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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART. ST. LOUIS, MO., September 84. Soventy-Becond day. Dolmar Park Jockey Club. Summer Minting, clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, P, A. Brady. Starter, A, B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m.. 2 -4-3 FIRST RACK 5-8 Mile. Puree 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. lnd Horses AWt Bt i4 K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0P 26756 KEGEL ICO 3 12 Vi 11 1" ONeil P M Civill 12 20 20 5 28335 TENN1E F. 105 1 58 51 2 22 T OBrien Fizer and Co 2 2 6-5 2-5 285852JOHN STORM 105 5 2k 2 3h 3k Dale Talbot Bros 6-5 2 9-5 1-2 283353 W Y AP PER 105 2 3 43 43 42 Fauntloroy 8 B Burnett 6 10 9 21 28335 LITTLE MASTER 100 4 42 jh pn 5 Lindsay Hughes and Elliott 12 20 20 6 28335 HUCENA 110 6 6 6 0 6 JHothersllPack and Reid 20 20 10 3 Time, 1 1,25, 491,1:021. Winner Cli. c, by Balgowan Misa Howard. Went to post at -:S0. At post 6 minutes, btart good. Won driving; second easily. Kegel, off well, ran a good race sua kept his position until the end. Tennie F., off slowly and later in a pocket, was "i,uiy the best and should have won. When she got clear sailing she finished fast and would vn-u iu another stride. John Storm ran well in the first part of the race, but weakened wb-n the test cinie. The others had no mishaps and ran their races, Kegel, shu , 2 to 1. Tomio F., show, out. John Storm, Bhow, out. 2Stl:G2 BE0iND HACS-5 x"2 "rtongs. Psurse5100. 2-year-olds. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt Bt X X X citrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8311 MAN 92 2 1 12 1h l ONeil W W Jackson 6 6 5 2i tlct. 7T11BERLAKE 103 7 21 21 23 2 Irvin M Deatherage 15 15 12 6 28215 1HOUia 92 5 63 5 5a 3h J OConnor G H Moore 20 20 20 8 28386 VARNER 98 6 81 82 72 4 Lindsay R R Rice 31 5 41 8-5 28387 JIM SCANLAN 93 4 3 42 43 53 Wainwght P Tomlinson and C06 13 13 5 28218 HAL.MI8 100 1 43 3h 3a 6 FauntleroyK Stone 5 5 4 9-5 28336 CORINNE C. 101 8 5h 72 G 715 Dale F Goring 3 3 3 6-5 27516 OTON CLAY 1C1 3 72 62 85 83 R Murphy Martin and Patton 20 40 40 15 26656 SARAH Bo aCK IOu 9 S3 9-0 tj 95 Powell Murphy and Farley 20 40 40 15 266733DR. V.OKiii loO 10 10 10 10 10 W Narvaez G B Sayre 4 10 8 3 Time, 13, 211, 49, 1 :02i, 1 :08i. Winner B. c, by Aintroa Mnndolin. Went to post at 3:03. Ai pott 8 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Man and Mr. Timberlake fought it out all the way the former outstaying the latter slightly. Mr. Timberlake easily held tne Gtti-jrs safe. Irosuta showed a flash of early speed, Corinne C. ran a poor race and can do bjlttr. Man, show, 6 to 5. aii. Timberlake, show, 3 to 1. IroBUta, show, 4 to 1. Halmie, show, evens. Corinne C, show, 3 to 5j " TniRD RACfa -7-8 MUe. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. lnd Horses a Wt St 34 Yt X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 2703028AM LaZaRUS 5 107 3 1 1 31 23 Ik JHothersll T A Gay and Co 6 10 10 4 2S243EUTERPE 5 104 5 51 51 611 32 2H T OBrien UZDeArman 8-5 2 2 1 28243 ELSIE BARNES 7 104 1 31 3il 11 1" 31 ONeil W H Billings 10 15 15 6 267611ANTOLEE 3 104 9 101 101 9 6 42 Bell MandW LDtheragelO 15 15 6 28310 DIAZ 3 98 6 81 91 10 5a 53 D Hall W Mulkey 10 20 20 6 28361 HEN GIST 3 104 4 42 4a 4" 41 611 Aker F Burke 10 10 10 4 284112FLYING EAGLE 3 91 7 92 118 H8 it 72 WinwrightP McGuire 40 60 60 20 27754 ADiltL SCHLEY 5 107 11 11 81 82 93 8 Lindsay G B Williams 20 30 16 6 283902BYNCUP. BANDY 3 107 10 6s 6 52 7a 95 Givens P Kuykendall 5 5 5 2 28340 DELSARiE 6 106 it 12 12 12 12 10 Dale T Bayers 6 6 6 2 282392T WO ANNIES 4 104 2 21 2a 21 81113 W Narvaez WoodmanandFinley 10 30 30 12 28390 HARDLY 6 107 8 71 72 71 113 12 Powell Brumfleld and Co 6 7 7 21 Time, 121, 211, 481, 1:15, 1:28. Winner Ch. h, by Glenolg -Tecalote. Went to post at 3:37. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Bam Lazarus was a good iiurto today and won cleverly. Euterpe was interfered with twice and ran a good raco. Elsie Barnes also ran a good race and was there all the way. Antolee began slowly and finished strongly. Diazran an extra good race for him. Hengist was in bad form today. Hardly seemingly could not get up an ordinary gallop. Overweights Delsarte, 2 pounds. Bam Lazavus, show, 2 to 1. Euterpe, show, 1 to 2. Elsie Barnes, show, 3 to 1. FOURTH RACE 5 1-8 gnrlonga. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Belling. lnd Horses A Wt Bt M K X BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H O P 28387 LOUIS WAGNER 101 1 22 22 22 11 T OBrien L Thompson 3 10 8 3" 28387 LADY BROCK WAY 97 4 12 12 12 21 R Murphy E L Liger 2 3 13-56-5 283861KAFFIK 106 8 82 7 51 3" Aker T P Hayes 9-5 11-511-51 28413 LILLIAN M. 112 9 51 43 3a 411 Patton F M Connor 6 10 8 3 28439 MARIA isLENA 92 3 7 31 61 5 ONeil J C Ohio 10 12 12 5 283873FUGU RTH A lc4 5 6s 63 4a 63 Givens WM Rogers 5 10 10 4 28386 ALEDA 7 7 43 83 9 72 Bell P C Levering 6 20 20 8 28387 M18S GAINES 92 6 9 9 82 82 J OConnor 8 T Gaines and Bro 20 30 SO 12 283872 ANNA ELLIOTT 106 2 Sa 5a 72 9 Dalo 8 Pack 5 7 7 21 Time, 12, 24, 49, 1 :03, 1 :09. Winner Ch. c, by Wagner Marchma. Went to p s; at 4:07. at post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Louis Wagner, cleveny rutod, made hiB run at the right time and won going away. LadyBrockway showed early BDeed, out after going five furlongs weakened and did well to save second place. Kaffir was badly cut oil soon after flag fall, but raced all around his field and finished resolutely. Lillian M. had bad luck at the start and Patton used bad judgment in making up a lot of ground too rapidly, tfugnrtha was cut off at the three eighths post and was forced to take the outside route in the Louis Wagner, uliow, 8 to 5. Lady Brockway, show, 3 to 5. Kaffir, show, 1 to 2. FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 fllliea. Purso 5400. 3-year-oldg and upward. Belling. g 0 Ind florsoa A Wt St St and Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 1 283913T. 1NCOGN1TA5 114 9 6a 5k 4" 43 11 1 Dale L Lemp 2 2 8-5 3-5 8417 AUREA 4 103 2 4a 61 71 52 55 23 Aker J W Forman 5 10 10 4 WJ2SAT1N COAT 3 99 7 7 7H 61 3" 22 3 Ball Hughes and Elliott 21 3 9-5 3-5 28412 BANQUO II. 7 106 5 2a 21 22 Hi 32 41 Lindsay T A Davies 10 17 17 7 8287 8CORPLETTE3 90 8 51 41 31 2 41 55 ONeil S T Gaines and Bro 15 20 20 8 284173CEYLON 4 100 3 8 9 Z 8 61 65 Michaels H Simons and Co 6 7 7 21 282173 J. DOUGHTY 5 105 4 9 8a 9 9 72 71 Lowe J P Hirth 20 50 50 15 28391 TOM G1LMRE4 106 6 3a 3h 51 61 88 820 T OBrien J J Whitesides 10 80 30 8 28339 M. WAYMAN 6 104 1 H 11 1" 71 9 9 T Walker J S Bratton 20 20 10 4 Time, 13, 251, 501, 1:16, 1:42, 1:56. Winner Ch. g, by Terra Cotta Utopia. Went to post at 4:31. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second the same. Terra Incognita was best and best ridden. Aurea came to life with startling suddenness. She would have won with a good rido. Satin Coat ran out at the stretch turn but could not have done better. Banqno II. cannot run in front and win. Monk Wayman showed speed and will do Bh Scratched-28164 Anxious, 91; 28441 Waldeck, 106. Overweights Joe Doughty, 2 pounds. Terra Incognita, show, ont. Aurea, show, 2 to 1. 8atin Coat, Bhow, out. SIXTH RACK 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olda and upward. Selling. "0 Ind Horses A Wt St K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 28T913PERCY R. 6 107 4 21 H 13 12 11 Powell L Lewis 4 15 51 Pi" 28417 BS WALKAWAY 3 93 8 9 61 31 41 22 ONeil 8 B Burnett 6 8 8 3 - 27001 L. OF THE WEST 6 103 1 61 91 92 71 31 Dugan J C Ferris Jr 6 12 12 5 281163NEKARNIS 6 107 2 51 5 51 3H 4 Lindsay T A Davies 2 31 81 6-5 841DFA1RBURY 3 97 3 1 21 2 2a 5 Bell R W Marks and Co 20 50 50 20 28391 TEA GOWN 3 10110 10 10 10 8" 61 Howell Cole and Co 4 4 4 8-5 278702BARRICA 4 107 9 815 88 88 53 73 Dale D J Sullivan 2 31 31 6-5 281643NEL. HELMUTH 3 97 7 7a 71 7 93 8 R Murphy Wheeler and Co 15 15 15 6 26300 VERY LIGHT 5 103 5 3 43 43 61 98 T Walker J 8 Bratton 60 100 100 40 27363 LEFT BOWER 4 106 6 4 31 6110 10 Aker D Laird 20 50 50 20 Time, 131, 25, 49i, 1:16, 1:13. Winner Ch. g, by Rataplan Quiver. Went to liost at 4:23. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Percy R. was "Hawkins horse" today and won all the way. Burnetts Walkaway had a stormy journey and ran a good race. Lady of the West began slowly, but finished strongly. 8he will about do the next time out in such company. Nekarnis was a spsctator. Fairbury did well for seven furlongs. Barrica ran like a blooming red lobster. Very Light was in for a work. Scratched 28391 Ben OFallon, 107; 28361 Janowood, 101. Percy R., Bhow, 3 to 5. Burnetts Walkaway, show, 7 to 5. Lady of the West, show, 2 to 1. Nekarnis, show, 3 to 5. Tea Gown, show, 7 to 10. Barrica, show, 3 to 5.