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C0AC0A20-I. GONFALON 3-1. SILK CORD 6-1. EL GHOR 8-1. All our subscribers receive information like the above every day. Wo know of several good things that will be cut loose at Harlem today and tomorrow. TODAY we have one that will be at least 4 f JLbw 4 AND WIIX Sm. V TCaJ I VIN EASY. WEDNESDAY 15-1 OR BETTER. We are in grand winning form. Try us and be a sure winner. TERMS: DAILY. WEEKLY. Chicago Information Co. ROOM 708, 225 DEARBORN ST., TEL. 3161 HARRISON. CHICAGO, Special-TODAY- Special Nothing was advertised as good things yesterday. The fields were ungainly and jockeys that are capable were scarce. TO DAY we have two that cannot lose, barring accidents. Remember the Harlem season is nearing a close and getaway money badly needed by numerous owners that we are in touch with. .00 WeeKly. Wired at 10 a.m. The American Handicappers, Reynolds and Co. 73, 119 Dearborn Street. SOFT LVIONEIY! Sure winnerB at Harlem and Worth. Last week we gave fourteen specials at Harlem. Twelve won at odds rangeing from 5 to 1 to 30 to 1. Testertlay We Gave Two: COACOA, SILK CORD. We can make yon rich. To prove it we will send onr specials six days FREE. Send your ADDRESS GOLDEN ROD HANDICAP, Room 7, 111 N. Clark St,, - Chicago. Bunco-Broncho Information Co. With two dead races I made- good my promise, counting Bonnie Lissak, 2nd, a place. I Oliver Mc.;i2-5-2to I, for a good bet, special. Gonfalon, 5-1, will surely pass the tired sprinters at head of stretch and win for the limit bet. Advertised special Speed Stakes TODAY ONE TODAY ODDS 6 TO 20 TO I. Will guarantee this mortal pipe to run 1-2, regardless of jockey, or refund your money. Also two specials, odds 2 to 6 to 1. Should it rain I promise the best thing of the meeting. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY I have beyond any question of doubt another 100 to 1 If thrown out it will open the Worth meeting, first day and if it dont run 1-2 I will forfeit three special wires to any part of the world. Attention. Mtt . I WILL PRINT A DOUBLE SHEET FOR RAIN OR SHINE DAILY. ATTENTION to Out of City Clients-For my 17 uncovered prepared extraordinary rame for each wire a eaU WlrG fr mo and mail me the winnings of SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS "WITH ALL RACES .T0 SIX SPECIALS FOR 0 OR FOR ONE. Wired to any part of the world. Mav require two weeks to deliver, as only wire horses of odds not hot favorites. " BOutheast corner Clakand MadisonBta. Also on sale t Bed I Hot Stand at track COL. J C. WOOTERS, Mgr., 94 Lincoln Ave. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU. TURF CORRESPONDENTS. TUESDAY OUR ADVERTISED EXTRA SPECIAL GOOD THING STARTS Is entered in a very easy race and, barring accidents, will win easy We Expect 40- on this Good Thins The easy manner in which this horse will win will surprise yon. In fart th rD j as run and won, according to the private trial this horse had lundpy. We are vwv SlnHhl TWENTY-TWO STRAIGHT WINNERS LAST WEEK AT HARLEM Odds averaged 6 to 1. 70 won last week with 0 bets for onr clients. Try for week. You will never regret it. us a day y or r a a WEDNESDAY 25 to 1 GETAWAY DAY GOOD THINr 1 H1INO TERMS: .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY Race Track Information Bureau, 263-269 Dearborn St AlsosoldatKolman, 2-BUARANTEED SPECIALS TODAY-2 I have several good things that are good anrt safn tn nlo ia at good odds-rain or shine. TODAY sheetVi.Oo! YESTERDAYS SHEET - 1 The Giver, fell; Mazo, 4-1, won; Evelyn Byrd, 3rd; Constel-lator, 3-1; Hildreth entry, 4-1; Emathion, Silk Cord, 8-1 won; Bonnie Lissak, 4-1, 2nd. LARGE DOINGS WEDNESDAY 10-1 5-1 SHOT . EXTRA SPECIAL COMES OFF. PRICE .00. Note: officwSlmv-sppiA?8.? ?aPnot have sheet dalivereWdlrbTore uSSSS? AtoAffigaSfr F Morrison, Palmer House Hotels cigar stands, and U.B barber shop, 95 South Clark St. Als on sale at tk fruU stand Ex-Jockey Vie Britton 731"733 335 DEARBORN STREET. TO HORSEMFN- Th u Commencing November 2, I will wire spscials as they come off direct direct from frnm pi;f desiring California. samq sand nam anH nddrwss. Those Guaranteed : : Inside : : Information I am in position to give a few reliable bettor3 information ,, WIIWII My connections are such that I know when certain houses nn rX C SnL hor.aea a month-WILL WIN. I will be plasd to call on you and I eubmU a prooosufnn are Lmu bi7In andScidanii Address, Walter C. Curtis, General Delivery, Chicago.