Brooklyn Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-25

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BROOKLYN FORM CHART. Q BAVESEND, I. I., September 84. Sixth day. Brooklyn Jockey Clnb. Fall Meeting. Weather clear ; track good. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. O Q f A O FIRST BACK 1 3- Miles. Over 7 Hurdles. 3-year-olda and npward. sUOjbJtYj The Kings highway Hurdle Handicap. ,000 added. nd HorsoB A Wt Bt 1 3 5 7 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28100 J. MEGIBBEN 6 138 1 21 21 21 11 12 Vi Barry A Shields 7 12 12 4 282053 MI88MITCHL5 134 4 31 33 4 31 211 25 Mara JEWidener 16-55 5 2 28205 M. SIMPSON 4 150 6 5b 51 31 43 3" 3 Hueston J H McCormick 5 10 8 3 282058EMEERIRA4 150 5 6 72 75 61 51 43 Veitch Mr Chamblett 4 5 5 8-5 274682SALE3MAN 6 135 7 41 41 62 5h 4b 5b Carson M Jordan 21 3 9-5 7-10 28278 C. JANUARY 4 135 3 12 13 U 21 65 6U Dayton C Pfizer 12 15 15 5 28292 T. BACHELOR 8 142 8 7 61 5a 710 730 7l00Qreen T Hitchcock Jr 3 6 6 2 27987 FAB1US 4 130 28 8 8 8 8 8 Houlahan W C Daly 20 50 50 15 Time, 3 :19. dinner Br. g, by Eberlee Battle Belle. Went to po9t at 2:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Wdh easily; second the same. Jim Megibben, which hopelessly trailed his field in his previous race, was a wild horse today and after waiting under a stiff pull on the pacemaker for a mile drew to front with ease and was much tbe best apparently. MisB Mitchell fenced in improved style and showing plenty of speed on the flat finished Btrongly. Matt Simpson also finished strongly after losing ground at every hurdle. Semper Ira was badly outrun today but closed a big gap iu the last half and was going: Btrongly at thn end. Salesman is evidently of very moderate calibre. Captain January is improving steadily and will be heard from. The Bachelor was outrun throughout. Scratched 28400 Charawind, 135. Jim Megibben, show, 2 to 1. Mies Mitchell, show, evens. Matt Simpson, show, 7 to 5, Salesman, fehow, 1 to 3. SECOND HACK About 3-4 Mile. 165 feet short. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Ind Horaea A Wt St jj X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28401 LORD QUEX 104 4 2i 31 2H 1 OConnor A Simons 4 5 16-56-5 28401 TSIBE8 HILL 109 1 H U 11 23 Wonderly WHSealey 11-521 21 1 28325 PORT ROYAL 117 5 4h 2h 32 3 Spencer J R and F P Keene 12 15 15 6 28325 OTIS 124 2 31 11 43 42 Cochran B Schreiber 31 6 6 2 283992FLORA POMONA 118 3 5h 5 53 5H J Woods J W Schorr 4 6 5 2 28401 HIGHLANDER 120 8 8 8 8 63 McCue R T Wilson Jr 10 12 10 4 28154 JOHEPHA 116 6 61 6H 62 72 Booker D Gideon 8 12 12 5 28348 CARROLL D. 101 7 Vi 7h 71 81 Brennan W C Daly 30 60 60 20 28127CRYPTOGRAM 107 9 9 9 9 9 Slack FR Hitchcock 15 30 30 10 Time, 11, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:10. Winner Br. c, by Ingoldsby 8ankara. Went to post at 2:45. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Lord Qnex, perfectly handled, lay in behind the pacemaker with plenty of reserve speed to the stretch where by dint of vigorous riding be managed to beat the weakly handled and best horse in Tribes Hill in the last stride. Port Royal carried wide on the turns, finished well after showing a fine burst of speed and ran in greatly improved form and may develop into a good one this fall. Otis, well np to tbe stretch, failed to stick at the end. Thct weight evidently stopped him. Flora Pomona ran gamely, but was unable to concede the weight. Highlander closed a gap and was going well in the stretch. Josepha was repeatedly pulled up on the backstretch, being givon a very incompetent ride. Scratched 284013 Chilton, 123; 28348 Father Wentkar, 111. Overweights Lord Quex, 2 pounds; Carroll D., 1. Lord Qnex, show, 7 to 10. Tribes Hill, Bhow, 3 to 5. Port Royal, show, 3 to 1. 8L5 1 THIgi RACE 1 1-10 Blllee. 00 added. 3-year-olde and npward. Selling.. Ind Horses A Wt St M H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P ?6786LUr!KY STAR 7 105 7 4n 611 6h 2h HI T Burns M Finlen 8 12 10 4 162793ALPEN 5 106 6 511 3a 21 HI 2 Cochran J J McCafferty 4 6 5 2 28352 DOLANDO 8 105 2 31 41 3a 31 3H Shaw FFarrell 6 8 6 21 28404 K. OF GARTER 7 106 3 2h 11 m 42 4 OConnor P S P Randolph 4 7 6 21 2739J3ANIM08ITY 3 94 4 7a 71 52 5a 52 Michaels J A Bennett 10 15 8 3 283842VESUVIA. 3 96 11 85 811 8 71 6a Wonderly R G Tower 21 5 4 8-5". 28384 MAXIMO GOMEZ 6 105 5 91 9 9 8 72 J Woods WHBpence 6 8 8 3 28381 HIMSELF 3 103 10 6H 5 4a 61 82 D OConnorW C Daly 60 100 60 20 28255 HARRY MCOUN 4 106 9 10 10 10 10 9 Booker E A Nnidig 100 300 200 60 28275 DISTURBER 5 107 1 HI 21 71 9 10 81ack W Lewis 40 100 100 80 26623 ROXANE 4 108 8 Fell. Odom J Offut 4 5 16-56-5 Time, 24, 48, 1:146, 1:41, 1:48. . Winner Br. g, by Friar Tuck Keepsake. Went to post at 3:25. At post 10 minutes. Start fair. Won handily; second driving. Lucky Star, in a pocket and jumping on horses in front of him for six fnrlongs. found an opening in the stretch. Here he went to the front quickly. Alpen was a good horse after a couple of years retirement and may have been short. He Bhould improve as he always Bhowed to good advantage on a heavy track. Dolando, lucky and cleverly ridden, finished strongly. Knight of the Garter Bulked on tha stretch turn and came again at the end. Animosity Buffered in a bad mixup on the first turn. Yesuvia got off badly and met with bo much interference throughout the race that she did not have a chance. Maximo Gomez was knocked about on the first turn but failed to ehow any high speed. Disturber beat the gate but shut up after going a good half. Roxanes jockey fell off at the start. She had worked a mile in 1:40 flat for this race. Scratched-28404 Hammock, 110; 28430 Alfred Vargrave, 109; 275973Trebor, 104. Overweights VeBuvia, 2 pounds. Lucky Star, show, 2 to 1. Alpen, show, 6 to 5. Dolando, show, 8 to 5. Veauvia, show, evens,. Roxane, show, 3 to 5. TO TO FOURTH RACE-5-8 Mile." 2-year-oldB. Fillies. SeUIng. SOtJbO The Albemarle Stakes. ,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St M K X StrFin Jockeys Ownera Q H C P 282273PROPHET1C 104 1 23 22 1h h Shaw J R Keene 3 41 4 8-5 284033LADY STERLING 98 3 41 4 311 21 Wonderly W C Daly 5 8 7 21 28380 ZIRL 94 2 la la 23 31 J Martin B Schreiber 5 8 7 21 28296 ASCENSION 94 8 9 9 5a 41 Michaels C Oxx 7 8 8 3 283503OCTOROON 104 9 5 51 4a 51 Mounce A Belmont 10 20 15 6 28294 FEME SOLE 104 7 8 8 8 61 Cochran J J McCafferty 2 21 8-5 3-5 28350VLADY GODIVA 92 6 71 71 71 7 T BurnB W C Whitney 6 8 8 3 28350 PEARL FINDER 107 11 62 6a 61 86 Odom Pepper Stable 12 30 20 8 28182 SEDITION 89 4 31 31 9 91 Thompson T Monahan 60 100 100 30 28202 DESTITUTE 99 10 10 10 10 10 Smith J Churchill 10 100 50 20 WILD BESS 106 5 11 11 11 llio OConnor A Featherstone 10 30 20 8 28182 LIESCHEN , 89 12 12 12 12 12 Creamer W T Ryan 30 100 50 20 i Time, 23and, 86, 48, 1 :01. Winner Ch f, by Kingston Setreaa. BROOKLYN FORM CHART-CONTINUED. j Went to post at 3:55. At post 30 minutes. Start straggling. Won driving; second the same. Prophetic beat the gate and was perfectly ridden. Lady Sterling was benefited by the long delay at the post and finished like a whirlwind. She is a good filly anywhere and especially over a distance and on a heavy track. Zirl ran a fine race, showed plenty of spaed and Btuck to her work well. Ascension closed a big gap from a bad start. Octoroon was bearing out in the stretch and carried Feme Sole with her. The latter had practically no chance at the start, showed temper at the post and refused to break. Lady Godiva is a slow beginner and wants a longer race. She was pocketed and shut off and never had a chance from the start. Overweights Pearl Finder, 3 pounds. , , Prophetic, show, 4 to 5. Lady Bterling, show, 7 to 5. Zirl, show, 8 to 5. Feme Sole, show, 1 to 3. FIFTH HACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 00 added. All ages. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St 14. X X StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 28383 LOUI8VILLE 4 103 3 4i 4a 2i 23 In Wonderly McCkleandMahone 5 10 10 4 282933 RED PAT H 4 110 2 2i 21 31 3a 2H T Burns T Hitchcock Jr 5 10 8 3 28294 LOM.BRE 2 85 10 8a 8 8 4b SH Michaels Mrs R Roche 12 25 20 8 28154 GUNFIRE 2 95 5 li la 12 1 4 J Martin W C Whitney 10 10 6 2 28381 THE AMAZON 4 105 8 10 10 10 9 5 Mounce P S P Randolph 10 15 12 5 28251 TODDY 4 112 7 93 9 9 5a 6a Bpencer J R Eeene 31 5 5 2 28384 BAH.FRIETCHIE3 92 1 31 31 5" 61 76 J Daly M Van Praag and Co 12 20 20 8 283233 J AN I OR 3 106 6 5 6a 71 71 82 J Woods G B Morris 8 10 10 4 28384 GLENGAR 5 88 9 61 51 4a 8 9 Cochran J J McCafferty 20 50 30 10 283513KINNIKINNICK 7 106 4 71 71 6 10 10 Shaw T J Healey 3 16-5 8 1 Time, 24, 48and, 1 :11H, 1 :40and, 1 MH. Winner B. f, by Loantaka Virulent. Went to post at 4:50. At post 14 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Louisville got a lucky start, was saved in a good position to the stretch turn where she came on strongly and appeared to be winning rather easily but was brought to a drive to stall off Bed-paths rush right at the end. The latter came again after having apparently retired beaten on the far turn. Staying is Lombres forto. He closed an immense gap from a bad start and had to overcome costly interference on the first turn besides. Gunfire was a good filly sadly mishandled and never had a moments respite from her jockeys hustling tactics, The Amazon must be in extra good form to recover the lot of ground lost to her from interference on the first turn. Toddy finished woll. Barbara Frietchie held her own with the good oneB. Janice quit badly in the last quarter and so did Einnikinnick. Scratched-281833Eamara, 113; 284283 Paul Clifford, 111. Overweights Toddy 1 1 pound. Louisville, show, 2 to 1. Redpath, show, 8 to 5. Lombre, show, 4 to 1. Einnikinnick, show, 3 to 5. 4 j Q A pr SIXTH RACK About 3-4 Mile. 165 feet short. 00 added. 3-year-olds. Of-Q4r: Maidens. Allowances. Ind Homes A Wt St X, X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28353 ILIUM lbTl 23 23 22 12 J Woods J H McCormick 10 15 7 2i 28S53 IRENE LIND8EY 109 1 12 11 la 23 BeauchampJ W Smyth 20 40 80 8 279882 WEALTH 109 6 41 Si 31 32 Cochran Albemarle Stable 1 6-5 7-101-3 28S533ELEGY 109 4 51 41 5a 42 Odom J B Haggin 6 7 6 2 2835328COTCH BUSH 109 5 71 71 71 51 Wonderly W H Sealey 8 41 4 6-5 282783LAMP OLEE 112 7 3a 51 4a 61 OConnor A Featherstone 10 25 20 6 28353 ARAE 109 9 8 S 8M Smith Oneck Stable 15 25 20 6 267983BOBS 112 2 6a 6a 6 8 Mounce J E Madden 12 20 20 8 24946 LADY GEORGIANA 109 8 9 9 9 96 McGinn Pepper 8table 50 100 50 15 28384 WELSH GIRL 109 10 10 10 10 10 T Burns W C Hayes SO 100 100 SO Time, 11, 23, 48, 1:0 1:10. Winner B. g, by Sensation Ilogo. Went to post at 5:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Ilium waited under a pull on Irene Lindsey to the strotcb, where he ran past her with eaBe. The letters improvement was startling. These two appeared to have a monopoly of the speed in this race. Wealth ran an unexpectedly poor race for a filly as highly tried and in glaring contrast to her second to Ogden in her only appearance. Unless the first two have tremendously improved those which finished behind them today without exception ran in unaccountably bad form. Scratched 21817 Miss Almi, 109. Ilium, show, evens. Irene Lindsey, show, 3 to 1. Wealth, show, out. Scotch Bush, show, 1 to 2.

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Local Identifier: drf1901092501_1_3
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