McGuire 10 15 13 5 5Time Time 12 24 49 1 02 1 15t Winner Br f by St Florian = Faithless FaithlessWent Went to post at 231 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Fickle Saint was mnch favored by the start had clear sailing and was never in trouble Hengist off in a tangle was not running freely until Fickle Saint had practically gone away with the race Emily Oliver ran to her best form May Violet showed early speed It was a poor field Fickle Saint show 1 to 2 Hengist show out Emily Oliver show 4 to 5 6 rTOpr SECOND BACK 1 Mile Pnrse350 3yearolds and upward Belling ind Horsos A Wt Bt X M StrFin Jockeya Ownari O H O P 277822BS WALKAWAY 3 96 5 31 IH 12 12 u QNeil 8 B Burnett 33365 33365277072JOE 277072JOE DOUGHTY 5 107 2 1 31 21 3 21 T OBrien J P Hirth 3 5 41 85 27712 CHARLES D 5 109 6 7 6 65 65 S Lindsay F G Altman 41 5 31 65 27677 THE CAXTON 3 100 8 6 51 52 2 45 Watson Talbot Bros 5 6 6 21 27786 C P JONES 5 101 1 43 42 41 41 55 Dale B L Jackson 6 12 12 5 27712 FURO 5 107 3 21 21 21 5U 63 Bemands W L Mower Co 15 30 30 12 27676 CHERRY HEAD 5 105 7 8 71 76 78 70 Dugan J C Ferris Jr 4663 27028 LOTTIE FORBES 4 100 9 9 9 9 9 81 Givens TWhalenCo 30 10010040 27179 ELSIE VENNEH 4 100 4 51 8 88 83 9 W Narvaez 8 T Gaines Bro 20 40 40 15 15Time Time 131 26 501 1 16t 1 43 43Winner Winner B g by Le Premier Bella F FWent Went to post at 303 At post 22 minutes Start good Won handily the next three driving Burnetts Walkaway was fortunate in getting out of an ugly jam which worried every other horse and had clear sailing Joe Doughty was well saved and bandied and ran bis race Charles D was probably best but was away badly and bumped at every stride He was much the bast horse at the end The Caxton was badly messed about in the stretch and can do better Furo showed early speed Overweights speedOverweights The Caxton 3 pounds poundsBurnetts Burnetts Walkaway show 3 to 5 Joe Doughty show 7 to 10 Charles D show 7 to 10 THIRD RACK 34 Mile Purse 500 2yearolds Allowances 27906 tnd Horses A Wt 8t H X StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 12 12 13 12 T OBrien Stubbs Broa 8 15 10 2 27242RUNNELS 113 3 2a 31 211 23 ONeil Hinde Baker 1 65 91025 9102527709TABY 27709TABY TO3A 105 4 31 2 3 3 Dugan 8 B Burnett 31 41 41 65 65277092HUNTER 277092HUNTER RAINE 103 2 5 B 5 41 Dale C E Jeffers Co 3 4 3 45 4527854SAMBO 27854SAMBO 103 5 41 42 42 5 Fauntleroy 8 W Streett 15 30 SO 8 8Time Time 13 25 49 102 115 115Winner Winner Ch f by Hermence Itinerant ItinerantWent Went to post at 349 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Wakita a fast beginner and in a lumbering field was in her stride and away before the others woke up ONeil cannot do a heavy headed horse like Bunnels justice and the colt did not run his race Dngan could not help Taby Tosa at the finish Hunter Kaine ran a poor race Sambo ran to the mark markWakita Wakita show 4 to 5 Runnels show out Taby Tosa show 1 to 2 Hunter Raine show 2 to 5 279O7 FOURTH HACK 34 Alile Purse f 500 3yearolds and upward Handicap ind Horses A Wt Bt M H X BtrFin Jockevs Ownara O H O P 278583JUDGE PETTU6 6 96 4 11 12 13 13 Lindsay J 8 Bratton 2 13513565 264193MI88 MAE DAY 4 96 2 2 23 21 2 Bell EB Kinder Co 31 31 11535 27523 VAN HOORBEKE4 98 3 42 41 31 33 ONeil J Huffman 12 20 20 4 4278563VEBIFY 278563VEBIFY 6 105 1 31 31 41 4 T OBrien J 8 Bratton 2 1351362 25461 AMPEBE 3 104 5 5555 Dale A Cahn 32 32 32 12 Coupled in straight betting Time 121 24 351 48 1 01 1 14 14Winner Winner B g by Carnegie Wild Buse by Abana AbanaWent Went to post at 4 19 At post 7 minutes Start good for all but Ampere which was all but left Won easily second driving Judge Pettus a fast beginner got out of the bunched field in a jiffy showed high speed and won without trouble Miss Mae Day ran a good race for a first time out in two months Van Hoorebeke did well under a poor ride Verify was not interested while Judge Pettus was safely leading Ampere was out of his stride at the start and was pulled up when the flag fell He made up a lot of ground and possibly was best bestJudge Judge Pottns show out Miss Mae Day show out Van Hoorebeke show evens Verify show 3 to 5 Ampere show out FIFTfl ACK O lS JFarlongs Purse350 3yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt Bt K M X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 27729 ELBE 4 102 9 32 31 IH 1 Givens J N Miller Co CoDE 26509 K1TTIE CLYDE DE 4 102 4 2 11 23 22 Dale T Sayers Co 10 10 1 1EMAN5 27785 MARG HAGEMAN5 EMAN5 102 2 61 41 43 31 Watson Talbot Bros 31 31 3 27030 TEMP8E 6 102 3 78 71 62 4 Ball J K Hughes 8 10 1 27818 DIAZ 3 97 6 41 53 SR 510 Lindsay W Mulkey 31 6 6 3 27218 EIGHT BELLS 6102 5 51 62 7 65 Fauntleroy G C Baker 10 10 5 85 27455 DE BLAI8E 5 104 1 12 22 51 7 Dugan F W Joplin 41 8 83 27866 TEUCEB 6 107 10 8 8 82 8 F Jones T C Watkins 6773 26812 MOO NE ITE 5 102 8 10 9 910 930 ONeil 8 B Burnett 50 100 80 SO 26761 SILVER BET 7 102 7 9 10 10 10 T OBrien D A Irons Co 10 25 15 6 Time 13 24 49 1 02 1 15 1 211 211Winner Winner B f by Balgowan Virgie D DWent Went to post at 454 At post 8 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second easily Elbe was very fit showed a lot of early speed and was best at the finish Kittio Clyde also ran a much improved race over her former displays She will probably bo a good mare from now on Marguerite Hageman ran a good race under a very ragged ride Tempae finished faak and was probably bast but Bell could not coax any early spaed out of her Eight Bella ran a dull race De Blaise showed some early speed Silver Set is in bad form formScratched Scratched 2767a2Miss Cooney 102 27866 Gratia 102 Elbe show 8 to 2 Kittle Clyde show 7 to 5 Marguerite Hagaman show 3 to 5 27909 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Belling nd Horses A Wt Bt X K BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P 27756 PROSPER LA GA13 97 6 61 61 52 1 11 ONeil W M WallacaCo 775 278243JOHN MOKTON 4 107 1 11 11 H 33 22 Dale W Mulkey 344 344278552ELEVEN 278552ELEVEN BELLS 4 103 4 21 21 23 22 311 T OBrien T A Davies 95 21 2 45 27869 BENHAM 8 107 3 S 4 41 43 43 Powell B L Seass 3 278683EMFYBEAL 3 94 2 7 7 62 52 5 Fauntleroy Perkins Co 5 27754 HINDOONET 6 112 7 52 31 SB 62 62 Blosa C A Tilles 6 8 1 27754 BYNCOP BANDY 3 102 5 4n 51 7 7 7 Lindsaj P Kuykendall 12 12 12 5 Time 13 251 38 50 1 03 1 151 1 29 1 421 Winner 421Winner Or c by Faraday Altivola AltivolaWent Went to post at 5 26 At post 9 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Prosper La Gai was the medium of a feverish plunge of small bettors and made good His price was very uneven some bettors saying that they got as good as 80 to 1 and many as good as 15 to 1 The official betting is given here The horse was much the best had all the worst of the racing luck was cut off jammed and generally ill used to the stretch where he came on and won draw ¬ ing away Eleven Bella did not meet with any mishaps Benham did his best Empyreal was badly bandied and did not run her race Hindoonet is in very poor condition and pulled up very lame lameScratched Scratched 27818 Prince Btonemonth 93 93Prosper Prosper La Gai show 6 to C Joka Morton 7 to 10 Eleven Bolls show 2 to