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I IJSOIQEEE 5IAKE8. On linan papsr, artistically edged in colon, tnlsd and arranged for six gonsrationa of aire nd dami of indiridnali and their anaoatcrii Zetn asnti each, .09 per dosen, .59 par haa. andraand. No OTner of a atallion should bs Vfith. ?ts a snandpbr. DAILY RACING FORM. tW-tre Plfih Awann. OMeagO I . LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheats and coverejfor local form are on salt by 8 :S0 p.m. of each racing day at ths following nawsstandB : Auditorium Annex. Victoria Hotel. Great Northern Hotel. Wellington Hotel. Palmer House. Lexington Hotal. P. V. Fitzpatrick, 22nd street. J. J. Bastian, 989 W. Madison street Henry Fash, 516 W, Madiion street